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Formats and Rules

Current/Future Tournaments

Liveplay Tournaments

  • 2013 Dominion World Masters - Austrian Qualifiers - October 27, November 17/18, December 15 (2012) - Vienna - Forum Thread
  • 2013 Dominion World Masters - Austrian Finals - June 2013 - Forum Thread

Online Tournaments

There are not any known online tournaments at this time.

Past Tournaments

Liveplay Tournaments

Dominion World Masters

2013 Tournament
  • USA Regional Qualifier, Detroit Region - Saturday, October 27, 2012 - Marriot in Ypsilanti, MI - Forum Thread
2012 Tournament
  • USA Regional Qualifier - April 21 - Fair Game (local game store) in Downer's Grove, Illinois - Forum Thread
  • USA Regional Qualifier - May 25-28 - KublaCon in San Francisco, California
  • USA Finals - July 14, 2012 - Chicago, Illinois - Forum Thread
  • Swedish Finals - July 15, 2012 - Stockholm, Sweden - Forum Thread
  • World Finals - August 18, 2012 - GenCon in Indianapolis, Indiana USA - Results Thread

Other Tournaments

  • 2012 Dutch National Championships - Sunday, September 2, 2012 at the Hofstad Lyceum in The Hague, Netherlands - Event Discussion, Results
  • PAX Prime Dominion Tournament - August 31 - September 2 2012 at PAX Prime Convention in Seattle Washington - Forum Thread

Online Tournaments

2011 Championship

The tournament had it's own dedicated subforum. - 256 players, traditional bracket, best of 7, community designed kingdom contest with winning kingdoms used in the tournament finals

Isodom Tournaments

Isodom tournaments are organized in their dedicated subforum.

Isodom 1
  • Forum Thread - 16 players, traditional bracket, best of 5, won by shark_bait
Isodom 2
  • Forum Thread - 32 players, traditional bracket, best of 7, won by Rabid
Isodom 3

32 players, traditional bracket, best of 7, Game 1 of each round is a user-voted and designed kingdom, won by Fabian

Isodom 4

64 players, group play with 8 groups of 8 players leading into multiplayer sets - won by RisingJaguar

Isodom 5

68 players, 3 tournaments/brackets, Swiss style tournament, best of 5 - winners are Qvist, blueblimp, and -Stef-

Dominion World Masters Qualifying

An online tournament to act as a supplement for the US regional qualifying tournaments held on Isotropic.

  • 4 days of qualifying rounds, with the top scorers from all 4p sets played that day moving on to similarly organized playoff rounds. random sets, no veto mode, point counter on, each player plays 1 game from each possible seat.

BGG Store Tournament

This tournament has a dedicated subforum.

  • 32 players, best of 5 games, standard bracket - won by Rabid

One Day Tournaments

One day tournaments are typically organized in the general tournament subforum.