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[[Image:Laboratory.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Laboratory]], a non-terminal draw card.]]

Cards that can increase your handsize without depleting your number of available Actions are referred to as '''[[non-terminal]] draw''' cards. They make a welcome addition to almost any [[engine]] strategy, in which large handsizes allow you to find and line up your key engine components.
The simplest [[vanilla]] non-terminal draw card is {{Card|Laboratory}}; cards that have similar effects are therefore sometimes referred to as '''Lab variants'''.
Non-terminal draw is closely related to [[duration draw]]: playing a duration-draw card on one turn provides an effect similar to playing a non-terminal draw card on your next turn.
== List of non-terminal draw cards ==
These draw a specified number of cards—typically a total of +2 Cards, occasionally more—and can draw any card. Cards in italics have been [[Removed cards|removed]].
* [[Dominion (base set)|Dominion]]: {{Card|Laboratory}}
* [[Seaside]]: {{card|Tide Pools}}
* [[Alchemy]]: {{Card|Alchemist}}
* [[Dark Ages]]: {{Card|Madman}}
* [[Guilds]]: {{Card|Advisor}}
* [[Adventures]]: {{Card|Lost City}}
* [[Empires]]: {{Card|Encampment}}
* [[Renaissance]]: {{Card|Experiment}}
* [[Menagerie (expansion)|Menagerie]]: {{card|Destrier}}, {{card|Horse}}, {{way|Way of the Horse}}
* [[Allies]]: {{card|Distant Shore}}, {{card|Lich}}, {{card|Sibyl}}
* [[Plunder (expansion)|Plunder]]: {{card|Landing Party}}
* [[Rising Sun]]: {{card|Litter}}, {{card|Root Cellar}}
* [[Promos]]: {{Card|Governor}}
===Conditional effects===
These cards are restricted by only being able to increase handsize in certain circumstances; if the condition is not met, most will be simple [[cantrip|cantrips]], or even reduce handsize.
* [[Intrigue]]: {{Card|Wishing Well}} -- you need to guess the top card of your deck after drawing one card to draw another one.
* [[Alchemy]]: {{Card|Apprentice}} provides net non-terminal draw if you trash a card costing {{Cost|3}} or more.
* [[Prosperity]]: {{Card|City}} -- Only if a [[supply]] pile is empty.
* [[Cornucopia]]: {{Card|Menagerie}} -- Only if you have no duplicate cards in hand.
* [[Hinterlands]]: {{Card|Stables}} -- If you can discard a Treasure from your hand.
* [[Adventures]]: {{Card|Storyteller}} -- You need to have {{cost}} to spend to increase your handsize.
* [[Adventures]]: {{Card|Teacher}}, {{Event|Lost Arts}}, {{Event|Pathfinding}} can all upgrade Action cards to draw extra cards or generate extra Actions, generating non-terminal draw from suitable targets.
* [[Empires]]: {{Card|City Quarter}} -- Variable amount of draw. You need at least two other [[Action]] cards in hand to increase your handsize.
* [[Nocturne]]: {{Card|Cursed Village}} -- Variable amount of draw. Only increases handsize from a sufficiently small starting handsize.
* [[Allies]]: {{card|Capital City}} -- You need to have generated {{Cost|2}} before.
* [[Allies]]: {{card|Battle Plan}} -- If you can reveal an [[Attack]] card from your hand.
* [[Plunder (expansion)|Plunder]]: {{card|Swamp Shacks}} -- If you have six or more cards in play.
* [[Plunder (expansion)|Plunder]]: {{trait|Shy}} -- only works at the beginning of your turn, and only once per turn.
* [[Rising Sun]]: {{card|Artist}} -- if you have two or more unique cards in play..
* [[Rising Sun]]: {{card|Rice Broker}} gives net non-terminal draw if you trash an [[Action]] card.
=== Specific-card drawers ===
A subset of conditional non-terminal draw. These non-terminal cards only draw cards of a specific [[type]] or other category, and increase handsize if they find such cards.
* ''{{Card|Scout}}'' draws Victory cards.
* {{card|Sea Chart}} draws a card you already have in play.
* {{Card|Apothecary}} draws {{Card|Copper|Coppers}} and {{Card|Potion|Potions}}.
* {{Card|Scrying Pool}} draws Actions.
* {{Card|Hunting Party}} [[digging|digs]] for a card not already in your hand.
* {{Card|Vagrant}} draws certain [[junk]] cards.
* {{Card|Magpie}} draws [[Treasure|Treasures]].
* {{Card|Settlers}} draws Coppers from your discard pile.
* {{Card|Bustling Village}} draws Settlers from your discard pile.
* {{card|Patrician}} draws cards costing {{cost|5}} or more.
* {{card|Will-o'-Wisp}} draws cards costing {{cost|2}} or less.
* {{Card|Seer}} draws cards costing from {{Cost|2}} to {{Cost|4}}.
* {{card|Hunter}} draws cards of ''different'' types.
* {{card|Poet}} draws cards costing {{cost|3}} or less.
=== Non-terminal duration draw ===
These non-terminal cards [[duration draw|increase handsize on future turns]], not immediately.
