Dominion Campaigns: Base Set Act 2

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Base Set Act 2 logo

Dominion Adventures: Base Set Act 2, subtitled Magic, Money and Ministry, is the second Adventure associated with the Base set on Goko. It's available for a purchase of Coins. The cards available are the same as available in Act 1.


Picking up right after Act 1, this adventure concerns itself with first a war against the kingdom of Infamy, led first by King Leroy, then his son Leo, then a subsequent war against the witches, led by Jezebel, who had been your ally during the war against Infamy, and the reconstruction that takes place after.

List of scenes

Game 1 vs. Cardwell the Serf

Your grandmother, Queen of Provilia, has been brought to Justice for your parents' deaths (oddly, Grandfather was pleased). Now you can concentrate on Vaccara, where adventurers are planning to embark. To fund their journeys, they request investments and promise colossal returns. If they succeed, you're looking at a very happy year.

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Moat, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop, Militia, Remodel, Smithy, Market, Mine

Game 2 vs. Serf Henna

News, but alas, no funds, has come in from the adventurers! Their stories awaken a wanderlust within you, and you really would like to get away someday and have an adventure of your own. You've had to rely on your moneylenders and mines for cash, so some financial returns would energize things back at the drowsy castle.

Kingdom cards: Moat, Workshop, Bureaucrat, Gardens, Moneylender, Throne Room, Library, Market, Witch, Adventurer

Game 3 vs. Maiden Ylaria

The adventurers return with stories of amazing bounty. You host only a moderate festival for these brave souls; after all, where is the gold they promised? They appear honest, and it would be terrible if one turns out to be a thief.

Kingdom cards: Chapel, Workshop, Bureaucrat, Gardens, Smithy, Thief, Throne Room, Council Room, Library, Mine

Boss Game 4 vs. Leroy, King of Infamy

Everyone is enjoying the festival. With funds brought in by the adventurers, you hope to purchase some territory from your guests. One high-profile attendee is the gluttonous King of Infamy, Leroy. The rumor is that he plans to block your purchases, so you ask your spies to keep a watchful eye.

Kingdom cards: Chapel, Chancellor, Woodcutter, Feast, Moneylender, Remodel, Thief, Festival, Market, Mine

Game 5 vs. Serf Willard

The festival has been ruined! Spies report that an adventurer in attendance was bribed by King Leroy to steal your gold. All of it. Now you have to get it back, of course. How? Sometimes it's time to fight a little larceny with something "special" of your own.

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Chancellor, Feast, Gardens, Remodel, Throne Room, Festival, Laboratory, Library, Mine

Game 6 vs. Maiden Justina

Your father once told you that you should be wary of change, something you never embraced. The witch Jezebel, a charismatic practitioner of magic, has come to seek an audience with you. Magic has never had a home in Vaccara, but it might be good to change things up in seeking the upper hand with King Leroy.

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Chapel, Moat, Workshop, Gardens, Remodel, Throne Room, Council Room, Laboratory, Library

Game 7 vs. Squire Mendel

King Leroy continues his underhanded campaign against you. You've learned that witches can be powerful weapons, and you feel justified in using them against one so devious. Vaccara's new thieves' guild also might be helpful; maybe the two groups can help defeat King Leroy?

Kingdom cards: Chapel, Chancellor, Militia, Smithy, Spy, Thief, Council Room, Festival, Mine, Adventurer

Boss Game 8 vs. Leo and Lady Elena

The King of Infamy, Leroy, is no longer a problem: he gobble up one too many roasted chickens and died from gastrointestinal distress. His son Leo inherited his throne and seeks negotiations with you, but only if his witches can attend the meeting. Is he planning a magic workshop?

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Chapel, Village, Workshop, Gardens, Remodel, Thief, Throne Room, Laboratory, Market

Game 9 vs. Maiden Osanna

Well, it's all-out war now. Leo has brought every weapon from his arsenal: his militia, spies, thieves, witches, and even those who had once adventured for your sake. You are not one to be trifled with, and you're sure Jezebel and her witches will be valuable additions to your cause.

Kingdom cards: Moat, Village, Gardens, Remodel, Smithy, Thief, Throne Room, Market, Witch, Adventurer

Game 10 vs. Squire Silas

You found that by building a new chapel in your fortress, you've gained powerful new allies. Your subjects rally 'round the new religion and develop a unity they had lsot. The people are re-energized and happy.

