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[[Image:Smithy.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Smithy]], a terminal draw card.]]

'''Terminal draw''' cards—[[Action]] cards that increase the number of cards in hand but are [[terminal]]—can be a core component of [[engine]]s when supplied with sufficient [[villages]] because they can enable you to draw most or all of your deck each turn as a form of [[deck control]]. If a [[Kingdom]] is missing important components for an engine, certain terminal draw cards (for example {{Card|Wharf}} or {{Card|Gear}}) are good enablers of a [[Money strategy|money-based strategy]]. In both cases terminal draw aids deck [[cycling]], helping new buys get shuffled into the deck sooner.
The chief danger of terminal draw cards is their ability to draw other Action cards you are unable to play; these Action cards are said to be drawn [[dead]].
Terminals that provide +3 Cards or more are sometimes referred to as {{Card|Smithy}} variants, after the simplest [[vanilla]] terminal draw card.
== List of terminal draw cards ==
{{Way|Way of the Chameleon}} from [[Menagerie (expansion)|Menagerie]] can turn most {{Cost}}-[[virtual coin|generating Action]] cards into terminal draw and vice versa.
Cards in ''italics'' have been [[removed]].
=== Cards providing +3 Cards or more ===
* [[Dominion (base set)|Dominion]]: {{Card|Council Room}}, {{Card|Smithy}}
* [[Intrigue]]: {{Card|Nobles}} (''optional''), {{card|Patrol}}, {{Card|Torturer}}
* [[Seaside]]: {{Card|Wharf}} (gives +2 Cards twice)
* [[Prosperity]]: {{Card|Rabble}}
* [[Hinterlands]]: {{Card|Margrave}}
* [[Dark Ages]]: {{Card|Catacombs}}, {{Card|Hunting Grounds}}
* [[Guilds & Cornucopia]]: {{Card|Journeyman}}
* [[Adventures]]: {{Card|Haunted Woods}}
* [[Empires]]: {{card|Wild Hunt}} (''optional'')
* [[Nocturne]]: {{card|Pooka}} (dependent on treasing a [[Treasure]]), {{Card|Tragic Hero}}, {{card|Werewolf}} (''conditional'')
* [[Renaissance]]: {{card|Old Witch}}, {{card|Swashbuckler}}
* [[Menagerie (expansion)|Menagerie]]: {{card|Barge}}, {{card|Wayfarer}}
* [[Allies]]: {{Card|Emissary}} (if you didn't need to shuffle), {{Card|Highwayman}}, {{Card|Stronghold}} (''optional'')
* [[Plunder (expansion)|Plunder]]: {{card|Crew}}, {{card|Pilgrim}}
* [[Rising Sun]]: {{Card|Aristocrat}} (''conditional''), {{Card|Imperial Envoy}}
* [[Promo]]: {{Card|Envoy}}, {{Card|Avanto}} (if you don't have a {{Card|Sauna}} in hand)
=== Small draw with filtering ===
These cards only provide a total of 2 cards, but allow some filtering or sifting to help you draw the cards you want.
* [[Dominion]]: ''{{Card|Adventurer}}''
* [[Intrigue]]: {{Card|Courtyard}}
* [[Hinterlands]]: ''{{Card|Embassy}}'', ''{{Card|Oracle}}'', {{card|Witch's Hut}}
* [[Plunder (expansion)|Plunder]]: {{card|Mapmaker}}
=== Cards providing +2 Cards ===
These cards' principal functions are usually something other than terminal draw.
