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This page is about a tactic informally called "milling". For the card Mill, see Mill.

Milling a card is reducing a Supply pile without changing the state of your deck, by trashing a card and immediately gaining another copy of the same card—especially ProvinceProvince.jpgs or ColoniesColony.jpg. Milling Provinces and Colonies accelerates the end of the game, putting pressure on players who are trailing in score, since they both have less time to catch up to the leader and have fewer Victory cards left in the Supply to catch up with.

Milling is typically achieved with remodelers such as RemodelRemodel.jpg, ButcherButcher.jpg, ForgeForge.jpg, and ReplaceReplace.jpg. The trash-for-benefit card SalvagerSalvager.jpg also enables milling, and the Event Salt the EarthSalt the Earth.jpg has a similar effect.

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