Dominion Campaigns: Dark Ages Act 2

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'''[[Dominion Adventures]]: Dark Ages Act 2''', subtitled '''Vandals and Vermin''', is the first section of the Dark Ages Adventures on [[Goko]].  It comes with the purchase of the [[Dark Ages#Vandals and Vermin|Dark Ages: Vandals and Vermin]] card set, which includes {{Card|Beggar}}, {{Card|Catacombs}}, {{Card|Death Cart}}, {{Card|Feodum}}, {{Card|Forager}}, {{Card|Junk Dealer}}, {{Card|Market Square}}, {{Card|Mystic}}, {{Card|Pillage}}, {{Card|Rats}}, {{Card|Rebuild}}, and {{Card|Wandering Minstrel}}.
'''[[Dominion Adventures]]: Dark Ages Act 2''', subtitled '''Vandals and Vermin''', is the second section of the Dark Ages Adventures on [[Goko]].  It comes with the purchase of the [[Dark Ages#Vandals and Vermin|Dark Ages: Vandals and Vermin]] card set, which includes {{Card|Beggar}}, {{Card|Catacombs}}, {{Card|Death Cart}}, {{Card|Feodum}}, {{Card|Forager}}, {{Card|Junk Dealer}}, {{Card|Market Square}}, {{Card|Mystic}}, {{Card|Pillage}}, {{Card|Rats}}, {{Card|Rebuild}}, and {{Card|Wandering Minstrel}}.
== Adventure Overview ==
== Adventure Overview ==

Revision as of 18:24, 1 June 2015

Dominion Adventures: Dark Ages Act 2, subtitled Vandals and Vermin, is the second section of the Dark Ages Adventures on Goko. It comes with the purchase of the Dark Ages: Vandals and Vermin card set, which includes BeggarBeggar.jpg, CatacombsCatacombs.jpg, Death CartDeath Cart.jpg, FeodumFeodum.jpg, ForagerForager.jpg, Junk DealerJunk Dealer.jpg, Market SquareMarket Square.jpg, MysticMystic.jpg, PillagePillage.jpg, RatsRats.jpg, RebuildRebuild.jpg, and Wandering MinstrelWandering Minstrel.jpg.


Adventure Overview

The plague has struck and a charlatan "healer" has rallied your diseased subjects against you.

List of Scenes

Game 1 vs. Serf Hunwald

Disease has taken over your land like the shadow of a dark cloud. People are dying in the streets, and parentless children are running wild in the market square. You even found a forager going through your personal garbage.

Kingdom cards: Forager, Market Square, Moneylender, Remodel, Cellar, Laboratory, Village, Smithy, Mine, Library (uses Shelters)

Game 2 vs. Serf Greta

The man with the death cart calls out for citizens to place their dead loved ones in the street; the sound of his cadence fills you with dread. Rats circle his feet, and those multiplying little vermin have started to eat through the wooden doors of your storehouse. Soon you'll have nothing left.

Kingdom cards: Death Cart, Rats, Remodel, Cellar, Village, Workshop, Smithy, Throne Room, Festival, Laboratory (uses Shelters)

Game 3 vs. Maiden Osanna

Neighboring kingdoms are poised to attack, but no battles have begun yet. Your enemies fear the plague more than they desire to conquer your territories. A wandering minstrel reports that raiders have begun to pillage, now that there are so few left to keep order.

Kingdom cards: Pillage, Wandering Minstrel, Council Room, Witch, Moneylender, Throne Room, Cellar, Woodcutter, Workshop, Feast (uses Shelters)

Boss Game 4 vs. Simon

Your subjects are desperate for relief, and a "healer" appears, rallying your people against you. He promises relief from the disease if your subjects switch their loyalties to him. They do and storm your overgrown castle. He comes at you, sword drawn.

Kingdom cards: Forager, Market Square, Death Cart, Rats, Pillage, Wandering Minstrel, Library, Remodel, Cellar, Mine (uses Shelters)

Game 5 vs. Serf Willard

Your sword lessons once again prove their worth; you bring the healer Simon to submission quickly. Only a few guards are left in your feodum, and they're busy with the revolting peasants. It's up to you to take Simon to the jailhouse.

Kingdom cards: Feodum, Rats, Forager, Bureaucrat, Mine, Militia, Remodel, Cellar, Laboratory, Market (uses Shelters)

Game 6 vs. Maiden Diamanda

You lock Simon in your most secure cell. Now that the rebellion's leader has been stopped, maybe things will get back to "normal." Just as you return to your estate, a servant rushes in. "Your majesty! That mystic man in the cell has gone *poof*, up in smoke!" Simon is considered a "mystic"?!

Kingdom cards: Mystic, Wandering Minstrel, Death Cart, Bureaucrat, Adventurer, Moneylender, Market, Spy, Moat, Throne Room (uses Shelters)

Game 7 vs. Squire Ronin

Upon inspection of the jailhouse, you see that Simon's escape was probably less a result of smoke poofs than of the huge hole in the wall. (Maybe you should've frisked him?) This isn't a good time to have to rebuild the jailhouse--with what workers? With what money? And besides, where'd Simon go?

Kingdom cards: Rebuild, Market Square, Pillage, Library, Throne Room, Workshop, Feast, Festival, Moneylender, Thief (uses Shelters)

Boss Game 8 vs. Barnabas and Serf Olaf

It would be nice to get a little rest. You return to your estate, only to find two of the revolting peasants waiting in your house. One introduces you to his friend, Barnabas, and also to his own very large and spiky club.

