Scrying Pool

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Scrying Pool
Cost $2P
Type(s) Action - Attack
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Alchemy
Illustrator(s) Klemens Franz
Card text
+1 Action
Each player (including you) reveals the top card of their deck and either discards it or puts it back, your choice. Then reveal cards from your deck until revealing one that isn’t an Action. Put all of those revealed cards into your hand.

Scrying Pool is an ActionAttack card from Alchemy. When you play Scrying Pool, you first do a Spy-like attack on your opponents and on your own deck, and then draw all the Action cards off the top of your deck. If all you have is Action cards, a single Scrying Pool will draw your whole deck.


Official FAQ

  • First each player reveals their top card, and discards it or puts it back, with you choosing separately for each player.
  • If people care about the order, go clockwise, starting with yourself.
  • After that, reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal a card that is not an Action card.
  • If you run out of cards without revealing a [non-]Action card, shuffle your discard pile and keep going. If you have no discard pile left either, stop there.
  • Put all of the Action cards you revealed from your deck into your hand, plus that first non-Action card.

Other Rules clarifications

  • There is a typo in the official FAQ; it says "Action card" where it should say "non-Action card". That error is corrected above.
  • Cards with multiple types, one of which is Action, are Actions.
  • The only cards that go into your hand are the ones revealed as part of revealing cards until finding a non-Action; you do not get discarded cards from the first part of what Scrying Pool did, or cards from other players' decks.


Scrying Pool is a powerful card because, in the right Kingdoms, it offers potentially unlimited draw. In decks that are mostly Action cards, Scrying Pool can allow you to draw your entire deck relatively easily, allowing you to reliably play all your stop card payload (such as Coven), enabling gain and play scenarios, and synergizing well with discard for benefit cards such as Artificer. Scrying Pool’s strength, therefore, is largely tied to whether the rest of the Kingdom allows you to get to that kind of deck. Junking Attacks can make that goal nearly impossible, while strong thinners such as Steward often make it feasible. Kingdoms with lots of cheap Actions, especially cantrips such as Harbinger, can also allow you to easily flood your deck with cards that Scrying Pool can draw.

Scrying Pool’s P cost has several repercussions. First, you’ll need to buy a Potion before buying a Scrying Pool. This means you need to plan in advance whether you want Scrying Pools or not. If Scrying Pool is good in a particular Kingdom, you’ll often want to open with a Potion to start getting Scrying Pools as soon as possible. Second, you’ll need to keep the Potion in your deck to get more Scrying Pools. This is an additional non-Action card that may get in the way of Scrying Pool’s draw, and exacerbates Scrying Pool’s struggles in Kingdoms with no thinning. Third, because Potion is useless for affording other non-P cards, you’ll usually only have one, limiting you to gaining one Scrying Pool per shuffle.

Scrying Pool’s initial reveal and optional discard of the top card of all players’ decks is a relatively small component of the card’s overall strength. Revealing the top card of your own deck is useful sifting, as you can discard non-Action card junk to make it miss the shuffle and increase your odds of drawing more cards, or keep an Action card on top to guarantee you draw at least two cards. As an attack, Scrying Pool is low-impact. It can sometimes cause duds for your opponents if you can leave a junk card such as an Estate on top of their deck, trigger bad shuffles for them, or cause their good cards to miss the shuffle, but oftentimes if you’re able to play enough Scrying Pools to cause that to happen, they will also have Scrying Pools to discard the topdecked junk, or simply draw to their own good cards. Sometimes, Scrying Pool can allow you to more precisely use cards that care about the top of your opponent’s deck, such as Swindler, Chariot Race, and Jester.

External strategy articles

Note: Article(s) below are by individual authors and may not represent the community's current views on cards, but may provide more in-depth information or give historical perspective. Caveat emptor.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Scrying Pool Scrying Pool from Goko/Making Fun +1 Action
Each player (including you) reveals the top card of his deck and either discards it or puts it back, your choice. Then reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal one that is not an Action. Put all of your revealed cards into your hand.
Alchemy 1st Edition May 2010
Scrying Pool Scrying Pool from Shuffle iT +1 Action
Each player (including you) reveals the top card of their deck and either discards it or puts it back, your choice. Then reveal cards from your deck until revealing one that isn't an Action. Put all of those revealed cards into your hand.
Alchemy 2nd Edition December 2018

