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Revision as of 10:19, 22 December 2012 by WanderingWinder (Talk | contribs)

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Looks pretty good, but I think the strong openers/openings lists would be better if we used councilroom data. I don't have the list of best openings and their rankings, but I think that would be a better way to list them if anyone else does. --Jonts (talk) 13:32, 4 November 2012 (EST)

Yeah I was hoping for that data to be available when I wrote it, but of course it's not available at this time. Even with that list this article is still very much a work in progress. -Thirtyseven (talk) 13:44, 4 November 2012 (EST)
I don't think it's that important to add CR data. But you can read through my short card articles of the rankings to find the top openings at that time. I found at least the Top 8: #1 Mountebank/Chapel, #2 Governor/Chapel, #3 Tournament/Ambassador, #4 Witch/Chapel, #5 Mint/Fool's Gold, #6 Tournament/Chapel, #7 Caravan/Ambassador, #8 Tournament/Masquerade, #11 Vault/Chapel, #12 Wharf/Fool's Gold, #13 Minion/Chapel --Qvist (talk) 14:05, 4 November 2012 (EST)
The only reason I would want data for this would be because best opening can be somewhat subjective and I don't want the list to just keep growing every time someone has a game where a particular opening worked out really well. Using CR data we keep the list objective. Though it does omit DA ccards. --Jonts (talk) 14:08, 4 November 2012 (EST)
That's why I titled the section Examples of strong openings/ers, because of how subjective it can be. Only "top tier" openings (subjective) should be listed; maybe limit it to a dozen or so. I do think we should use the CR data when we can get our hands on it though. -Thirtyseven (talk) 14:14, 4 November 2012 (EST)
I would suggest switching the examples of strong openers to TYPES of cards, i.e. Strong Trashers and Cursers. Maybe give a single example of each.
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