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[[Image:Wharf.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Wharf]], a Duration card.]]

'''Duration''' is a [[card type]] that was introduced in [[Seaside]] and revisited in later sets, starting with [[Adventures]]. Duration cards have orange frames, and usually have an effect on the turn after they are played. A Duration is not discarded from play until the Cleanup phase of the last turn on which it does something - usually the turn after the turn on which it is played.
The majority of Duration cards are [[Action]] cards, but a few belong to the [[Night]] type introduced in [[Nocturne]], and Duration [[Treasure]]s began to be introduced with {{card|Contract}} from [[Allies]].
== List of Duration cards ==
* {{Cost|2}} {{Card|Cage}}, {{Card|Grotto}}, {{Card|Guardian}}, {{Card|Haven}}, {{Card|Lighthouse}}, {{Card|Search}}
* {{Cost|3}} {{Card|Amulet}}, {{card|Astrolabe}}, {{Card|Caravan Guard}}, {{Card|Cargo Ship}}, {{Card|Church}}, {{Card|Dungeon}}, {{Card|Enchantress}}, {{Card|Fishing Village}}, {{Card|Gear}}, {{Card|Ghost Town}}, {{Card|Importer}}, {{Card|Monkey}}, {{Card|Riverboat}}, {{Card|Secluded Shrine}}, {{Card|Secret Cave}}, {{Card|Siren}}, {{Card|Stowaway}}, {{card|Taskmaster}}
* {{Cost|4}} {{card|Abundance}}, {{card|Blockade}}, {{Card|Cabin Boy}}, {{Card|Caravan}}, {{card|Conjurer}}, {{card|Flagship}}, {{card|Garrison}}, {{Card|Gondola}}, {{card|Landing Party}}, {{Card|Research}}, {{card|Royal Galley}}, {{card|Sailor}}, {{card|Tide Pools}}, {{Card|Village Green}}, {{card|Voyage}}, {{card|Rope}}
* {{cost|4*}} {{Card|Ghost}}
* {{Cost|5}} {{Card|Archive}}, {{Card|Barge}}, {{Card|Bridge Troll}}, {{Card|Buried Treasure}}, {{Card|Cobbler}}, {{card|Contract}}, {{card|Corsair}}, {{Card|Crew}}, {{Card|Crypt}}, {{Card|Cutthroat}}, {{Card|Den of Sin}}, {{Card|Enlarge}}, {{Card|Frigate}}, {{card|Gatekeeper}}, {{Card|Haunted Woods}}, {{card|Highwayman}}, {{Card|Longship}}, {{Card|Mastermind}}, {{Card|Merchant Ship}}, {{Card|Outpost}}, {{Card|Pirate}}, {{Card|Quartermaster}}, {{card|Sea Witch}}, {{Card|Swamp Hag}}, {{Card|Tactician}}, {{card|Warlord}}, {{Card|Wharf}}
* {{Cost|6}} {{Card|Captain}}, {{Card|Hireling}}, {{Card|Raider}}, {{card|Samurai}}, {{card|Stronghold}}
* {{Cost|6*}} {{Card|Champion}}
* {{cost|7*}} {{card|Amphora}}, {{card|Endless Chalice}}, {{card|Figurehead}}, {{card|Jewels}}
* {{cost|8}} {{Card|Prince}}<br>&nbsp;
== Official Rules ==
<onlyinclude>* Duration cards are orange, and have abilities that affect future turns.
* Duration cards are not discarded in Clean-up if they have something left to do [on a future turn]; they stay in play until the Clean-up of the last turn that they do something.
* Additionally, if a Duration card is played extra times by a card such as [{{Card|Throne Room}}, {{Card|Scepter}}, {{Card|Mastermind}}, {{Card|Specialist}} or {{Card|Flagship}}], that card also stays in play until the Duration card is discarded, to track the fact that the Duration card was played extra times.
* Keep track of whether or not a Duration card was played on the current turn, such as by putting your cards into two lines</onlyinclude>.
* [Duration cards that are Treasures, such as {{Card|Astrolabe}} or {{Card|Rope}},] are just like normal Treasures, except that they stay [[in play]] until they're done doing things, like other Durations do.
* Some Duration cards [&hellip;] do something the "next time" a certain thing happens. That thing could happen the same turn, or many turns later; these may sit in play turn after turn until finally the thing happens. For example you could play a {{Card|Secluded Shrine}} and two {{Card|Copper|Coppers}}, buy a {{Card|Silver}}, and immediately trash two cards from your hand, discarding Secluded Shrine that turn. Or you could buy a {{Card|Stowaway}} instead, and leave Secluded Shrine in play for next turn.