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Chinese 占卜 (pron. zhānbǔ, lit. divination)
Czech Vidění (lit. vision) Czech language Scrying Pool +1 akce
Každý hráč (včetně tebe) ukáže vrchní kartu svého dobíracího balíčku a ty vybereš, zda ji odloží na odkládací balíček, nebo zda ji vrátí zpět. Poté ukazuj vrchní karty ze svého dobíracího balíčku, dokud neodkryješ kartu, která není akční.
Všechny své odkryté karty si přidej do ruky.
Dutch Visioen (lit. vision)
Finnish Ennemalja (lit. omen bowl)
French Bassin divinatoire French language Scrying Pool 2021 from Shuffle iT +1 Action
Tous les joueurs (y compris vous) dévoilent la carte du haut de leur pioche et la défaussent ou la replacent (votre choix). Ensuite, dévoilez des cartes de votre pioche jusqu'à dévoiler une carte qui n'est pas une Action. Prenez en main les cartes dévoilées.
German Vision (lit. vision) German language Scrying Pool 2019 by ASS German language Scrying Pool 2021 from Shuffle iT +1 Aktion
Jeder Spieler (inklusive dir) deckt die oberste Karte seines Nachziehstapels auf. Du entscheidest bei jedem, ob er die aufgedeckte Karte ablegt oder zurücklegt. Decke dann Karten von deinem Nachziehstapel auf, bis du eine Nicht-Aktionskarte aufdeckst. Nimm alle so aufgedeckten Karten auf deine Hand.
Italian Divinazione (lit. divination)
Japanese 念視の泉 (pron. nen-shi no izumi, lit. fountain of thought-inspection) +1 アクション
Russian Гадательная Чаша
(pron. gadatyel'naya chasha, lit. oracle bowl)
DigitalRussian language Scrying Pool +1 Действие
Каждый игрок (вы тоже) раскрывает верхнюю карту своей колоды и по вашему выбору либо сбрасывает её, либо кладёт назад. Затем раскрывайте карты с вашей колоды до тех пор, пока не раскроете карту, не являющуюся картой Действия. Положите все раскрытые карты в руку.
Spanish Hidromancia (lit. hydromancy) Spanish language Scrying Pool +1 Acción
Cada jugador (incluso tú) revela la carta superior de su mazo, para descartarla o ponerla de nuevo encima del mazo, lo que tú decidas. A continuación, levanta cartas de tu mazo hasta que reveles una carta que no sea de Acción. Pon todas las cartas reveladas en tu mano.


Official card art.


Here's another way to draw 8 cards. The massive card-drawing this can do for you does not just happen by itself. There are actions to acquire, Coppers to trash. If you look closely, you will see that the vision in the pool is of a Village.

Card Art

Village can be seen in the scrying pool.

Secret History

For strumphf's 2022 advent calendar, Donald X. went in-depth on the development of Scrying Pool.

This started out costing $3, without the Spy part. That version was ridiculous. It seemed like it would work with potion in the cost though. And it did! Then an attack in the set didn't work out, and the card I wanted to replace it with wasn't an attack. The names had already been sent to the artists, due to the tight schedule; I had to pick something else in the set and graft an attack onto it, and it had to be something where the name made some sort of sense with that. Scrying Pool was that card. I grafted Spy onto it and well there it is. It's a decent fit, as the rest of the card cares about the top of your deck, and it's Spy with the spying before the drawing, which is something. It's pretty wordy though, and I didn't realize that some people would look at this and think "oh it's a Spy variant" rather than "oh it draws you lots of actions and I guess also spies." It's not just a Spy variant guys. There is a mistake in the FAQ for this card. There's the bit where it explains what happens if you run out of cards before finding your non-action, only it says "action" instead. The card itself has it right. The Korean translator found this mistake; you other translators could learn a lot from that guy. Actually I think the German translator also found something, but he found his thing in time for us to fix it. The Korean translator could learn a lot from him.


I could have dropped the attack from Scrying Pool. Scrying Pool did not originally have an attack. It got one because I felt the set should have two attacks, and the names were already in - it was a tight schedule and art was being made while I worked on the cards. "Scrying Pool" was the name that felt like it could attack, paired with a card that felt like it could attack (yes I could have replaced Golem with an attack, but that was not on the table, Golem was too awesome). Now did I really need two attacks? Not enough to muck up Scrying Pool. This change made the card slower, more wordy, and less special-seeming. Before it was this cool draw-lots-of-cards thing; now it's Spy, something something, some kind of Spy variant I think, I'll read the rest later. I would rather have the faster simpler cooler card. Again Spy itself is bad, it's too slow for what you get, and Scrying Pool's Spy is worse, because you've got card-drawing built-in to get you more of them.

You would just live with the luck of the draw, though of course you have a lot of other control over that luck. Scrying Pool was that card, it did not Spy on anyone including yourself, and then I added the Spy part because I wanted the set to have another attack and the names were locked in and Scrying Pool sounded plausible as an attack. Golem was more plausible but I did not want to ruin Golem.

Cards P TransmuteVineyard $2 Herbalist $2P ApothecaryScrying PoolUniversity $3P AlchemistFamiliarPhilosopher's Stone $4 Potion $4P Golem $5 Apprentice $6P Possession
Combos and Counters Apprentice/Market Square

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