Recommended Kingdoms

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While many prefer to play with fully randomized kingdoms, this is not always possible or ideal, especially with face to face play.

Officially Recommended Sets

Tournament Sets

Dominion Strategy Tournament 2011

These kingdoms were all designed for a contest which ran alongside the tournament. The rules for the tournament can be found here and information on the winners can be found here.

  • Game 1: Moat, Tunnel, Bishop, Gardens, Ironworks, Young Witch, Tournament, Council Room, Torturer, Border Village - Bane: Hamlet
  • Game 2: Crossroads, Loan, Silk Road, Baron, Bureaucrat, Apprentice, Duke, Farmland, Harem, Nobles - Colony game
  • Game 3: Haven, Great Hall, Workshop, Masquerade, Ironworks, Island, Throne Room, Tactician, Goons, King's Court
  • Game 4: Lookout, Masquerade, Oracle, Smithy, Worker's Village, Festival, Ghost Ship, Margrave, Mountebank, Treasury
  • Game 5: Embargo, University, Scrying Pool, Worker's Village, Remodel, Wharf, Rabble, Grand Market, Forge, Peddler - Colony Game
  • Game 6: Menagerie, Tunnel, Ghost Ship, Governor, Inn, Monument, Worker's Village, Grand Market, Goons, Adventurer
  • Game 7: Embargo, Scheme, Menagerie, Watchtower, Fishing Village, Remake, Haggler, Vault, Grand Market, Expand - Colony Game
  • Game 8: Crossroads, Secret Chamber, Warehouse, Loan, Ambassador, Caravan, Worker's Village, Bureaucrat, Merchant Ship, Grand Market - Colony Game
  • Game 9: Chapel, Fishing Village, Watchtower, Ironworks, Gardens, Bridge, Highway, Mountebank, Ill-Gotten Gains, Goons - Colony Game

GenCon 2011

These kingdoms were designed by Donald X. for the GenCon tournament. Source

  • Dom: Bureaucrat, Council Room, Feast, Laboratory, Market, Moneylender, Remodel, Smithy, Village, Workshop
  • DomInt: Adventurer, Laboratory, Library, Militia, Throne Room / Bridge, Masquerade, Shanty Town, Steward, Trading Post
  • DomSea: Cellar, Feast, Gardens, Witch, Workshop / Ambassador, Fishing Village, Lighthouse, Merchant Ship, Treasury
  • DomPro: Adventurer, Council Room, Mine, Moneylender, Village / Expand, Loan, Quarry, Vault, Venture
  • DomAlc: Cellar, Gardens, Market, Militia, Mine, Remodel, Throne Room / Alchemist, Apothecary, Herbalist
  • DomCor: Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Chapel, Festival, Library, Moat / Hamlet, Horse Traders, Jester, Remake
  • Int: Conspirator, Coppersmith, Courtyard, Duke, Harem, Nobles, Scout, Trading Post, Upgrade, Wishing Well
  • IntSea: Conspirator, Coppersmith, Harem, Masquerade, Mining Village / Ambassador, Caravan, Merchant Ship, Native Village, Tactician
  • IntPro: Great Hall, Ironworks, Masquerade, Mining Village, Upgrade / City, Grand Market, Royal Seal, Talisman, Trade Route
  • IntAlc: Courtyard, Duke, Great Hall, Minion, Nobles, Scout, Wishing Well / Herbalist, Transmute, Vineyard
  • IntCor: Bridge, Ironworks, Minion, Shanty Town, Steward, Upgrade / Fairgrounds, Harvest, Horse Traders, Young Witch / Bane is Courtyard
  • Sea: Caravan, Embargo, Explorer, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Island, Lighthouse, Salvager, Treasury, Warehouse
  • SeaPro: Ghost Ship, Haven, Island, Lookout, Tactician / Bishop, Trade Route, Venture, Watchtower, Worker's Village
  • SeaAlc: Bazaar, Cutpurse, Lookout, Pearl Diver, Salvager, Warehouse, Wharf / Apprentice, University, Vineyard
  • SeaCor: Bazaar, Embargo, Haven, Navigator, Warehouse, Wharf / Fortune Teller, Hamlet, Horn of Plenty, Hunting Party
  • Pro: Bank, Expand, Goons, Hoard, Mint, Monument, Peddler, Royal Seal, Talisman, Worker's Village
  • ProAlc: Bank, Goons, Hoard, Mint, Quarry, Vault, Watchtower / Apothecary, Apprentice, Transmute
  • ProCor: Bishop, Grand Market, Loan, Monument, Peddler, Rabble / Farming Village, Horn of Plenty, Menagerie, Tournament

Essen 2011

These kingdoms were designed by Donald X. for the Essen tournament. Source

  • Dom: Cellar, Festival, Library, Market, Militia, Moneylender, Smithy, Thief, Throne Room, Woodcutter
  • Int: Conspirator, Coppersmith, Duke, Great Hall, Harem, Pawn, Scout, Steward, Torturer, Upgrade
  • DomSea: Adventurer, Bureaucrat, Council Room, Remodel, Workshop / Caravan, Ghost Ship, Merchant Ship, Native Village, Outpost
  • DomAlc: Chancellor, Festival, Moat, Witch, Woodcutter / Apprentice, Golem, Philosopher's Stone, University, Vineyard
  • DomPro: Cellar, Council Room, Gardens, Thief, Village / Forge, Hoard, Loan, Rabble, Venture
  • DomCor: Cellar, Feast, Laboratory, Mine, Workshop / Fairgrounds, Farming Village, Fortune Teller, Horn of Plenty, Menagerie