== Other rules clarifications ==
In most cases, a Duration will stay in play until the Clean-up phase of your next turn. But a Duration card played in such a way as to have no effect next turn will be discarded from play the turn it was played. This may happen because the next-turn effects are optional and you chose not to activate them (e.g. {{card|Barge}}), or because they are conditional and that condition wasn't met (e.g., a {{card|Tactician}} that didn't discard any cards), or if you didn't follow the card's instructions at all (due to {{Card|Enchantress}} or [[Way]]s). A card like {{Card|Caravan}} that provides +Cards on your next turn stays in play even if you won't have enough cards in your deck to draw any next turn. A Duration played this turn that won't stay in play can be trashed with {{Card|Improve}}.
Some Durations can stay out for longer than one turn. Durations that set cards aside and return them to you one at a time (e.g. {{Card|Archive}} and {{Card|Crypt}}) remain in play until they run out of cards. Durations that let you take extra turns (e.g. {{Card|Outpost}} and {{Card|Voyage}}) stay in play until the Clean-up of its extra turn; if you take multiple extra turns at once, those cards could stay out for more than one turn. {{Card|Champion}}, {{Card|Hireling}}, {{Card|Prince}}, and {{card|Endless Chalice}} have effects that activate every turn, and therefore remain in play for the rest of the game.
Some Durations cards have an ability that is triggered by a certain condition being met, such as {{card|Abundance}}; these cards remain in play until Clean-up of the turn on which the condition is met, which may be the same turn on which they were played or a later turn. If the condition is never met, these cards will remain in play permanently as well.
When you use a [[Throne Room variant]] on a Duration, that {{Card|Throne Room}} stays in play for as long as the Duration does. This is true even if the Duration is only going to have one effect on the next turn (e.g., if you play a {{card|Tactician}} twice with {{Card|Throne Room}}, or if you play a {{card|Barge}} twice with {{Card|Throne Room}} and opt for one same-turn effect and one next-turn effect). If the Duration leaves play at an unusual time (e.g. {{Card|Highwayman}} and {{Card|Conjurer}}) the {{Card|Throne Room}} still stays in play until Clean-up; and if you replay that Duration later on, the {{Card|Throne Room}} still leaves play. A card that plays a Duration only once (e.g. {{Card|Elder}} or {{Card|Vassal}}) never stays in play for multiple turns.
Effects that resolve at the start of your turn can be resolved in any order; this includes multiple plays of the same Duration card by a Throne Room variant.  For example, if you both played a {{Card|Wharf}} and played a {{Card|Throne Room}} on an {{Card|Amulet}} last turn, on this turn you could choose to first gain a {{Card|Silver}} from the first {{Card|Amulet}} play, then draw 2 cards from {{Card|Wharf}} (perhaps triggering a [[reshuffle]] and maybe drawing that {{Card|Silver}}), and then choose to trash a card with the second {{Card|Amulet}} play.
[[Command variant]]s stay in play for as long as the card they command ''would'' stay in play, if it were in play. So if you use a [[Command variant]] to play a Duration (e.g., {{card|Band of Misfits}}, an {{card|Estate}} after using {{event|Inheritance}} on a Duration card, or any Action card using {{way|Way of the Mouse}} to play a Duration), the Command variant stays in play as long as the Duration card would. And if a [[Command variant]] plays a [[Throne Room variant]] or another [[Command variant]] that plays a Duration, the [[Command variant]] stays in play for as long as the Duration does.
If the same Command variant plays multiple cards that would stay in play for different amounts of time, it stays in play until the last of those Duration cards would leave play. For example, if you use {{Card|Throne Room}} on {{Card|Overlord}}, and the {{Card|Overlord}} plays a {{Card|Swamp Hag}} and an {{Card|Archive}}), the {{Card|Overlord}} stays in play for 2 more turns (the {{Card|Throne Room}} doesn't stay in play for any turns; see below). And if on the 2nd turn of a {{Card|Captain}}, you make it play a {{Card|Throne Room}} that plays a Duration, the {{Card|Captain}} will stay in play for a 3rd turn in a row.