* [[Dominion]]: {{Card|Moat}}, {{Card|Witch}}
* [[Intrigue]]: {{Card|Masquerade}}, {{Card|Steward}} (''optional''), {{card|Diplomat}} (''sometimes non-terminal'')
* [[Seaside]]: ''{{Card|Ghost Ship}}'', {{card|Sea Witch}}
* [[Prosperity]]: {{Card|Vault}}
* [[Dark Ages]]: {{Card|Cultist}} (can be [[Glossary#C|chained]] and thereby effectively be non-terminal), {{Card|Sir Destry}}
** {{Card|Mercenary}} gives +2 Cards but also trashes two cards
* [[Guilds & Cornucopia]]: {{card|Courser}} (''optional''), ''{{Card|Followers}}'', ''{{Card|Trusty Steed}}'' (''optional'')
* [[Adventures]]: {{Card|Warrior}}, {{Card|Gear}}
* [[Nocturne]]: {{Card|Faithful Hound}}, {{card|Imp}} (dependent on your card in hand and in play)
* [[Renaissance]]: {{card|Lackeys}}, {{Card|Silk Merchant}}, {{Card|Recruiter}}
** All these Renaissance cards provide ways of getting [[Villager]]s, which may be used to make them [[non-terminal]]
* [[Menagerie (expansion)|Menagerie]]: {{card|Black Cat}}, {{card|Sheepdog}}, {{way|Way of the Otter}}
* [[Allies]]: {{card|Blacksmith}} (''optional'')
* [[Plunder (expansion)|Plunder]]: {{card|Figurine}} is a [[Treasure]], so formally not a terminal action; but when it is played normally in your Buy phase it does not allow you to play the Actions you draw.
* [[Rising Sun]]: {{card|Mountain Shrine}} (''conditional'')
**{{card|Ninja}} provides +1 Card, but since you can play it from outside your hand it has a similar effect to an ordinary +2 cards.
==== Draw-to-x ====
Certain terminal Actions [[Draw-to-x|draw up to a specified handsize]]. These are especially useful against [[handsize attack|handsize attacks]] or other cards that can reduce handsize between turns, and in engines with handsize-reducing components such as {{Card|Festival}} and {{Card|Hamlet}}.
* [[Dominion]]: {{Card|Library}}—up to 7
* [[Prosperity]]: {{Card|Watchtower}}—up to 6
* [[Hinterlands]]: {{Card|Jack of all Trades}}—up to 5
* [[Renaissance]]: {{Card|Scholar}}—discards your hand and draws 7 cards
* [[Menagerie (expansion)|Menagerie]]: {{way|Way of the Owl}}—up to 6
* [[Allies]]: {{card|Blacksmith}}—up to 6 (''optional'')
* [[Rising Sun]]: {{card|Ronin}}—up to 7
==== Other ====
* [[Prosperity]]: {{card|Magnate}} draws a number of cards equal to the number of [[Treasure]]s in your hand.
* [[Hinterlands]]:
** {{Card|Crossroads}} draws cards depending on the number of [[Victory]] cards in hand (but is [[non-terminal]] the first time it is played each turn).
** {{card|Guard Dog}} draws 4 cards if played from a small starting hand, but only 2 cards if played from a larger hand.
* [[Cornucopia & Guilds]]:
** {{card|Carnival}} draws up to four cards, but can't draw multiple copies of the same card.
** {{card|Housecarl}} draws cards equal to the number of differently-named [[Action]]s you have in play.
* [[Adventures]]: {{Card|Ranger}} - draws 5 cards every other play for an average of 2.5 cards per play.
* [[Empires]]: {{Card|Royal Blacksmith}} - effective handsize increase depends on the amount of {{Card|Copper}} in your deck.
* [[Allies]]: {{card|Broker}} can draw cards depending on what card is trashed with it.
* [[Allies]]: {{card|Marquis}} - effective handsize increase depends on your starting handsize.
* [[Plunder (expansion)|Plunder]]: {{card|Maroon}} draws a number of cards depending on the number of [[type]]s a trashed card has.