Kingdom cards: Moat, Moneylender, Remodel, Spy, Thief, Throne Room, Laboratory, Market, Witch, Adventurer

Game 11 vs. Lady Elena

Leo lost most of his land to you during the war. It had been a bloody, destructive conflict, and the people blame you for the damage to the Vaccaran countryside. Can you win back their approval? The witch Jezebel has promised to stay by your side, but you are becoming doubtful of her integrity.

Kingdom cards: Workshop, Feast, Council Room, Festival, Laboratory, Library, Market, Mine, Witch, Adventurer

Boss Game 12 vs. Witch Jezebel and Maiden Ylaria

Witch Jezebel is not pleased that attendance at the chapel has increased sevenfold, and the sermons therein condemn the witches and their potion laboratories. Persecution has begun! You will have to choose a side.

Kingdom cards: Moat, Chancellor, Feast, Moneylender, Remodel, Spy, Throne Room, Laboratory, Market, Witch

Game 13 vs. Squire Allister

Because of pressure from the chapel, the witches are banished, but Jezebel promises to return and lets you know of her displeasure. Other matters of state are pressing, and you attempt to return Vaccara to a sense of normalcy. Could she be plotting something devious? Only time will tell.

Kingdom cards: Village, Woodcutter, Bureaucrat, Feast, Gardens, Militia, Remodel, Throne Room, Festival, Mine

Game 14 vs. Lady Ingride

Your biggest fear is realized: Jezebel has returned. Her charisma is overcoming dogma from the chapel, and she is gaining followers in your kingdom. You fear she will attempt a coup. It's time for a display of strength. Maybe a remodel of your throne room will help.

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Chapel, Moat, Village, Woodcutter, Gardens, Militia, Council Room, Library, Mine

Game 15 vs. Gentleman Keaton

Things have gone from bad to worse. The witches are cursing your lands and sending their power to Jezebel. Your people now fear Jezebel's anger and run from her wrath. Will the combined forces of the chapel and militia be enough might to stop her?

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Chapel, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop, Bureaucrat, Remodel, Smithy, Spy, Laboratory

Boss Game 16 vs. Witch Jezebel, Lady Ingride and Gentleman Winston

Neighboring kingdoms have fallen to Jezebel's power. Some witches side with you in exchange for clemency; you agree, but they ultimately betray you and support Jezebel. If you win this war, witches will be banished for good!

Kingdom cards: Moat, Village, Bureaucrat, Militia, Remodel, Spy, Thief, Library, Witch, Adventurer

Game 17 vs. Lady Juetta

Victory! Now that the witches are banished, it's time to heal and repair your kingdom. You've hired experts to assist in the reconstruction, and progress is being made. You think wistfully about travelling like the adventurers, but it will have to wait. Stability comes first.

Kingdom cards: Chapel, Moat, Feast, Gardens, Militia, Smithy, Spy, Thief, Council Room, Festival

Game 18 vs. Gentleman Winston

Are your new employees honest? The bureaucrats are a tad inefficient, but they seem trustworthy. The thieves' guild survived the war; it looks they have already robbed quite a bit from your coffers. It might be a good idea to show them who's in charge.

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Workshop, Bureaucrat, Feast, Moneylender, Remodel, Council Room, Festival, Library, Mine

Game 19 vs. Gentleman Sedgewick

Your spies report that Sir Robert, one of your knights, is the mastermind behind the robberies. Sir Robert's thefts interfere with your donations to the chapel, and you were hoping to mend relationships with the clergy. Time for the militia to capture Sir Robert and his thieves. They're almost as bad as the witches!

Kingdom cards: Moat, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop, Bureaucrat, Feast, Gardens, Militia, Smithy, Market

Boss Game 20 vs. Sir Robert, Squire Mendel and Gentleman Winston

Sir Robert and his crew evade capture and continue their heists. Your coffers are painfully bare; it might be time to battle his thieves with thieves of your own. Fight fire with fire, yes?

Kingdom cards: Cellar, Chancellor, Village, Gardens, Moneylender, Thief, Festival, Laboratory, Library, Witch


Your thieves locate Sir Robert's secret stash, and [player name] gets the stolen goods back. You're not thrilled with using criminals to help achieve your goals, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Base Set: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Intrigue: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Seaside: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Prosperity: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)
Cornucopia: (Act 1) •• Hinterlands: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Alchemy: (Act 1) •• Dark Ages: (Act 1Act 2Act 3Act 4) •• Guilds: (Act 1) •• Adventures: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)