Base Act 1

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== Adventure Overview ==
#REDIRECT[[Dominion Campaigns: Base Set Act 1]]
The adventure for Base Set Act I is named "Ascending the Throne." The plot of this adventure revolves around establishing your kingdom as you come into power after the sudden deaths of your parents, the Prince and Princess.
This adventure introduces many of the [[Base]] cards, including Mine, Market, Smithy, Remodel, Militia, Workshop, Woodcutter, Village, Moat, Cellar.
== List of Scenes ==
=== Game 1 vs. Alice the Serf ===
Only yesterday you were mere heir to the Throne of Vaccara, but today the kingdom is yours! Your parents, the Prince and Princess, met mysterious deaths while vacationing at Chesmarsh Villa in the countryside. Your kingdom may be small, with only three estates and a small supply of copper, but it's now yours to command.
Kingdom cards: Militia, Remodel, Smithy, Market, Mine, Cellar, Moat, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop
=== Game 2 vs. Serf Adela ===
Your mother's parents, the King and Queen of Provilia, schedule a visit to your castle. You hear rumors: your grandfather never really liked your father; your parents' death might not have been accidental; your parents had enemies. It's time to hire a spy who can learn more information. Sadly, your opponents have spies too, so it's time to add some crocodiles to your full moat.
Kingdom cards: Remodel, Smithy, Council Room, Laboratory, Market, Village, Workshop, Bureaucrat, Feast, Moneylender
=== Game 3 vs. Maiden Abigail ===
After a stay that felt much too long, your grandparents return to Provilia. Interesting information has come in: neighboring King Rex wasn't extremely neighborly to your parents. Now he has it in for you. It doesn't help that your new mine in the northern hills struck silver and gold--in land King Rex wanted.
Kingdom cards: Thief, Council Room, Festival, Laboratory, Adventurer, Chapel, Chancellor, Bureaucrat, Feast, Moneylender
=== Boss Game 4 vs. King Rex ===
It's time to confront King Rex directly. Your spies were useful for strategic information, but they haven't discovered proof that King Rex killed your parents. Your spies tell you that he is planning an attack. Time to alert the militia, drop the drawbridge, and go on the offensive.
Kingdom cards: Throne Room, Festival, Library, Witch, Adventurer, Chapel, Chancellor, Gardens, Spy, Thief
=== Game 5 vs. Serf Gordon ===
You defeat King Rex. After some interrogation in your dungeons, you feel confident that he didn't kill your parents and doesn't know who did. Now you're thinking it had to be someone who had an insider's access to the family's vacation estate, Chesmarsh Villa.
Kingdom cards: Spy, Throne Room, Library, Mine, Witch, Cellar, Moat, Woodcutter, Gardens, Militia
=== Game 6 vs. Maiden Marjoria ===
Your devious cousin Queen Vada appears to be building quite a kingdom of her own, which she considers superior to yours. She locked you in the cellar at Chesmarsh once, when your families were there on holiday. Now that she's a queen, her trickery could be dangerous. Inviting her to a kingdom-wide festival should demonstrate your own wealth and power.
Kingdom cards: Throne Room, Laboratory, Market, Mine, Adventurer, Chapel, Chancellor, Bureaucrat, Feast, Moneylender
=== Game 7 vs. Squire Edwin ===
Queen Vada isn't happy with your expansion near her kingdom. You're not sure why; it's much more benign than locking her in the cellar. She hints that she knows something important about your parents. "Apparently," she says, "Rex wasn't their only enemy."
Kingdom cards: Spy, Thief, Council Room, Festival, Library, Moat, Chancellor, Village, Bureaucrat, Militia
=== Boss Game 8 vs. Queen Vada +1 ===
Grandmother Provilia advises you to play nice and meet in the council room with Queen Vada, but Vada is now plotting with a distant cousin against you. Now you have two rivals. You ask your smithy to reinforce the portcullis in preparation for war.
Kingdom cards: Feast, Gardens, Thief, Laboratory, Witch, Cellar, Chapel, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop
=== Game 9 vs. Maiden Marie ===
Now that you've won a battle against Queen Vada, you expect a boon--maybe information about your parents? At the consolation feast you arrange for her (after all, she is family), you learn that in the nearby Kingdom of Idare is an assassins' guild called The Slayers, whose leader, the Overlord, might be complicit in the deaths.
Kingdom cards: Thief, Throne Room, Library, Market, Mine, Chapel, Village, Gardens, Moneylender, Remodel
=== Game 10 vs. Squire Clayton ===
The mysterious Overlord remains hidden, but your spies learn the name of your parents' assassin: Joseph Gelu, one of the Overlord's favorite Slayers. He's close by, in the adjacent Kingdom of Idare!
Kingdom cards: Smithy, Throne Room, Laboratory, Market, Witch, Chancellor, Village, Workshop, Feast, Militia
=== Game 11 vs. Lady Sarra ===
King Hogan IV, the xenophobic ruler of the neighboring Kingdom of Idare, is asked to negotiate with your newly-appointed chancellor of foreign affairs for the extradition of the murderer Joseph Gelu. The Overlord's identity remains hidden…
Kingdom cards: Spy, Thief, Throne Room, Library, Market, Moat, Chancellor, Village, Workshop, Remodel
=== Boss Game 12 vs. Joseph Gelu +1 ===
The negotiations didn't go well, and assassin Joseph Gelu slips through multiple snares. Your militia finally locate him in a village pub near Queen Vada's territory. Your informants tell you he might not have been acting alone.
Kingdom cards: Thief, Throne Room, Council Room, Festival, Witch, Moat, Woodcutter, Gardens, Remodel, Spy
== Trivia ==

Latest revision as of 23:30, 26 November 2017

  1. REDIRECTDominion Campaigns: Base Set Act 1
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