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Cost $3
Type(s) Action - Attack - Duration
Kingdom card? Yes
Set EmpiresEmpires icon.png
Illustrator(s) Claus Stephan
Card text

Until your next turn, the first time each other player plays an Action card on their turn, they get +1 Card and +1 Action instead of following its instructions.

At the start of your next turn,
+2 Cards

Enchantress is an Action-Attack-Duration card from Empires. It is a turn-worsening attack that turns the first Action each other player plays on their turns into a simple cantrip, although it does not affect effects below dividing lines. It also provides Duration draw. It is the first card to change effects on other players' cards.



Official FAQ (2018)

  • Players revealing a card like MoatMoat.jpg when this is played have to do it right then, not later, even though the attack will not hurt them until their turn.
  • While this is in play, the first Action each other player plays on each of their turns* will give them +1 Card +1 Action instead of what it would have normally done.
  • This does not affect abilities below a dividing line; they still function. For example a player playing SacrificeSacrifice.jpg would get +1 Card +1 Action and not do anything Sacrifice normally does; a player playing GroundskeeperGroundskeeperOld.jpg would get +1 Card +1 Action and would still get VP for gaining Victory cards.
  • It can be helpful to turn the affected card sideways, to remember that it did not do what it normally did.
  • Enchantress does not affect card abilities from cards played on previous turns; for example if an opponent plays Enchantress and you have an ArchiveArchive.jpg out from a previous turn, on your turn you will first get a card from your Archive as normal, and then the first Action card actually played on that turn will be affected by Enchantress.
  • If Enchantress affects a CrownCrown.jpg played in a Buy phase, its player gets +1 Card +1 Action, but has no way to use the +1 Action, since it is their Buy phase (but it might matter e.g. if the player buys VillaVilla.jpg).
  • If your opponents play multiple Enchantresses in a round, they still only affect the first card you play on each turn, and not any further cards.

Other rules clarifications

  • * The rulebook now clarifies that opponents' extra turns will also be Enchanted.
  • Many cards, including GroundskeeperGroundskeeperOld.jpg, got rewordedGroundskeeper.jpg in 2022 and no longer have dividing lines. However, other cards still have dividing line effects (e.g. PagePage.jpg and UrchinUrchin.jpg), and those effects will still work, even if Enchanted.
  • Just like a CrownCrown.jpg played during your Buy phase, if the first Action you play during a turn is a WerewolfWerewolf.jpg at Night, you'll still get +1 Card and +1 Action (and have no way to use the +1 Action).
  • If a player under the effect of an Enchantress takes one or more extra turns, the first Action played on each of those turns is also turned into a cantrip.
  • If a Duration card gets affected by Enchantress, it will get discarded from play this turn. This doesn't stop any below-the-line effects.
  • Enchantress does not change anything about the card, just prevents on-play instructions on the card from being carried out properly. So cards that are Enchanted can still activate Reactions (such as another player's DiplomatDiplomat.jpg), still carry out all Adventures tokens effects (such as the +$1 token from TrainingTraining.jpg), and can be still be replayed (e.g. by Royal CarriageRoyal Carriage.jpg) to perform their normal effects.
  • Enchantress, HighwaymanHighwayman.jpg, and Ways make you ignore an Action's instructions. Because they have the same timing, you can choose which of those effects will win.
    • However, Way of the Chameleon still makes you follow the Action's instructions, which means Enchantress will stop it (and you'll get +1 Card and +1 Action). [1]
  • Unlike HighwaymanHighwayman.jpg, this only affects the first Action that a player plays during their turn. So if they play an Action when it isn't their turn (e.g. Black CatBlack Cat.jpg), it will be unaffected.


Enchantress provides a small amount of Duration draw and an Attack which can occasionally cause duds or nullify an opponent's key Action card. As Duration draw, it has the usual advantages of not drawing Action cards dead and giving you an increased start-of-turn hand size, generally improving the reliability of your deck; however, it also has the usual disadvantage of Durations, in that it requires you to gain twice as many copies in order to benefit from the effect consistently (because you can play each copy at most every other turn). Additionally, Enchantress is terminal and (as a stop card on the turn you play it) provides a net hand size increase of only one card across each pair of turns. For these reasons, Enchantress is not ideal as a primary source of draw. Since the attack also doesn’t stack, it is often best to have just two copies that you play on alternating turns for the attack and reliability benefits. However, additional copies may be necessary if there is no better alternative for draw.

