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Revision as of 13:45, 5 November 2012 by Ajd (Talk | contribs)

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Cards are referred to as dead if they are drawn at a time when they can't be used, or can't be used effectively.

  • The most common example of drawing cards "dead" is when you play a terminal +Cards card like Smithy and draw Actions which you can't play because you have no actions remaining.
  • Victory cards are typically dead cards in your deck until the end of the game.
  • Throne Room, King's Court, and Procession can be drawn with no actions to use as targets.
  • Treasure Maps drawn without a second Treasure Map in hand can be dead cards.
  • Sea Hag becomes a dead card once the Curse pile is empty.
  • Early-game trashers become dead cards once you have trashed all of your bad cards.
  • Baron may be considered dead if it is drawn without an Estate in hand by a player who does not want to gain an Estate.
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