If you play a {{card|Throne Room}} that plays a ''non''-Duration card that stays in play (such as another {{Card|Throne Room}} that plays a Duration twice, or a {{Card|Band of Misfits}} that plays a Duration), the first {{Card|Throne Room}} does not stay out. On the other hand, if you {{Card|Mastermind}} a {{Card|Mastermind}}, it's possible to have a chain of {{Card|Mastermind|Masterminds}} stuck in play for several turns if they keep playing Duration cards, because {{Card|Mastermind}} is itself a Duration.
It is occasionally possible to remove Duration cards from play before they are done resolving all their abilities. Although most of these methods have received errata to no longer be possible, you can still remove a Duration by playing a {{Card|Throne Room}} on a Duration, and then play the Duration once for its normal effect, and once as e.g. {{Way|Way of the Horse}}. In most cases, the Duration card's effects will still carry over to future turns, which you will have to remember. If any [[Throne Room variant]] or [[Command variant]] was supposed to stay in play because of the now-removed Duration card, it will be discarded from play during Clean-up.
However, there are also ways to remove a [[Throne Room variant]] or [[Command variant]] from play, even if they were supposed to stay in play with a Duration (e.g. you play a {{Card|Royal Galley}} that plays a {{Card|Throne Room}} that plays a Duration, and set aside the {{Card|Throne Room}}, or you play a {{Card|Procession}} that plays a {{Card|Band of Misfits}} that plays a Duration). In these cases, you'll have to remember how many Duration effects you'll get on your following turns.
It's also occasionally possible for a Duration card to remain in play during your Clean-up, but it stops having any effect before your next turn, meaning you'll discard it from play during another player's Clean-up. For example, if you play {{Card|Voyage}} and {{Card|Lich}} on the same turn, the {{Card|Voyage}} turn will get skipped. (Skipping a turn with {{Card|Lich}} happens between turns, and not during Clean-up, which is why {{Card|Voyage}} still stays in play during your turn.) Since you don't get a Clean-up phase during the skipped turn, the {{Card|Voyage}} will stay in play until the Clean-up of the next turn that happens (which could be another player's Clean-up).
Some non-Duration cards have effects for later (e.g. {{Card|Possession}} and {{Card|Lich}}). None of the rules above apply to these cards, and you'll have to remember their effects for future turns. For example, unlike {{Card|Outpost}}, {{Card|Possession}} is discarded before the extra turn it creates. And if you play it twice with {{Card|Throne Room}}, the {{Card|Throne Room}} doesn't stay in play.
== Prior Rules ==
In the past the rules around tracking cards that play Durations extra times were different.
* Originally, cards that played cards that played Durations extra times were left in play as well (e.g. Throne Room plays Throne Room that plays a Duration). This was changed via a ruling to only be the card that directly played the Duration extra times was left out.
* Also, originally the cards playing Durations extra times stayed in play only until ''they'' stopped doing something. This was changed with the release of [[Empires]] to have them always stay in play until the ''Duration'' left play instead. This affects situations where either the Duration leaves play earlier (e.g. {{Card|Procession}}) or the extra play(s) of the card didn't trigger the Duration effect (e.g. when playing {{Card|Tactician}} with a Throne Room under normal circumstances).
== Sub-theme ==
[[Plunder (expansion)]] has a sub-theme for its Duration cards: next time. Cards that do something the next time a certain thing happens. They just sit around in play turn after turn, waiting for that thing. The thing may immediately happen, so that they're discarded that turn. Or it may never happen.
== Strategy ==
On the turn on which they are played, Duration cards typically have weak effects (relative to their cost), or even detrimental effects; their strength comes in part from the fact that their effects on the next turn do not consume an Action to play or a card slot in your hand.  For example, {{Card|Caravan}}, on the turn it is played, is a [[cantrip]] with no effect; on the next turn, however, it gives you a sixth card in your hand for free—thus playing a Caravan on one turn has the same effect as playing a {{Card|Laboratory}} on the next turn. The main exception to this principle is {{card|Tide Pools}}, which has a powerful immediate effect at the cost of a penalty on the next turn.
Although Duration cards' next-turn effects are typically quite strong, they cost less than and are usually considered weaker than cards that have those same effects immediately—for instance, Caravan costs {{Cost|4}} while Laboratory costs {{Cost|5}}. This is in part because it's better to receive benefits earlier—playing a Caravan on the last turn of the game gives no benefit while Laboratory does—and in part because the fact that Durations stay in play for two turns is a disadvantage, since it means that they can actually be played less frequently. For instance, it's possible to draw an extra card every turn by having a single Laboratory and playing it every turn; in order to play a Caravan every turn, you have to have two copies of the card.