The impact of Enchantress's attack varies greatly depending on two main factors: how much worse your opponent’s turn is without the affected Action card, and whether they can play around the nullification. For example, if your opponent only has a single Action card in their hand and you are able to play Enchantress, that Action card will generate almost no benefit for your opponent. This can be the case in the early game, and Enchantress’s attack can be high impact if it negates a high-priority Action card—often a trasher such as ForagerForager.jpg or an attack such as WitchWitch.jpg—though there is a fairly high amount of variance as to whether you can play your Enchantress at the right time for this to occur. Later in the game, when your opponents have more Action cards, Enchantress is more likely to have the effect of slightly reducing your opponents’ terminal space (if it hits a village) or draw. It is thus more impactful against fragile decks (such as those relying on playing a particular combination of cards, e.g. a village and a terminal draw card, at the start of each turn), and unlikely to do anything against decks that have many cantrips.

There are a few options to counter Enchantress’s attack:

  • The simplest method is to simply sacrifice an Action card that is not much better than a blank cantrip. This requires both having suitable cards (e.g. Border GuardBorder Guard.jpg), and having some way to ensure they are in your starting hand. Most often, this will occur as a byproduct of getting deck control and building normally, but you can also use Duration draw (including Enchantress itself) and other similar effects to increase your search space.
  • Another light counter to the attack, which may pay off particularly well in the midgame, is to have a deck that is slightly overterminaled, theoretically allowing you to choose which terminals are most beneficial on any given turn and use one that you couldn't play in any case as a sacrifice to the Enchantress attack.
  • Since the attack does not negate below-the-line effects of cards, cards that are primarily valued for below-the-line effects (especially early Travellers like Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter.jpg) are good choices to play while under Enchantress attack.
  • Since Ways override Enchantress's attack, it can sometimes be preferable to play your first card using a Way. Way of the TurtleWay of the Turtle.jpg is particularly notable, as you can completely negate the attack at the expense of one low-value card, which you can keep setting aside and re-playing with this Way every turn.

Enchantress's value can vary due to interactions with start-of-turn effects. For example, it can helpfully increase your search space for effects such as MastermindMastermind.jpg, TransmogrifyTransmogrify.jpg, or Crop RotationCrop Rotation.jpg. However, effects that involve start-of-turn plays of Action cards (e.g. Royal GalleyRoyal Galley.jpg) can be slightly weakened by the Enchantress attack, as it's not possible to first sacrifice a weak card from your hand to play as a cantrip.

External strategy articles

Note: Article(s) below are by individual authors and may not represent the community's current views on cards, but may provide more in-depth information or give historical perspective. Caveat emptor.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Enchantress Enchantress from Shuffle iT

Until your next turn, the first time each other player plays an Action card on their turn, they get +1 Card and +1 Action instead of following its instructions.

At the start of your next turn,
+2 Cards


Empires (2021 printing)

June 2016


Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Tovenares Tot jouw volgende beurt krijgt iedere
andere speler voor de eerste actiekaart
die hij in zijn beurt speelt +1 Kaart en
+1 Actie in plaats van de op de kaart
beschreven aanwijzingen.

Aan het begin van je volgende beurt:
+2 kaarten.
Finnish Lumoajatar
French Magicienne
(lit. female magician)
French language Enchantress 2021 from Shuffle iT

Jusqu'à votre prochain tour, la première fois qu'un adversaire joue une carte Action à son tour, il a +1 Carte et +1 Action au lieu de suivre ses instructions.

Au début de votre prochain tour,
+2 Cartes
German Zauberin German language Enchantress 2016 by ASS Bis zu deinem nächsten Zug dürfen alle Mitspieler die Anweisungen der ersten ausgespielten Aktionskarte in ihrem Zug nicht ausführen. Sie erhalten stattdessen:
+1 Karte und +1 Aktion.
Zu Beginn deines nächsten Zuges:
+2 Karten
"...Anweisungen der ersten ausgepielten beim erstmaligen Spielen der ersten Aktionskarte…"
Zauberin German language Enchantress 2021 by ASS German language Enchantress from Temple Gates Games

Bis zu deinem nächsten Zug erhalten alle Mitspieler für die erste gespielte Aktionskarte in ihrem Zug +1 Karte und +1 Aktion anstelle ihrer Anweisungen.

