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[[Image:Jester.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Jester]], a deck-inspection attack card.]]

A '''deck inspection attack''' is an [[Attack]] card that [[reveal]]s cards from an opponent's deck and does something with them. [[Trashing attack|Trashing attacks]] and [[deck order attack|deck order attacks]] usually fall into this category.
They sometimes combine well with each other, for example, {{Card|Scrying Pool}} can let you set up an opponent's deck to have a good card to hit with {{Card|Jester}}. In other cases, they conflict with each other, for example, {{Card|Rabble}} may leave [[dead]] cards on top of your opponent's deck, and if it does attacking with {{Card|Fortune Teller}} afterward will usually have no effect.
As all deck inspection attacks [[reveal]] or [[discard]] cards rather than [[draw]]ing, they do not interact with the [[Adventures tokens|-1 Card token]]; the token is put back on the relevant player's deck once the card is done inspecting.
== List of deck inspection attacks ==
Cards in ''italics'' have been [[Removed cards|removed]].  [[Hex]]es listed function as the relevant Attack when revealed by an Attack-[[Doom]] card.
=== Trashing attacks ===
All these cards discard any cards revealed that aren't trashed. Thus they do not leave any known cards at the top of players' decks.
* {{Card|Bandit}} — Reveals two cards and trashes a non-{{Card|Copper}} [[Treasure]].
* {{Card|Barbarian}} — Unconditionally trashes one card.
* {{Card|Giant}} — Reveals one card and trashes it if costing {{Cost|3}} to {{Cost|6}}.
* {{Card|Knights}} — Reveals two cards and trashes one costing {{Cost|3}} to {{Cost|6}}.
* {{Hex|Locusts}} — Unconditionally trashes one card.
* ''{{Card|Noble Brigand}}'' — Reveals two cards and trashes a {{Card|Silver}} or {{Card|Gold}}.
* ''{{Card|Pirate Ship}}'' — Reveals two cards and trashes a [[Treasure]].
* {{Card|Rogue}} — Reveals two cards and trashes one costing {{Cost|3}} to {{Cost|6}}.
* ''{{Card|Saboteur}}'' — Reveals until finding a card costing {{Cost|3}} or more and trashes it.
* {{Card|Swindler}} — Unconditionally trashes one card.
* ''{{Card|Thief}}'' — Reveals two cards and trashes a [[Treasure]].
* {{Hex|War}} — Reveals until finding a card costing {{Cost|3}} or {{Cost|4}} and trashes it.
* {{Card|Warrior}} — Discards one or more cards and trashes any costing {{Cost|3}} or {{Cost|4}}.
=== Deck order attacks ===
* {{Hex|Famine}} — Reveals three cards, discards [[Action]]s and shuffles the rest into the deck.
* ''{{Card|Fortune Teller}}'' — Reveals until finding a [[Victory]] or a {{Card|Curse}}, leaving it on top, and discarding the rest
* ''{{Card|Oracle}}'' — Reveals two cards, optionally discarding both.
* {{Card|Rabble}} — Reveals three cards and discards [[Action]]s and [[Treasure]]s.
* {{Card|Scrying Pool}} — Reveals one card and optionally discards it.
* ''{{Card|Spy}}'' — Reveals one card and optionally discards.
=== Other ===
* {{Card|Cardinal}} — Reveals two cards, [[Exile]]s one costing {{Cost|3}} to {{Cost|6}}, and discards the rest.
* {{Card|Jester}} — Discards the top card and gains a card based on it either to the same player or the current player.
* {{Card|Sorcerer}} — Reveals the top card (leaving it there) and gains a {{Card|Curse}} unless the player couldn't guess the name.
=== Related cards ===
Although {{Card|Chariot Race}} and ''{{Card|Tribute}}'' are not Attacks, they do reveal the top card of another player's deck to determine their effect.
{{Hex|Bad Omens}}, {{Hex|Greed}}, and ''{{Card|Sea Hag}}'' don't reveal any cards, but results in a known card being at the top of other players' decks.
===Trashing attacks===
===Deck order attacks===
{{Image|Rabble|cost=$5}}{{Image|Scrying Pool|link=Scrying Pool|file=Scrying_Pool|cost=$2P}}{{Image|Famine|size=320|cost=$0}}
===Other attacks===
===Related cards===
{{Image|Chariot Race|link=Chariot Race|file=Chariot_Race|cost=$3}}{{Image|Bad Omens|link=Bad Omens|file=Bad_Omens|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Greed|size=320|cost=$0}}
===Removed cards===
{{startsort|2}}{{Image|Fortune Teller|link=Fortune Teller|file=Fortune_Teller|cost=$3}}{{Image|Noble Brigand|link=Noble Brigand|file=Noble_Brigand|cost=$4}}{{Image|Oracle|cost=$3}}{{Image|Pirate Ship|link=Pirate Ship|file=Pirate_Ship|cost=$4}}{{Image|Saboteur|cost=$5}}{{Image|Sea Hag|link=Sea Hag|file=Sea_Hag|cost=$4}}{{Image|Spy|cost=$4}}{{Image|Thief|cost=$4}}{{Image|Tribute|cost=$5}}{{endsort}}
{{Navbox card categories}}

Revision as of 11:19, 13 September 2024