* [[Seaside]]: {{card|Caravan}}
* [[Empires]]: {{card|Archive}}
* [[Nocturne]]: {{card|Den of Sin}}, {{Card|Crypt}}
=== Unreliable non-terminal draw ===
These cards are not usually considered Lab variants, but can play that role in some decks:
* {{Card|Ironmonger}} can act as Lab variants depending on what card is on top of your deck.
* {{Card|Shanty Town}} acts as a Lab variant if you have no [[Action]] cards in hand, but otherwise decreases handsize.
* {{card|Diplomat}} acts as a Lab variant if your handsize is small, but otherwise is [[terminal]].
* {{Card|Native Village}} hides away cards, rather than drawing them, but can non-terminally add them to your hand.
* ''{{card|Trusty Steed}}'' and {{card|Courser}} are difficult to gain and you can generally only get one copy of them, so they're hard to use as the basis of an engine.
* {{Card|Crossroads}} provides non-terminal draw the first time you play it on a turn, if there are multiple [[Victory card|Victory cards]] in your hand.
* {{Card|Cultist}} is technically terminal, but will allow you to play additional Cultists after it.
* {{Card|Imp}} allows you to play an Action that you don't yet have a copy of in play, which can make it non-terminal if the other Action you play also is.
* {{Card|Avanto}} allows you to play a cantrip {{Card|Sauna}} if you have one in your hand after drawing, giving you back the Action you used to play Avanto.
* {{card|Sheepdog}} can provide draw without using up an Action if you gain a card while you have it in hand.
* {{card|Goatherd}} provides non-terminal draw if your opponent trashed multiple cards on their last turn.
* {{card|Emissary}} is only non-terminal if it makes you [[shuffle]] while drawing.
=== Related cards ===
These cards draw multiple cards but overall only maintain handsize rather than increasing it.
* {{card|Secret Passage}} is a non-terminal source of +2 Cards, but then you return a card to your deck, so it maintains handsize rather than increasing it.
* {{Card|Fugitive}} and {{card|Ferryman}} are non-terminal sources of +2 Cards, but its required discard means it maintains handsize, rather than increasing it.
* {{Card|Forum}} is a non-terminal source of +3 Cards, but its required discard means it maintains handsize, rather than increasing it.
* {{card|Recruiter}} gives you [[Villagers]] if you trash a card with a non-zero coin cost, allowing you to recover the Action you used to play it if you want to. However, since trashing is mandatory, this doesn't actually increase handsize.
{{startsort|1}}{{Image|Archive|cost=$5}}{{Image|Advisor|cost=$4}}{{Image|Alchemist|cost=$3P}}{{Image|Caravan|cost=$4}}{{Image|Den of Sin|link=Den of Sin|file=Den_of_Sin|cost=$5}}{{Image|Destrier|cost=$6*}}{{Image|Distant Shore|link=Distant Shore|file=Distant_Shore|cost=$6}}{{Image|Encampment|cost=$2}}{{Image|Experiment|cost=$3}}{{Image|Governor|cost=$5}}{{Image|Horse|cost=$3*}}{{Image|Laboratory|cost=$5}}{{Image|Lich|cost=$6}}{{Image|Lost City|link=Lost City|file=Lost_City|cost=$5}}{{Image|Madman|cost=$0*}}{{Image|Sibyl|cost=$6}}{{Image|Stables|cost=$5}}{{Image|Way of the Horse|link=Way of the Horse|file=Way_of_the_Horse|size=320|cost=$0}}{{endsort}}
{{startsort|2}}{{Image|Apprentice|cost=$5}}{{Image|Battle Plan|link=Battle Plan|file=Battle_Plan|cost=$3}}{{Image|Capital City|link=Capital City|file=Capital_City|cost=$5}}{{Image|City|cost=$5}}{{Image|City Quarter|link=City Quarter|file=City_Quarter|cost=$08D}}{{Image|Cursed Village|link=Cursed Village|file=Cursed_Village|cost=$5}}{{Image|Menagerie|cost=$3}}{{Image|Storyteller|cost=$5}}{{Image|Teacher|cost=$6*}}{{Image|Tide Pools|link=Tide Pools|file=Tide_Pools|cost=$4}}{{Image|Wishing Well|link=Wishing Well|file=Wishing_Well|cost=$3}}{{Image|Lost Arts|link=Lost Arts|file=Lost_Arts|size=320|cost=$6}}{{Image|Pathfinding|size=320|cost=$8}}{{endsort}}
===Only specific cards===
{{startsort|3}}{{Image|Apothecary|cost=$2P}}{{Image|Bustling Village|link=Bustling Village|file=Bustling_Village|cost=$5}}{{Image|Hunter|cost=$5}}{{Image|Hunting Party|link=Hunting Party|file=Hunting_Party|cost=$5}}{{Image|Magpie|cost=$4}}{{Image|Patrician|cost=$2}}{{Image|Scrying Pool|link=Scrying Pool|file=Scrying_Pool|cost=$2P}}{{Image|Sea Chart|link=Sea Chart|file=Sea_Chart|cost=$3}}{{Image|Seer|cost=$5}}{{Image|Settlers|cost=$2}}{{Image|Vagrant|cost=$2}}{{Image|Will-o'-Wisp|cost=$0*}}{{endsort}}
{{Navbox card categories}}

Revision as of 11:26, 13 September 2024