Zu Beginn deines nächsten Zuges:
+2 Karten
2. Edition
"...für die erste gespielte Aktionskarte in ihrem Zug, wenn sie das erste Mal in ihrem Zug eine Aktionskarte spielen,…"
Rulebook FAQ 2021 for this card remains unclear: "Jeder Mitspieler erhält in seinem nächsten Zug…  Solange diese Karte im Spiel ist, erhält jeder Mitspieler in jedem seiner Züge…"
Japanese 女魔術師
(pron. on'na majutsu-shi, lit. female magician)
あなたの次のターンまで、他のプレイヤーが自分のターン最初のアクションカードを使用するとき、そのプレイヤーはその指示の代わりに+1 カードを引く+1アクションを得る。あなたの次のターンの開始時、+2 カードを引く
Polish Czarodziejka Polish language Enchantress Do twojej następnej tury za każdym razem, gdy inny gracz zagrywa w swojej turze pierwszą kartę Akcji, zamiast wykonywać jej polecenia otrzymuje +1 kartę i +1 akcję. Na początku twojej następnej tury +2 karty. (2017)
Russian Заклинательница
(pron. zaklinatyel'nitsa)

†† The line separating start-of-turn abilities is unwarranted and was removed in the "2. Edition" printing. This matters e.g. when you are Enchanted or you use a Way.


Official card art.

Card Art

It's Circe from Greek mythology.

Preview Story

The self-styled PrincePrince.jpg of GiantsGiant.jpg squinted down at the tiny red-haired figure before him. "What you say?" he rumbled, setting a few cascades of pebbles tumbling down the nearby hillside. He shouldn't be talking to anyone, he knew; the Master had sent him down this highwayHighway.jpg with strict orders to squash anyone approaching.

"Most magnificent of titans", the woman purred, stroking a slender hand over one of his massive calves. "I beg you not to harm me...I merely came to offer you a meal; you must be famished after your long watch."

The giant leaned down, nostrils flaring as he sniffed, and his stomach growled. Suddenly he felt as though he hadn't fed in days. "Eat you?" he grunted. His meals weren't usually so cooperative, but he wasn't going to complain. She did smell good.

A lilting peal of laughter filled his ears. "Oh no, sir giant!" The woman gestured toward the side of the road, where a massive cauldron bubbled merrily. A couple of pigs snuffled through the undergrowth nearby, and he thought he caught the scent of roasting pork. "Please, won't you try my stew?" Seeing him eying the pigs, she smiled. "And after you finish the stew, you can enjoy my pigs to your heart's content."

Why hadn't he noticed those before? The question vanished almost as quickly as it appeared, wafting away as the rich aroma of the stew sent his mouth watering. Grunting, he leaned his club against the hillside and lumbered off to enjoy the meal. He could always squash her after dinner.

Secret History

A late card, replacing another attack. I quickly tweaked the resources and the wording, but the premise worked immediately.

Relevant outtakes

The first card in the file is a WitchWitch.jpg variant that gives you +1 VP if the CurseCurse.jpgs have run out. That sounded nifty enough that it hung around for most of testing, though later versions triggered on buying a card. If you somehow got +1 Buy and then played it and bought two things, yeeha. Eventually the trigger started to seem bad, and then the whole card fell apart. And I replaced it with Enchantress, hooray, a happy ending.


Well there's probably another way to do Enchantress. Except for being cumulative it's a lot like "each other player discards an action (), and if they did draws a card"

Playing Dominion Online (Shuffle iT)

The online implementation, when you're affected by Enchantress, will replace the image of whatever first Action you play with a close up of the pig from the original art.

And the reason was that we were getting lots of bug reports that said "card XYZ is not working, see my game number ...". Then it turned out there was an Enchantress played, that of course stopped the card XYZ doing what it normally does. This was due to several factors; the main one being the game doesn't show cards in play from the non-active player, so players could simply not see their opponent's Enchantress as they could in RL play. So the choice was made to make it very clear that, if you are affected by an opponent's Enchantress, you can see that in advance in your personal status bar, and, most importantly, when you wanted to click on the first Action card that turn, you would see the Pig picture and be reminded that you get +1 Card, +1 Action.