Kingdom cards: Forager, Market Square, Death Cart, Rats, Pillage, Wandering Minstrel, Feodum, Mystic, Rebuild, Gardens (uses Shelters)

Game 9 vs. Maiden Lynna

One opponent's a fair fight; two isn't your idea of a fun time. You yell for your guards, but no one comes. You fight your way outside your estate, only to pass a beggar at your door. Barnabas and his friend are still in hot pursuit.

Kingdom cards: Beggar, Pillage, Feodum, Mystic, Witch, Gardens, Thief, Village, Market, Cellar (uses Shelters)

Game 10 vs. Squire Wolfe

Desperate to lose your attackers, you run into the city. Disease-ridden peasants lay on the cobblestones, awaiting the death cart. As you turn and duck to avoid a sick man's coughing fit, you stumble down a dark stairway. Your attackers didn't follow, so you continue down the dark path. Eventually you realize that you're in the death-filled catacombs.

Kingdom cards: Catacombs, Forager, Death Cart, Wandering Minstrel, Spy, Bureaucrat, Remodel, Throne Room, Gardens, Mine (uses Shelters)

Game 11 vs. Lady Vluerona

You grab a lantern hanging on a peg and continue past the gruesome piles of skulls, femurs, and...somethings. After what seems like miles of twisted underground passages, you find another staircase. At the top, it opens into the shop of a junk dealer, filled with "treasures."

Kingdom cards: Junk Dealer, Rats, Market Square, Rebuild, Workshop, Laboratory, Adventurer, Cellar, Witch, Feast (uses Shelters)

Boss Game 12 vs. Egbert and Squire Edwin

"Stop! Thief!" cries the shop owner, as he swings a large axe near your head. He has several younger men with him, and they're not pleased to see an unannounced stranger appear in their shop.

Kingdom cards: Beggar, Catacombs, Junk Dealer, Feodum, Mystic, Rebuild, Pillage, Wandering Minstrel, Market Square, Death Cart (uses Shelters)

Game 13 vs. Squire Edwin

You wrestle his axe away and explain your situation: you're running from crazy followers of crazier Simon. The shopkeeper takes a good look at your face, and realizes that you're his sovereign!

Kingdom cards: Beggar, Feodum, Market Square, Pillage, Forager, Bureaucrat, Adventurer, Mine, Moneylender, Thief (uses Shelters)

Game 14 vs. Egbert

His name is Egbert, a loyal citizen, and he's happy to help however he can. You accept a change of clothing (you need a disguise). Hopefully Barnabas and his friend Mr. Big Club have given up their chase, but your diseased kingdom is still under the power of Mystic Simon.

Kingdom cards: Forager, Junk Dealer, Mystic, Rebuild, Rats, Chapel, Moneylender, Remodel, Thief, Mine (uses Shelters)

Game 15 vs. Gentleman Osric

As you skulk through the alleyways, you hear rats scurrying and hope they're not headed toward dead bodies. Shop windows are smashed; businesses have been looted. If you can regain your power, you vow to return your populace to health and prosperity.

Kingdom cards: Wandering Minstrel, Catacombs, Feodum, Junk Dealer, Pillage, Workshop, Smithy, Cellar, Market, Woodcutter (uses Shelters)

Boss Game 16 vs. Queen Vada, Soldier, and Squire Winter

Without food and shelter, you won't last very long. Your cousin and sometime enemy Queen Vada might be willing to help you. Would she be willing to set aside your differences, and help a family member?

Kingdom cards: Beggar, Death Cart, Rats, Mystic, Rebuild, Wandering Minstrel, Witch, Throne Room, Chancellor, Spy (uses Shelters)

Game 17 vs. Soldier

Queen Vada is amused by your request for help. Of course she'll let you borrow a few soldiers, in return, of course, for your good will at some unnamed point in the future. The first step in overthrowing Simon is gathering a decent militia.

Kingdom cards: Market Square, Feodum, Rats, Catacombs, Pillage, Beggar, Chapel, Adventurer, Festival, Chancellor (uses Shelters)

Game 18 vs. Lady Celestine

Having an army is only the first step to recovering your kingdom. To win over the peasants, you must show that Simon has no mystical powers; you must prove that he's a fraud. The poor peasants have been giving Simon their last coppers in exchange for "healing." Don't they see that it's not working?

Kingdom cards: Pillage, Forager, Mystic, Junk Dealer, Rebuild, Death Cart, Moat, Council Room, Library, Village (uses Shelters)

Game 19 vs. Gentleman Eduardo

You locate Simon at your summer estate. You and Queen Vada's borrowed troops sneak, disguised, to a public demonstration of Simon's "powers": moving metal pieces on a tabletop via a hidden magnet. Those gullible peasants! You point out his trickery, call your soldiers, but instead of arresting Simon, they point their swords at you.

Kingdom cards: Beggar, Wandering Minstrel, Rebuild, Mystic, Pillage, Forager, Gardens, Woodcutter, Smithy, Militia (uses Shelters)

Boss Game 20 vs. Simon, Queen Vada, and Soldier

Betrayed! Simon declares that the only way to completely cure the plague is to sacrifice you, Vaccara's ruler. Is this the end? You spy shopkeeper Egbert and his sons in the crowd; you hope their loyalty is true.

Kingdom cards: Forager, Market Square, Death Cart, Feodum, Rats, Catacombs, Junk Dealer, Remodel, Mine, Cellar (uses Shelters)


Egbert, his sons, and some enlightened peasants stand with you against Simon and Queen Vada's soldiers. You're victorious, and now it's time to heal, rebuild, and reward those who helped you during your darkest days.


Base Set: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Intrigue: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Seaside: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Prosperity: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)
Cornucopia: (Act 1) •• Hinterlands: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Alchemy: (Act 1) •• Dark Ages: (Act 1Act 2Act 3Act 4) •• Guilds: (Act 1) •• Adventures: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)
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