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==== Non-conditional ====
==== Non-conditional ====
* {{Card|Avanto}} — Non-terminal if you don't have a {{Card|Sauna}} in hand.
* {{Card|Avanto}} — Non-terminal if you have a {{Card|Sauna}} in hand.
* {{Card|Barge}} — [[Duration]] that gives a choice between drawing when playing or at the start of next turn.
* {{Card|Barge}} — [[Duration]] that gives a choice between drawing when playing or at the start of next turn.
* {{Card|Catacombs}} — Optionally discards the top three cards of the deck before drawing three.
* {{Card|Catacombs}} — Optionally discards the top three cards of the deck before drawing three.

Revision as of 16:25, 22 September 2024

Smithy, a terminal draw card.

Terminal draw cards—Action cards that increase the number of cards in hand but are terminal—can be a core component of engines when supplied with sufficient villages because they can enable you to draw most or all of your deck each turn as a form of deck control. If a Kingdom is missing important components for an engine, certain terminal draw cards (for example Wharf or Gear) are good enablers of a money-based strategy. In both cases terminal draw aids deck cycling, helping new buys get shuffled into the deck sooner.

The chief danger of terminal draw cards is their ability to draw other Action cards you are unable to play; these Action cards are said to be drawn dead.

Terminals that provide +3 Cards or more are sometimes referred to as Smithy variants, after the simplest vanilla terminal draw card.

List of terminal draw cards

Way of the Chameleon from Menagerie can turn most $-generating Action cards into terminal draw and vice versa.

Cards in italics have been removed.

Cards providing +4 Cards or more

Cards providing +3 Cards


These cards only draw cards sometimes, usually as a choice.


Cards providing +2 Cards


These cards only draw cards sometimes, usually as an choice.

Only +2 Cards

These cards only draw two cards and do nothing else when played normally.

Way of the Otter allows any Action card to be played to only draw two cards.

Small draw with filtering

These cards only provide a total of two cards, but allow some filtering or sifting to help you draw the cards you want.

  • Adventurer — Reveals cards until finding two Treasures to draw.
  • Courtyard — Draws three cards then puts one back on top of the deck.
  • Embassy — Draws five cards then discards three.
  • Mapmaker — Looks at the top four cards, puts two of them into hand, and discards the rest.
  • Oracle — Optionally discards the top two cards of the deck before drawing two.
  • Witch's Hut — Draws four cards then discards two.

Conditionally terminal

These cards are only terminal sometimes.

  • Cultist — Non-terminal if you have additional Cultists in hand.
  • Diplomat — Non-terminal if you have fewer than five cards in hand (after drawing).
  • Imp — Non-terminal if you have any Action card in hand not already in play.
  • Recruiter — Provides Villagers when played which can be used to make it non-terminal.


These cards draws two cards in addition to performing an Attack.

Other additional effects

These cards have additional non-Attack effects.

  • Figurine — is a Treasure, so formally not a terminal action; but when it is played normally in your Buy phase it does not allow you to play the Actions you draw.
  • Gear — Sets aside two cards until the start of next turn, resulting in a smaller hand this turn, but the total effect over both turns is to increase the hand.
  • Masquerade — Allows a card to be trashed, which can result in no increased hand.
  • Silk Merchant
  • Vault — Allows cards to be discarded, which can result in a smaller hand.



Certain terminal Actions draw up to a specified handsize. These are especially useful against handsize attacks or other cards that can reduce handsize between turns, and in engines with handsize-reducing components such as Festival and Hamlet.


  • Broker — Optionally draws cards depending on the cost of the card it trashes.
  • Carnival — Draws up to four cards, but can't draw multiple copies of the same card.
  • Crossroads — Draws cards depending on the number of Victory cards in hand (but is non-terminal the first time it is played each turn).
  • Guard Dog — Draws four cards if played from a small starting hand, but only two cards if played from a larger hand.
  • Housecarl — Draws cards equal to the number of differently-named Actions you have in play.
  • Magnate — Draws a number of cards equal to the number of Treasures in your hand.
  • Maroon — Draws a number of cards depending on the number of types a trashed card has.
  • Marquis — Effective handsize increase depends on your starting handsize.
  • Patrol — Draws three cards plus up to four Victory cards.
  • Ranger — Draws five cards every other play for an average of 2.5 cards per play.
  • Royal Blacksmith — Effective handsize increase depends on the amount of Copper in your deck.


Drawing four or more cards

Sort by Name

Drawing three cards

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Drawing two cards

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Variable amount of draw

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Sort by Name

Attacks Attack immunityCurserDeck inspection attackDeck order attackHandsize attackJunking attackTrashing attackTurn-worsening attack
Buy/Money +BuyCost-reducerDisappearing moneyOverpayPeddler variantTerminal silverVirtual coinVirtual +Buy
Cycling Deck discarderDeck inspectorDiggingDiscard for benefitSifter
Terminality CantripNon-terminalNon-terminal drawSoft terminalTerminalTerminal drawThrone Room variantVillageConditional non-terminal
Other Alt-VPBasic cardsDraw-to-xDuration drawCommand variantGainerLuck-basedNon-Attack interactionOne-shotRemodelerSplit pileTop deckerTrasherVanillaExtra turn