Cards 4D EngineerEngineer.jpg 8D City QuarterCity Quarter.jpgOverlordOverlord.jpgRoyal BlacksmithRoyal Blacksmith.jpg $2 EncampmentEncampment.jpg/PlunderPlunder.jpgPatricianPatrician.jpg/EmporiumEmporium.jpgSettlersSettlers.jpg/Bustling VillageBustling Village.jpg $3 Castles (HumbleHumble Castle.jpgCrumblingCrumbling Castle.jpgSmallSmall Castle.jpgHauntedHaunted Castle.jpgOpulentOpulent Castle.jpgSprawlingSprawling Castle.jpgGrandGrand Castle.jpgKing'sKing's Castle.jpg) • CatapultCatapult.jpg/RocksRocks.jpgChariot RaceChariot Race.jpgEnchantressEnchantress.jpgFarmers' MarketFarmers' Market.jpgGladiatorGladiator.jpg/FortuneFortune.jpg $4 SacrificeSacrifice.jpgTempleTemple.jpgVillaVilla.jpg $5 ArchiveArchive.jpgCapitalCapital.jpgCharmCharm.jpgCrownCrown.jpgForumForum.jpgGroundskeeperGroundskeeper.jpgLegionaryLegionary.jpgWild HuntWild Hunt.jpg
Events 5D TriumphTriumph.jpg 8D AnnexAnnex.jpgDonateDonate.jpg $0 AdvanceAdvance.jpg $2 DelveDelve.jpgTaxTax.jpg $3 BanquetBanquet.jpg $4 RitualRitual.jpgSalt the EarthSalt the Earth.jpg $43D WeddingWedding.jpg $5 WindfallWindfall.jpg $6 ConquestConquest.jpg $14 DominateDominate.jpg
Landmarks AqueductAqueduct.jpgArenaArena.jpgBandit FortBandit Fort.jpgBasilicaBasilica.jpgBathsBaths.jpgBattlefieldBattlefield.jpgColonnadeColonnade.jpgDefiled ShrineDefiled Shrine.jpgFountainFountain.jpgKeepKeep.jpgLabyrinthLabyrinth.jpgMountain PassMountain Pass.jpgMuseumMuseum.jpgObeliskObelisk.jpgOrchardOrchard.jpgPalacePalace.jpgTombTomb.jpgTowerTower.jpgTriumphal ArchTriumphal Arch.jpgWallWall.jpgWolf DenWolf Den.jpg
Combos and Counters Capital/HerbalistCapital/MandarinDonate/Market Square
Other concepts DebtGatheringSplit pilesVictory tokens
Dominion Cards
Basic cards $0 CopperCopper.jpgCurseCurse.jpg $2 EstateEstate.jpg $3 SilverSilver.jpg $5 DuchyDuchy.jpg $6 GoldGold.jpg $8 ProvinceProvince.jpg
Dominion $2 CellarCellar.jpgChapelChapel.jpgMoatMoat.jpg $3 HarbingerHarbinger.jpg • MerchantMerchant.jpgVassalVassal.jpgVillageVillage.jpgWorkshopWorkshop.jpg $4 BureaucratBureaucrat.jpgGardensGardens.jpgMilitiaMilitia.jpgMoneylenderMoneylender.jpgPoacherPoacher.jpgRemodelRemodel.jpgSmithySmithy.jpgThrone RoomThrone Room.jpg $5 BanditBandit.jpgCouncil RoomCouncil Room.jpgFestivalFestival.jpgLaboratoryLaboratory.jpgLibraryLibrary.jpgMarketMarket.jpgMineMine.jpgSentrySentry.jpg • WitchWitch.jpg $6 ArtisanArtisan.jpg
Removed cards: $3 ChancellorChancellor.jpgWoodcutterWoodcutter.jpg $4 FeastFeast.jpgSpySpy.jpgThiefThief.jpg $6 AdventurerAdventurer.jpg
Intrigue $2 CourtyardCourtyard.jpgLurkerLurker.jpgPawnPawn.jpg $3 MasqueradeMasquerade.jpgShanty TownShanty Town.jpgStewardSteward.jpgSwindlerSwindler.jpgWishing WellWishing Well.jpg $4 BaronBaron.jpgBridgeBridge.jpgConspiratorConspirator.jpgDiplomatDiplomat.jpgIronworksIronworks.jpgMillMill.jpgMining VillageMining Village.jpgSecret PassageSecret Passage.jpg $5 CourtierCourtier.jpgDukeDuke.jpgMinionMinion.jpgPatrolPatrol.jpgReplaceReplace.jpgTorturerTorturer.jpgTrading PostTrading Post.jpgUpgradeUpgrade.jpg $6 FarmFarm.jpgNoblesNobles.jpg
Removed cards: $2 Secret ChamberSecret Chamber.jpg $3 Great HallGreat Hall.jpg $4 CoppersmithCoppersmith.jpgScoutScout.jpg $5 SaboteurSaboteur.jpgTributeTribute.jpg $6 HaremHarem.jpg
