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[[Image:CampaignSeaside2.png|thumb|right|750px|Completed map for Seaside - Act 3.]]
[[Image:CampaignSeaside3.png|thumb|right|750px|Completed map for Seaside - Act 3.]]

'''[[Dominion Campaigns]]: Seaside Act 3''' (originally subtitled '''Old Friends'''), is the third Act of the Seaside Campaign on [[Dominion Online]].  It comes with the purchase of [[Seaside]].
'''[[Dominion Campaigns]]: Seaside Act 3''' (originally subtitled '''Old Friends'''), is the third Act of the Seaside Campaign on [[Dominion Online]].  It comes with the purchase of [[Seaside]].

Revision as of 20:05, 8 May 2016

Completed map for Seaside - Act 3.

Dominion Campaigns: Seaside Act 3 (originally subtitled Old Friends), is the third Act of the Seaside Campaign on Dominion Online. It comes with the purchase of Seaside.

Campaign Overview

A journey into uncharted territory reunites you with some vengeful witches.

List of Games

Game 1 vs. Serf Archer

Captain Althea, Ela, and you are looking for a change of scenery, so you plan a short three-hour tour down Vaccara's coast. A storm explodes on the horizon, and you can't outrun it. You've hit a reef--Captain Althea calls out, "Abandon ship!"

Kingdom cards: Caravan, Fishing Village, Haven, Lighthouse, Merchant Ship, Outpost, Pearl Diver, Tactician, Wharf, Embargo

Game 2 vs. Serf Mary

Thankfully, shore was close, but you don't recognize this part of your kingdom. Your ship is sinking, and you leave it to the reef. You know you'll need food and water soon.

Kingdom cards: Explorer, Island, Lookout, Navigator, Pearl Diver, Smugglers, Tactician, Treasury, Warehouse, Native Village

Game 3 vs. Maiden Lettice

There's no civilization in sight, but just beyond the beach, there are rabbits to hunt and a small stream with drinkable water. Captain Althea takes a party to scavenge all they can from the wrecked ship.

Kingdom cards: Bazaar, Caravan, Cutpurse, Fishing Village, Lookout, Salvager, Sea Hag, Smugglers, Treasury, Ambassador

Boss Game 4 vs. Captain Althea

Weeks go by with no sign of friend or foe. Why no search party from your castle? You decide to hike across the far hills to find civilization. Captain Althea refuses to go. "Climbing those heights would be a death sentence," she says. You draw swords.

Kingdom cards: Caravan, Ghost Ship, Lighthouse, Merchant Ship, Native Village, Pirate Ship, Smugglers, Warehouse, Wharf, Embargo

Game 5 vs. Serf Valenia

You hated to fight your friend, but you know that someone must find a rescue. You leave Captain Althea at camp; Ela and some of the crew join your expedition. After a few days, you're struck with a fever. Ela proves to be a worthy nurse.

Kingdom cards: Bureaucrat, Festival, Lookout, Mine, Salvager, Sea Hag, Spy, Thief, Treasure Map, Ambassador

Game 6 vs. Maiden Joanna

You recover from your illness, and the march continues. You pass a desert, then boggy fields, and finally you come to a village! Your group receives food and comfort, but the villagers don't seem to recognize their ruler--you. Wait--is that Sir Robert you see--that thief?

Kingdom cards: Ambassador, Cutpurse, Island, Lighthouse, Pearl Diver, Pirate Ship, Smugglers, Treasury, Warehouse, Haven

Game 7 vs. Squire Redwald

Sir Robert darts into a small shack, and he gives the hooded woman inside a parcel. The squawking chickens outside drown out their voices. What could they be saying?

Kingdom cards: Caravan, Island, Merchant Ship, Native Village, Pirate Ship, Smugglers, Treasure Map, Warehouse, Wharf, Lighthouse

Boss Game 8 vs. Sir Robert and Maiden Lettice

Sir Robert emerges and sees you near the door. You don't think he recognizes you, but he's angry and pulls his sword. You draw yours. The fun begins.

Kingdom cards: Ambassador, Explorer, Fishing Village, Haven, Lookout, Navigator, Outpost, Salvager, Tactician, Embargo

Game 9 vs. Maiden Joya

Your father must've paid handsomely for your defensive training; Sir Robert and his weapon are quickly separated. The swordplay he recognizes: "It's you! You must join me for dinner this evening! Bring any companions you have!"