===Drawing three or more cards===
{{startsort|1}}{{Image|Aristocrat|cost=$3}}{{Image|Avanto|cost=$5}}{{Image|Barge|cost=$5}}{{Image|Catacombs|cost=$5}}{{Image|Council Room|link=Council Room|file=Council_Room|cost=$5}}{{Image|Emissary|cost=$5}}{{Image|Envoy|cost=$4}}{{Image|Haunted Woods|link=Haunted Woods|file=Haunted_Woods|cost=$5}}{{Image|Highwayman|cost=$5}}{{Image|Hunting Grounds|link=Hunting Grounds|file=Hunting_Grounds|cost=$6}}{{Image|Imperial Envoy|link=Imperial Envoy|file=Imperial_Envoy|cost=$5}}{{Image|Journeyman|cost=$5}}{{Image|Margrave|cost=$5}}{{Image|Nobles|cost=$6}}{{Image|Old Witch|link=Old Witch|file=Old_Witch|cost=$5}}{{Image|Patrol|cost=$5}}{{Image|Pooka|cost=$5}}{{Image|Rabble|cost=$5}}{{Image|Smithy|cost=$4}}{{Image|Stronghold|cost=$6}}{{Image|Swashbuckler|cost=$5}}{{Image|Torturer|cost=$5}}{{Image|Tragic Hero|link=Tragic Hero|file=Tragic_Hero|cost=$5}}{{Image|Wayfarer|cost=$6*}}{{Image|Wharf|cost=$5}}{{Image|Werewolf|cost=$5}}{{Image|Wild Hunt|link=Wild Hunt|file=Wild_Hunt|cost=$5}}{{endsort}}
===Drawing two cards===
{{startsort|2}}{{Image|Black Cat|link=Black Cat|file=Black_Cat|cost=$2}}{{Image|Blacksmith|cost=$3}}{{Image|Courtyard|cost=$2}}{{Image|Cultist|cost=$5}}{{Image|Diplomat|cost=$4}}{{Image|Faithful Hound|link=Faithful Hound|file=Faithful_Hound|cost=$2}}{{Image|Gear|cost=$3}}{{Image|Imp|cost=$2*}}{{Image|Lackeys|cost=$2}}{{Image|Masquerade|cost=$3}}{{Image|Moat|cost=$2}}{{Image|Mountain Shrine|link=Mountain Shrine|file=Mountain_Shrine|cost=$05D}}{{Image|Ninja|cost=$4}}{{Image|Recruiter|cost=$5}}{{Image|Sea Witch|link=Sea Witch|file=Sea_Witch|cost=$5}}{{Image|Sheepdog|cost=$3}}{{Image|Silk Merchant|link=Silk Merchant|file=Silk_Merchant|cost=$4}}{{Image|Sir Destry|link=Sir Destry|file=Sir_Destry|cost=$5}}{{Image|Steward|cost=$3}}{{Image|Vault|cost=$5}}{{Image|Warrior|cost=$4*}}{{Image|Witch|cost=$5}}{{Image|Witch's Hut|link=Witch's Hut|file=Witch's_Hut|cost=$5}}{{Image|Way of the Otter|link=Way of the Otter|file=Way_of_the_Otter|size=320|cost=$0}}{{endsort}}
===Variable amount of draw===
{{startsort|3}}{{Image|Blacksmith|cost=$3}}{{Image|Broker|cost=$4}}{{Image|Crossroads|cost=$2}}{{Image|Guard Dog|link=Guard Dog|file=Guard_Dog|cost=$3}}{{Image|Library|cost=$5}}{{Image|Magnate|cost=$5}}{{Image|Marquis|cost=$6}}{{Image|Ranger|cost=$4}}{{Image|Ronin|cost=$5}}{{Image|Royal Blacksmith|link=Royal Blacksmith|file=Royal_Blacksmith|cost=$08D}}{{Image|Scholar|cost=$5}}{{Image|Watchtower|cost=$3}}{{Image|Way of the Owl|link=Way of the Owl|file=Way_of_the_Owl|size=320|cost=$0}}{{endsort}}
{{startsort|4}}{{Image|Adventurer|cost=$6}}{{Image|Embassy|cost=$5}}{{Image|Followers|cost=$0*}}{{Image|Ghost Ship|link=Ghost Ship|file=Ghost_Ship|cost=$5}}{{Image|Oracle|cost=$3}}{{Image|Trusty Steed|link=Trusty Steed|file=Trusty_Steed|cost=$0*}}{{endsort}}
{{Navbox card categories}}

Revision as of 11:20, 13 September 2024