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Reward is a card type from the second edition of Cornucopia & Guilds. The Rewards are six differently-named cards that are not in the Supply, and can only be gained by playing a Joust. In a two-player game, only one copy of each Reward is available; in a multiplayer game, two copies of each are used.

Rewards replace the removed card type Prize from the first edition of Cornucopia. They have a similar function to the Prizes, and two of the six Rewards are essentially just renamed Prizes, but the others are new cards designed to be more balanced than the Prizes were.

List of Rewards

Official Rules

  • There are two each of six rewards: Coronet, Courser, Demesne, Housecarl, Huge Turnip, Renown.
  • These are cards which are never part of the Supply. If the Rewards run out, that does not count towards the game end condition.
  • The Rewards may not be bought, or gained via cards like Horn of Plenty; only Joust can gain them from their pile. They can be gained from other places normally; for example Lurker from Intrigue can gain some of them from the trash.
  • Use all 12 Rewards with 3 or more players; use just one of each with 2 players. With 3 or more players, a single player can get two of the same Reward.
  • Trashed Rewards go to the trash pile, like other cards; they do not return to the Rewards pile.
  • If using the promotional card Black Market, do not put Rewards into the Black Market deck.