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To '''set aside''' a card is to place it on the table apart from your play area; such cards are not discarded during [[Clean-up]], and are not considered to be "in play" for any purpose. This can be temporary, or permanent; in either case, if the game ends while you have cards set aside, they are returned to your deck before scores are calculated. Setting aside can be used as a way to mark cards as not required for the effect of an [[Action]] or [[Treasure]] being resolved, as a way to save cards for later use, or as a way to permanently remove a card from your deck without trashing it. [[Duration]] cards that are not discarded during [[Clean-up]] are not considered set aside; they are still in play.

Putting cards on [[mat]]s is not technically setting them aside, but is equivivalent for most purposes (with exception of the [[Trash|Trash mat]]). See {{Card|Island}}, ''{{Card|Pirate Ship}}'', {{Card|Reserve|file=Reserves}}, and [[Exile]].
== Official rules ==
: "Set aside a card" - Put the card on the table, outside of the play area.
* Set aside cards are not "[[in play]]."
* Set aside cards are face up unless otherwise specified.
* A card that sets a card aside will say when to move it somewhere else.
== Timing ==
List of abilities that set cards aside, sorted by how long the set-aside cards remain set aside. Cards in italics have been [[Removed cards|removed]].
* until end of execution
** {{Popup|Innovation (pre-errata)|link=Innovation|file=InnovationOld|size=320}} - A gained [[Action]] card.
** {{Card|Library}} - [[Action]] cards from your deck.
* until you gain a [[Victory]] card
** {{Card|Cage}} - Up to 4 cards from your hand.
* until start of Clean-up
** {{Card|Encampment}} - Itself
** {{Card|Joust}} - A {{Card|Province}} from your hand.
* until end of turn
** {{Event|Deliver}} - Gained cards.
** {{Card|Faithful Hound}} - Itself
** {{Event|Foresight}} - An [[Action]] card from your deck.
** {{Card|Possession}} - Cards trashed during the Possession turn.
** {{Card|Puzzle Box}} - A card from your hand.
** {{Event|Save}} - A card from your hand.
** {{Card|Trickster}} - A [[Treasure]] discarded from play.
* until start of next (or a later future) turn
** {{Card|Archive}} - The top 3 cards from your deck.
** {{Prophecy|Biding Time}} - Your hand.
** {{Card|Blockade}} - The card gained by Blockade.
** {{Card|Cargo Ship}} - A gained card.
** {{Card|Church}} - Up to 3 cards from your hand.
** {{Card|Contract}} - An [[Action]] card from your hand.
** {{Card|Crypt}} - Any non-[[Duration]] [[Treasure]]s you have in play.
** {{Event|Delay}} - An [[Action]] card from your hand.
** {{Card|Haven}} - A card from your hand.
** ''{{Card|Horse Traders}}'' - Itself
** {{Card|Farmhands}} - An [[Action]] or [[Treasure]] from your hand.
** {{Card|Gear}} - Up to 2 cards from your hand.
** {{Card|Ghost}} - An [[Action]] card from your deck.
** {{Card|Grotto}} - Up to 4 cards from your hand.
** {{Trait|Hasty}} - A gained Hasty card.
** {{Trait|Patient}} - A Patient card from your hand.
** {{Event|Prepare}} - Your hand.
** {{Card|Prince|oi=2|Prince (pre-errata)}} - An [[Action]] card from your hand, and the same card after each time it's played.
** {{Card|Quartermaster}} - A card from the [[Supply]] costing up to {{Cost|4}}.
** {{Prophecy|Rapid Expansion}} - A gained [[Action]] or [[Treasure]].
** {{Event|Reap}} - The {{Card|Gold}} gained by buying Reap.
** {{Card|Research}} - Cards from you deck.
** {{Card|Royal Galley}} - A non-[[Duration]] [[Action]] from your hand.
** {{Event|Summon}} - An [[Action]] card from the [[Supply]] costing upt to {{Cost|4}}.
** {{Trait|Tireless}} - A Tireless card discarded from play.
** {{Way|Way of the Turtle}} - The card played as the Turtle.
* until end of game
** {{Card|Druid}} - The top 3 [[Boons]].
** {{Event|Inheritance}} - A non-[[Command]] [[Action]] card from the [[Supply]].
** {{Card|Prince|oi=2|Prince (pre-errata)}} - Itself
** {{Card|Prince|Prince (post-errata)}} - A non-[[Duration]] non-[[Command]] [[Action]] card from your hand.
** {{Card|Riverboat}} - An unused non-[[Duration]] [[Action]] card costing {{Cost|5}}.
** {{Way|Way of the Mouse}} - An unused [[Action]] card costing {{Cost|2}} to {{Cost|3}}.
== Card gallery ==
=== Cards ===
{{startsort|1}}{{Image|Archive|cost=$5}}{{Image|Blockade|cost=$4}}{{Image|Cage|cost=$2}}{{Image|Cargo Ship|link=Cargo Ship|file=Cargo_Ship|cost=$3}}{{Image|Church|cost=$3}}{{Image|Contract|cost=$5}}{{Image|Crypt|cost=$5}}{{Image|Druid|cost=$2}}{{Image|Encampment|cost=$2}}{{Image|Faithful Hound|link=Faithful Hound|file=Faithful_Hound|cost=$2}}{{Image|Farmhands|cost=$4}}{{Image|Gear|cost=$3}}{{Image|Ghost|cost=$4*}}{{Image|Grotto|cost=$2}}{{Image|Haven|cost=$2}}{{Image|Joust|cost=$5}}{{Image|Library|cost=$5}}{{Image|Possession|cost=$6P}}{{Image|Prince|cost=$8}}{{Image|Puzzle Box|link=Puzzle Box|file=Puzzle_Box|cost=$7*}}{{Image|Quartermaster|cost=$5}}{{Image|Research|cost=$4}}{{Image|Riverboat|cost=$3}}{{Image|Royal Galley|link=Royal Galley|file=Royal_Galley|cost=$4}}{{Image|Trickster|cost=$5}}{{endsort}}
=== Landscapes ===
{{startsort|2}}{{Image|Biding Time|link=Biding Time|file=Biding_Time|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Delay|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Deliver|size=320|cost=$2}}{{Image|Foresight|size=320|cost=$2}}{{Image|Hasty|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Inheritance|size=320|cost=$7}}{{Image|Patient|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Prepare|size=320|cost=$3}}{{Image|Rapid Expansion|link=Rapid Expansion|file=Rapid_Expansion|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Reap|size=320|cost=$7}}{{Image|Save|size=320|cost=$1}}{{Image|Summon|size=320|cost=$5}}{{Image|Tireless|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Way of the Mouse|link=Way of the Mouse|file=Way_of_the_Mouse|size=320|cost=$0}}{{Image|Way of the Turtle|link=Way of the Turtle|file=Way_of_the_Turtle|size=320|cost=$0}}{{endsort}}
=== Removed cards===
{{Image|Horse Traders|link=Horse Traders|file=Horse_Traders|cost=$4}}
{{Navbox Mechanics}}
[[Category:Other mechanics]]

Revision as of 11:20, 13 September 2024