Apprentice | |
Info | |
Cost | |
Type(s) | Action |
Kingdom card? | Yes |
Set | Alchemy |
Illustrator(s) | Martin Hoffmann |
Card text | |
+1 Action Trash a card from your hand. +1 Card per it costs. +2 Cards if it has in its cost. |
Apprentice is an Action card from Alchemy. It is a trash-for-benefit card that provides non-terminal draw based on the trashed card's cost.
Official FAQ
- If you trash a card costing , such as Curse or Copper, you do not draw any cards.
- Otherwise you draw a card per Golem, which costs , you would draw 6 cards. the card you trashed cost, and another two cards if it had in its cost. For example if you trashed a
Other Rules clarifications
- If you trash a card with in the cost, the component is ignored.
Apprentice is a somewhat expensive trash for benefit thinner and non-terminal draw card whose strength fluctuates throughout the game.
In the early game, Apprentice is expensive at Estates. Using it to do so both trashes the worst cards in your deck and draws two cards, allowing you to still generate enough to afford what you want, cycle quickly through your early shuffles, and subsequently play a terminal. However, Apprentice is very inefficient when used to trash Coppers, providing you with no immediate benefit for doing so. Thus, Apprentice is best paired with other trashers that can handle the Coppers, such as Moneylender. If trashing Estates is a high priority and there aren’t more powerful cards such as Old Witch competing for attention, Apprentice as your first purchase is often a good goal.
, but very good at getting rid ofIn the mid- and endgame, after you’ve trashed all of your Estates, Apprentice can be weak if the only cards you now have to trash are Coppers. Apprentice is therefore best in Kingdoms that allow you to provide high fodder for Apprentice easily, with Gold gainers being the most common example. Market Square synergizes particularly well with Apprentice, as Apprentice can activate Market Square’s Reaction and then draw the Golds gained; this can very quickly ramp up both your payload and the available Apprentice fodder. Fortress, Rats, and Populate are other examples of effects that can provide a large (or, in Fortress’ case, an infinite) amount of fodder. In this stage of the game, if you can collide your Apprentice with its fodder and reliably use your gainer, Apprentice shifts to become a very powerful draw card, increasing your hand size by four if you trash a Gold. Adding a couple more Apprentices and more gainers for fodder increases these collison odds and your ability to draw.
While Apprentice does technically care about Familiar after the Curses have run out is typically the most common case of this mattering.
costs, very rarely is this relevant, as most cost cards are difficult to gain and therefore not easily available as fodder for Apprentice. TrashingVersions
English versions
Digital | Text | Release | Date | |
+1 Action Trash a card from your hand. +1 Card per it costs. +2 Cards if it has in its cost. |
Alchemy 1st Edition | May 2010 | ||
+1 Action Trash a card from your hand. +1 Card per it costs. +2 Cards if it has in its cost. |
Alchemy 2nd Edition | December 2018 |
Other language versions
Secret History