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Cost $4
Type(s) Action - Reaction
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Hinterlands
Illustrator(s) Marcel-André Casasola Merkle
Card text
Gain two Silvers or a card costing up to $4.
When you discard this other than in Clean-up, you may play it.

Weaver is an Action-Reaction card from Hinterlands (Second Edition). It is a gainer that can be played when it is discarded.


Official FAQ

  • You either gain 2 Silvers, or a card costing up to $4 (which might be a Silver).
  • You can play this when you discard it; see the When Discarded section.
  • As usual playing it means putting it into play and following its instructions.
  • If you play it on another player's turn, it's discarded in that turn's Clean-up.

Other Rules clarifications

  • This doesn't say "choose one," so if you play this with Elder, you can't choose to gain 2 Silvers and a $4.
  • If a Vassal discards Weaver, you can react with Weaver to play it. Doing this causes Vassal to lose track, so you will only play Weaver once.
  • If you need to discard down to a certain number of cards (due to Militia), you discard all the cards at once. So if you discard multiple Weavers, first you discard all of them, and then you resolve their reactions one at a time.
  • When discarding multiple Weavers, if playing one of them triggers a reshuffle (e.g. it gains a Cavalry), then you can't play any of the other Weavers.



English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Weaver Weaver from Shuffle iT Gain two Silvers or a card costing up to $4.
When you discard this other than in Clean-up, you may play it.
Hinterlands (Second Edition) July 2022

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
German Weberin German language Weaver from Shuffle iT Nimm 2 Silber oder eine Karte, die bis zu $4 kostet.
Wenn du diese Karte außerhalb der Aufräumphase ablegst, darfst du sie spielen.
Polish Tkaczka Dodaj dwie karty Srebrników albo kartę kosztującą do $4.
Kiedy odrzucasz tę kartę poza fazą porządków, możesz ją zagrać.


Official card art.


Mandarin is very weak. You heard it here. Good rules of thumb: never get involved in a land war in Asia; don't buy Mandarin.

Weaver has no relation to it; Mandarin was doing nothing for the set. Weaver is a Reaction, starting in on that new subtheme. It's a Workshop, and you can play it when you discard it. Also fitting Hinterlands' other invisible theme, which is filtering.

Secret History

A star of new Hinterlands, pushing the new Reactions subtheme, doing something when discarded, and gaining cards, so that it ties everything together.


The current wording means that there is no interaction with Elder.

It's just how those cards are written. Cards aren't struggling to be combos with Elder. Elder would have included more things if it could have been clear; what could be clear turned out to be, checking for the magic word "choose."

Cards $2 CrossroadsFool's Gold $3 DevelopGuard DogOasisSchemeTunnel $4 Jack of All TradesNomadsSpice MerchantTraderTrailWeaver $5 BerserkerCartographerCauldronHagglerHighwayInnMargraveSoukStablesWheelwrightWitch's Hut $6 Border VillageFarmland
Removed cards $2 Duchess $3 Oracle $4 Noble BrigandNomad CampSilk Road $5 CacheEmbassyIll-Gotten GainsMandarin
Combos and Counters Trader/Feodum
Other concepts When gain

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