{{Card|Reserve|file=Reserves}} cards can play rather similarly to Durations; most have a weak effect now for a stronger effect later.  The difference is that Reserves don't have to be triggered on your next turn; you can wait a few turns to use them, or even use some of them the same turn you play them.
== Card gallery ==
{{startsort|1}}{{Image|Abundance|cost=$4}}{{Image|Amphora|cost=$7*}}{{Image|Amulet|cost=$3}}{{Image|Archive|cost=$5}}{{Image|Astrolabe|cost=$3}}{{Image|Barge|cost=$5}}{{Image|Blockade|cost=$4}}{{Image|Bridge Troll|link=Bridge Troll|file=Bridge_Troll|cost=$5}}{{Image|Buried Treasure|link=Buried Treasure|file=Buried_Treasure|cost=$5}}{{Image|Cabin Boy|link=Cabin Boy|file=Cabin_Boy|cost=$4}}{{Image|Cage|cost=$2}}{{Image|Captain|cost=$6}}{{Image|Caravan Guard|link=Caravan Guard|file=Caravan_Guard|cost=$3}}{{Image|Caravan|cost=$4}}{{Image|Cargo Ship|link=Cargo Ship|file=Cargo_Ship|cost=$3}}{{Image|Champion|cost=$6*}}{{Image|Church|cost=$3}}{{Image|Cobbler|cost=$5}}{{Image|Conjurer|cost=$4}}{{Image|Contract|cost=$5}}{{Image|Corsair|cost=$5}}{{Image|Crew|cost=$5}}{{Image|Crypt|cost=$5}}{{Image|Cutthroat|cost=$5}}{{Image|Den of Sin|link=Den of Sin|file=Den_of_Sin|cost=$5}}{{Image|Dungeon|cost=$3}}{{Image|Enchantress|cost=$3}}{{Image|Endless Chalice|link=Endless Chalice|file=Endless_Chalice|cost=$7*}}{{Image|Enlarge|cost=$5}}{{Image|Figurehead|cost=$7*}}{{Image|Fishing Village|link=Fishing Village|file=Fishing_Village|cost=$3}}{{Image|Flagship|cost=$4}}{{Image|Frigate|cost=$5}}{{Image|Garrison|cost=$4}}{{Image|Gatekeeper|cost=$5}}{{Image|Gear|cost=$3}}{{Image|Ghost|cost=$4*}}{{Image|Ghost Town|link=Ghost Town|file=Ghost_Town|cost=$3}}{{Image|Gondola|cost=$4}}{{Image|Grotto|cost=$2}}{{Image|Guardian|cost=$2}}{{Image|Haunted Woods|link=Haunted Woods|file=Haunted_Woods|cost=$5}}{{Image|Haven|cost=$2}}{{Image|Highwayman|cost=$5}}{{Image|Hireling|cost=$6}}{{Image|Importer|cost=$3}}{{Image|Jewels|cost=$7*}}{{Image|Landing Party|link=Landing Party|file=Landing_Party|cost=$4}}{{Image|Lighthouse|cost=$2}}{{Image|Longship|cost=$5}}{{Image|Mastermind|cost=$5}}{{Image|Merchant Ship|link=Merchant Ship|file=Merchant_Ship|cost=$5}}{{Image|Monkey|cost=$3}}{{Image|Outpost|cost=$5}}{{Image|Pirate|cost=$5}}{{Image|Prince|cost=$8}}{{Image|Quartermaster|cost=$5}}{{Image|Raider|cost=$6}}{{Image|Research|cost=$4}}{{Image|Riverboat|cost=$3}}{{Image|Rope|cost=$4}}{{Image|Royal Galley|link=Royal Galley|file=Royal_Galley|cost=$4}}{{Image|Sailor|cost=$4}}{{Image|Search|cost=$2}}{{Image|Sea Witch|link=Sea Witch|file=Sea_Witch|cost=$5}}{{Image|Secluded Shrine|link=Secluded Shrine|file=Secluded_Shrine|cost=$3}}{{Image|Secret Cave|link=Secret Cave|file=Secret_Cave|cost=$3}}{{Image|Siren|cost=$3}}{{Image|Stowaway|cost=$3}}{{Image|Stronghold|cost=$6}}{{Image|Swamp Hag|link=Swamp Hag|file=Swamp_Hag|cost=$5}}{{Image|Tactician|cost=$5}}{{Image|Taskmaster|cost=$3}}{{Image|Tide Pools|link=Tide Pools|file=Tide_Pools|cost=$4}}{{Image|Village Green|link=Village Green|file=Village_Green|cost=$4}}{{Image|Voyage|cost=$4}}{{Image|Warlord|cost=$5}}{{Image|Wharf|cost=$5}}{{endsort}}
== Trivia ==
=== In other languages ===
* Czech: Dlouhodobá
* Dutch: Duurzaam (lit. ''sustainable'')
* Finnish: Toistuva (lit. ''recurring'')
* French: Durée
* German: Dauer
* Polish: Następstwo (lit. ''succession'')
* Russian: Длительность (pron. ''dlityelnost'')
===Donald X.'s remarks===
==== Development ====
|Text=<p>For Seaside I was still interacting with Valerie and Dale. Valerie in particular did not like Duration cards. So the push was to limit how many there were, not come up with more things for them to do. In fact {{Card|Haven}} was out of the set for a while, and made it back in very late when it turned out there was room for a 26th card (and that was a fine card that had been tested; Valerie had felt it was too similar to {{Card|Caravan}}).