Kingdom cards: Bazaar, Cutpurse, Feast, Ghost Ship, Library, Salvager, Sea Hag, Treasure Map, Wharf, Ambassador

Game 10 vs. Squire Tarquin

Dinner at Sir Robert's house is a welcome treat, despite his reticence in discussing the woman and the parcel. He says there aren't any ships near his town that could replace yours, and he replenishes your travelling supplies. You are grateful and suspicious.

Kingdom cards: Bazaar, Ghost Ship, Moneylender, Pirate Ship, Sea Hag, Tactician, Thief, Treasure Map, Treasury, Moat

Game 11 vs. Lady Philippa

Your trek takes you and your group to another village, then to a town, and finally you're told that a city, one with large boats, is just down the coast. Only one forest blocks your way.

Kingdom cards: Bazaar, Explorer, Haven, Lighthouse, Merchant Ship, Navigator, Tactician, Treasury, Wharf, Embargo

Boss Game 12 vs. Witch Jezebel and Lady Philippa

Your camp in the woods has a surprise visitor--the hooded woman. Your tent and some trees burst into flame, and the light illuminates her face. It's the witch Jezebel. Your pack horses run.

Kingdom cards: Caravan, Cutpurse, Explorer, Fishing Village, Merchant Ship, Native Village, Navigator, Outpost, Pearl Diver, Lighthouse

Game 13 vs. Squire Solomon

Witch Jezebel throws a few more fireballs and runs from camp, with you in hot (literally, your hat is on fire) pursuit. You come to a small dock. Witch Jezebel steals a dinghy and paddles off, and you do the same. She's a better paddler than you thought she'd be.

Kingdom cards: Bazaar, Ghost Ship, Haven, Island, Lookout, Pirate Ship, Smugglers, Treasury, Warehouse, Embargo

Game 14 vs. Lady Thomasine

You remember how witch Jezebel turned your love into a frog, and how difficult it was to get the curse removed. You really, really want to catch her. You hope your friends and Ela didn't burn up in the fire back at camp.

Kingdom cards: Laboratory, Salvager, Sea Hag, Spy, Tactician, Throne Room, Treasure Map, Village, Wharf, Ambassador

Game 15 vs. Gentleman Benjamin

A horse and rider appear on the distant shore, and witch Jezebel flies from her boat onto the horse (witches are tricky). They turn and ride off. It must be Sir Robert. You just knew his kindness was suspect.

Kingdom cards: Ambassador, Caravan, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Library, Native Village, Pearl Diver, Thief, Treasure Map, Embargo

Boss Game 16 vs. Witch Jezebel, Sea Hag, and Lady Thomasine

You pick up their trail, but it still takes hours to catch up to their camp. You're stunned to hear a familiar voice--the rider with the horse was the Sea Hag from Valierian Manor!

Kingdom cards: Bazaar, Cutpurse, Ghost Ship, Haven, Island, Native Village, Smugglers, Treasury, Warehouse, Embargo

Game 17 vs. Lady Ellen

Ela and the crew stamp out the witch's fires as Sir Robert approaches. "I saw your fire on the horizon. How can I help?" He brings fresh horses and helpers.

Kingdom cards: Caravan, Explorer, Lookout, Navigator, Outpost, Pirate Ship, Salvager, Treasure Map, Wharf, Fishing Village

Game 18 vs. Gentleman Ingvar

Sir Robert finally tells Ela and your crew what was in the parcel he gave to Witch Jezebel: he had borrowed money from her years ago, and he felt obligated to repay his loan. But with the debt repaid, it's time for justice.

Kingdom cards: Ambassador, Ghost Ship, Merchant Ship, Outpost, Pearl Diver, Sea Hag, Smugglers, Tactician, Wharf, Lighthouse

Game 19 vs. Gentleman Hal

Sir Robert says he has sent his fastest men to the city with the large boats. They're instructed to hire a large ship to assist in the rescue of Captain Althea. Would it arrive in time?

Kingdom cards: Bazaar, Caravan, Cutpurse, Lookout, Navigator, Salvager, Treasure Map, Treasury, Warehouse, Haven

Boss Game 20 vs. Witch Jezebel

Witch Jezebel's anger at your treatment of her witches is all-encompassing. Nothing but your death will quench her lust for revenge. She lifts her hands to the sky and begins an incantation.

Kingdom cards: Ambassador, Fishing Village, Haven, Island, Lookout, Native Village, Navigator, Pirate Ship, Smugglers, Embargo


Base Set: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Intrigue: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Seaside: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Prosperity: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)
Cornucopia: (Act 1) •• Hinterlands: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Alchemy: (Act 1) •• Dark Ages: (Act 1Act 2Act 3Act 4) •• Guilds: (Act 1) •• Adventures: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)