Golden Deck

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What is a Golden Deck?

The single deck commonly referred to as a Golden Deck is a five-card deck with

  • Three treasures which, combined, are worth $7 or $8
  • One BishopBishop.jpg
  • One ProvinceProvince.jpg

Every turn, this deck can play Bishop to trash a Province for 5VP, and then use $8 to buy a new Province, earning VP without changing the state of your hand or deck. More generally, "a Golden Deck" is used to refer to any deck that shares that property - you are guaranteed the same draws every turn, and you earn VP without adding any new cards to your deck.

Setting up the standard Golden Deck

  • The standard setup for a Golden Deck requires opening with BishopBishop.jpg/ChapelChapel.jpg. Opening StewardSteward.jpg/Steward is also possible, though significantly slower.
  • Your aim is to trash your starting cards as fast as possible; almost always err on the side of trashing faster rather than buying, unless you would go below $3 total in your whole deck.
  • You should not need to buy more than two SilverSilver.jpgs. Buying one GoldGold.jpg will be easy once your deck gets down to 5 cards.
  • Drawing your Chapel on turn 5 will seriously mess you up. There's not much you can do about that.
  • Once the deck is set up, trash Province every turn and buy Province, until the game is over. If you can, on the last turn, buy a Province without trashing one.
  • If you are behind, you can instead switch to buying and trashing Gold for 4 VP per turn instead of 5 {{VP for trashing Provinces.

Golden Deck strategy

  • The Golden Deck is weak against many Attacks.
    • Cursers and other junking attacks can cause you to have a 6-card deck instead of a 5-card deck, thus breaking your combo; you will be forced to spend turns trashing incoming junk and not buying/trashing Provinces.
    • Discard attacks will leave you with a 3-card hand.
    • However, once the Golden Deck gets going, it is immune to trashing attacks and SpySpy.jpg-type Attacks, because your entire deck is in your hand; there's no deck for the Attacks to target.
  • The Golden Deck is weak against engines that don't stall. 5VP per turn isn't actually that many; it will beat strategies that stall after picking up a few Provinces, but engines that can continue to pick up Provinces without stalling and can detour for Duchy200px will be able to overtake a Golden Deck. This is especially true since the opponent will have the benefit of a lot of Bishop trashing early.
  • ColonyColony.jpg games do not favor a Golden Deck, since you only get one more VP for trashing a Colony, but your opponent gets 4 more Victory points for having it in their deck.

Golden Deck variants

Though the standard Golden Deck is (Bishop, Gold, Gold, Silver, Province), there are many ways to achieve consistent VP gain.

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