Blessed Village

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Blessed Village
Cost $4
Type(s) Action - Fate
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Nocturne
Illustrator(s) Brian Brinlee
Card text
+1 Card
+2 Actions

When you gain this, take a Boon. Receive it now or at the start of your next turn.

Blessed Village is an Action-Fate card from Nocturne. It's a vanilla village when played, but gives you a Boon when gained, to receive either now or later.


Official FAQ

  • You see the Boon before deciding to resolve it immediately or at the start of your next turn.
  • If you save it for next turn, it sits in front of you until then (or until the end of that turn if it says to keep it out until Clean-up).

Other rules clarifications

  • If you gain this onto your deck (with e.g. Armory) and receive The Sea's Gift, cards like Gatekeeper will lose track of Blessed Village.
  • When you are looking at cards from the top of your deck (with e.g. The Sun's Gift), that counts as moving them. So if you gain this onto your deck and then receive The Sun's Gift, that will cause Gatekeeper to lose track (even if you leave Blessed Village on top of your deck).
  • If you gain a Blessed Village, discard a Blessed Village from Exile, and receive The Moon's Gift, and topdeck the Blessed Village you just discarded, then Changeling and Gatekeeper can still move the Blessed Village you just gained.


Blessed Village is a $4 Village variant that provides a Boon when gaining a copy. Like most other villages, it performs an important role in an engine and should be added as soon as you have some deck control and need the terminal space, typically in the early midgame.

However, because Blessed Village gives the Boon on gain, Blessed Village is additionally useful in three other circumstances. First, getting it in the early game, typically on turns 3 or 4, can potentially net you a useful Boon that will accelerate your building process. In such situations, it’s usually worth it to estimate what proportion of the remaining available Boons are useful to you, then compare those odds to the opportunity cost of getting something else. For example, The Flame's Gift might let you trash an Estate, or The Forest's Gift might help you hit $5 if you take it on your next turn. Second, with gainers Blessed Village offers potentially useful on-gain effects. For example, a lucky The Field's Gift might effectively make the Groom you used non-terminal. Third, because you have the option to delay the Boon until next turn, you might gain Blessed Villages for a temporary boost to your deck's reliability; The Wind's Gift and The Sun's Gift are often good for this purpose. In general, keeping track of the remaining available Boons is a useful tool for evaluating whether or not to gain a Blessed Village now. Usually you can assume that the utility of any given Boon depends on its effect on your current deck; if you consider buying a Blessed Village, there is less of a need to time the gain to optimize for all possible Boons because you can delay Boons that provide an effect you can use more effectively later, e.g., Boons that generate $ and those that require a larger hand size to tap into their full potential, neither of which is typically useful during the middle of your Buy phase.

While the on-gain Boon can occasionally provide a strong temporary benefit (dependent on the Boon received), many other villages provide a better long-term benefit (e.g., Wandering Minstrel) and may therefore be preferable. Even in the presence of other villages Blessed Village can be the best option if the other villages are less reliable (e.g. Native Village) or compete with other engine components at their pricepoint (e.g. villages costing $5).


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Blessed Village Blessed Village from Shuffle iT +1 Card
+2 Actions

When you gain this, take a Boon. Receive it now or at the start of your next turn.
Nocturne November 2017

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Gezegend dorp
French Village béni
German Seliges Dorf German language Blessed Village German language Blessed Village from Shuffle iT +1 Karte
+2 Aktionen

Wenn du diese Karte nimmst, erhalte eine Gabe. Empfange sie jetzt oder zu Beginn deines nächsten Zuges.
Japanese 恵みの村
(pron. megumi no mura)
+1 カードを引く
+2 アクション
Russian Благословенная Деревня
(pron. blagoclovyennaya dyeryevnya)


Official card art.


Blessed Village gives you a Boon when you gain it. You can save the Boon for next turn and well some of them are still handy at the end of your Buy phase, but not all of them. The Sea's Gift for example is one you probably save. That word Fate at the bottom just means, shuffle the Boons for this game. See they all have it.

Secret History

A late card. Empires had had a Woodcutter that gave you a Boon when you gained it or trashed it. We all liked it a lot. It came under fire in Nocturne when you no longer knew what the Boon would be. One day it was one of the cards least able to cling to existence, and went. Then later still a village slot was freed up, see Ghost Town for details. I needed a new village. I tried a lot of crazy scaling villages, seeing if I could find something cool but fair. There were some cool things but not so much fair things. Finally I tried this, the most obvious idea but because I'd killed the Woodcutter I didn't go straight to it. It was great though. It's okay that you don't know what the Boon is; it's something, and you probably wanted a village anyway. You had not so much wanted the Woodcutter.

Relevant outtakes

Relatively late, I had room for a village, and tried a bunch of villages. Most of them scaled in some way. You drew a card when you trashed a card; you drew a card for next turn when you gained a card. There were some fun games seeing those cards go nuts. One village didn't fit this mold; it was trying to be good with Night cards, and gave +$1 per treasure in your next two plays, then just +$1 if either was a treasure. So, essentially if you didn't get village value from it, it gave you $ instead. It just wasn't very interesting.

The Woodcutter version as "Honest Merchant"

We had fun buying Honest Merchant even though it was a Woodcutter. A village is much nicer, but also, getting to save a Boon is huge for how much fun you get out of the Boon on Blessed Village. The lesson for me though was "Honest Merchant could totally be fixed up." Sure that fix involved having it not be a Woodcutter - to me that wasn't the premise so the trail is clear.

And then because of that card dying it took forever for me to try Blessed Village, and then I let you save the Boon and now it's a star of the set. A lesson for us all.

Cards $0* Will-o'-WispWish $2 DruidFaithful HoundGuardianMonasteryPixie (Goat) • Tracker (Pouch) $2* Imp $3 ChangelingFool (Lost in the WoodsLucky Coin) • Ghost TownLeprechaunNight WatchmanSecret Cave (Magic Lamp) $4 BardBlessed VillageCemetery (Haunted Mirror) • ConclaveDevil's WorkshopExorcistNecromancer (Zombies: ApprenticeMasonSpy) • Shepherd (Pasture) • Skulk $4* Ghost $5 CobblerCryptCursed VillageDen of SinIdolPooka (Cursed Gold) • Sacred GroveTormentorTragic HeroVampire (Bat) • Werewolf $6 Raider
Boons EarthFieldFlameForestMoonMountainRiverSeaSkySunSwampWind
Hexes Bad OmensDelusion (Deluded) • Envy (Envious) • FamineFearGreedHauntingLocustsMisery (Miserable/Twice Miserable) • PlaguePovertyWar
Other concepts NightHeirloomFateDoomSpiritState

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