There was an attack that hit other players' turns (Tax Collector, made cards cost {{Cost|1}} more), that left (well turned into {{Card|Cutpurse}}) because it would have left play at a different time from other Duration cards, (end of the prev. player's turn) and Valerie didn't like that. Late in the going I realized I could save {{Card|Lighthouse|oi=2}} by having it produce resources on your next turn, and of course that same solution could have been used for attacks; but Tax Collector had already turned into Cutpurse and again there was anti-demand for new Duration cards.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?topic=11958.msg477977#msg477977 Groundless speculation about the 2015 expansion]
==== Throne Rooms staying in play ====
|Text=It goes back to before the cards had "duration" on the bottom of them. Something has to track what you're getting next turn. The duration card stays out because it has "something left to do"; the idea is, the Throne also has something left to do.
In retrospect it would have been better if duration cards not in play didn't do anything (and, if cards you couldn't put into play also didn't do anything). That clears up {{Card|Procession|oi=2|Proce}}{{Card|Procession|ssion}}.
{{Card|Outpost}} has an anti-Throne clause. Ideally it would have some form that didn't need that.
{{Card|Tactician}} has an extra cost on getting your bonus next turn; that premise requires dealing with the tracking rule, unless the extra cost is something you can always pay (e.g. taking [[Debt]]).
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?topic=5799.msg846832#msg846832 Interview with Donald X.]
==== Ways and removing Durations from play ====
|Text=[{{Way|Way of the Butterfly}}, {{Way|Way of the Horse}}, and {{Way|Way of the Turtle}}] all existed in January for me. The best solution is still to make the change that means {{Card|Throne Room|Throne}}/{{Card|Feast}} no longer works and people quit the game. "If this isn't a Duration card" was too awful for the Ways. They could have had a general rule that durations didn't get to use Ways; maybe that's still worth considering for a later printing, but they didn't get it. There had to be new cards and those new cards got to exist.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?topic=5799.msg847400#msg847400 Interview with Donald X.]
==== Past lack of Treasure-Durations ====
|Text=By default they're trouble. The duration part has to be conditional on the card being in play, to avoid more problems ala {{Popup|Bonfire|link=Bonfire#Versions|file=BonfireOld2|size=320}}  / Durations. It's doable, in the same way that {{Card|Crown}} exists despite it seeming like there would never be an Action - Treasure (to be fair {{Card|Crown}} does generate lots of questions). But, it would take something really compelling.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?topic=5799.msg826707#msg826707 Interview with Donald X., March 2020]
==== Durations in later expansions ====
Every expansion from {{Set|Adventures}} onwards has had at least two Duration cards.
Originally all sets from {{Set|Seaside}} on were going to have Duration cards; {{Card|Fishing Village}} for example was from {{Set|Prosperity}}. This didn't happen because of how things went down for Valerie with {{Set|Seaside}}; she didn't like Duration cards, and spent a couple pages on the rules for them. My rulebook only spends a short paragraph on Durations, and I like them, and they are very popular with players. They open up card possibilities significantly, especially for Attacks. So, I'm happy having a couple nice ones in an expansion like that, and always have been. And it's no trouble, it's easy to make them.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?topic=5799.msg874639#msg874639 Interview with Donald X., August 2021]
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[[Category:Multi-expansion special card types]]

Revision as of 11:21, 13 September 2024