Seaside $2 HavenHaven.jpgLighthouseLighthouse.jpgNative VillageNative Village.jpg $3 AstrolabeAstrolabe.jpgFishing VillageFishing Village.jpgLookoutLookout.jpgMonkeyMonkey.jpgSea ChartSea Chart.jpgSmugglersSmugglers.jpgWarehouseWarehouse.jpg $4 BlockadeBlockade.jpgCaravanCaravan.jpgCutpurseCutpurse.jpgIslandIsland.jpgSailorSailor.jpgSalvagerSalvager.jpgTide PoolsTide Pools.jpgTreasure MapTreasure Map.jpg $5 BazaarBazaar.jpgCorsairCorsair.jpgMerchant ShipMerchant Ship.jpgOutpostOutpost.jpgPiratePirate.jpgSea WitchSea Witch.jpgTacticianTactician.jpgTreasuryTreasury.jpgWharfWharf.jpg
Removed cards: $2 EmbargoEmbargo.jpgPearl DiverPearl Diver.jpg $3 AmbassadorAmbassador.jpg $4 NavigatorNavigator.jpgPirate ShipPirate Ship.jpgSea HagSea Hag.jpg $5 ExplorerExplorer.jpgGhost ShipGhost Ship.jpg
Alchemy P TransmuteTransmute.jpgVineyardVineyard.jpg $2 HerbalistHerbalist.jpg $2P ApothecaryApothecary.jpgScrying PoolScrying Pool.jpgUniversityUniversity.jpg $3P AlchemistAlchemist.jpgFamiliarFamiliar.jpgPhilosopher's StonePhilosopher's Stone.jpg $4 PotionPotion.jpg $4P GolemGolem.jpg $5 ApprenticeApprentice.jpg $6P PossessionPossession.jpg
Prosperity $3 AnvilAnvil.jpgWatchtowerWatchtower.jpg $4 BishopBishop.jpgClerkClerk.jpgInvestmentInvestment.jpgTiaraTiara.jpgMonumentMonument.jpgQuarryQuarry.jpgWorker's VillageWorker's Village.jpg $5 CharlatanCharlatan.jpgCityCity.jpgCollectionCollection.jpgCrystal BallCrystal Ball.jpgMagnateMagnate.jpgMintMint.jpgRabbleRabble.jpgVaultVault.jpgWar ChestWar Chest.jpg $6 HoardHoard.jpg $6* Grand MarketGrand Market.jpg $7 BankBank.jpgExpandExpand.jpgForgeForge.jpgKing's CourtKing's Court.jpg $8star PeddlerPeddler.jpg $9 PlatinumPlatinum.jpg $11 ColonyColony.jpg
Removed cards: $3 LoanLoan.jpgTrade RouteTrade Route.jpg $4 TalismanTalisman.jpg $5 ContrabandContraband.jpgCounting HouseCounting House.jpgMountebankMountebank.jpgRoyal SealRoyal Seal.jpgVentureVenture.jpg $6 GoonsGoons.jpg
Cornucopia & Guilds $2 Candlestick MakerCandlestick Maker.jpgHamletHamlet.jpg $2+ FarrierFarrier.jpgStonemasonStonemason.jpg $3 MenagerieMenagerie.jpgShopShop.jpg $3+ InfirmaryInfirmary.jpg $4 AdvisorAdvisor.jpgFarmhandsFarmhands.jpgPlazaPlaza.jpgRemakeRemake.jpgYoung WitchYoung Witch.jpg $4+ HeraldHerald.jpg $5 BakerBaker.jpgButcherButcher.jpgCarnivalCarnival.jpgFerrymanFerryman.jpgFootpadFootpad.jpgHorn of PlentyHorn of Plenty.jpgHunting PartyHunting Party.jpgJesterJester.jpgJourneymanJourneyman.jpgJoustJoust.jpg (Rewards: CoronetCoronet.jpgCourserCourser.jpgDemesneDemesne.jpgHousecarlHousecarl.jpgHuge TurnipHuge Turnip.jpgRenownRenown.jpg)• Merchant GuildMerchant Guild.jpgSoothsayerSoothsayer.jpg $6 FairgroundsFairgrounds.jpg
Removed cards: $3 Fortune TellerFortune Teller.jpg $3+ DoctorDoctor.jpgMasterpieceMasterpiece.jpg $4 Farming VillageFarming Village.jpgHorse TradersHorse Traders.jpgTaxmanTaxman.jpgTournamentTournament.jpg (Prizes: Bag of GoldBag of Gold.jpgDiademDiadem.jpgFollowersFollowers.jpgPrincessPrincess.jpgTrusty SteedTrusty Steed.jpg) $5 HarvestHarvest.jpg
Hinterlands $2 CrossroadsCrossroads.jpgFool's GoldFool's Gold.jpg $3 DevelopDevelop.jpgGuard DogGuard Dog.jpgOasisOasis.jpgSchemeScheme.jpgTunnelTunnel.jpg $4 Jack of All TradesJack of All Trades.jpgNomadsNomads.jpgSpice MerchantSpice Merchant.jpgTraderTrader.jpgTrailTrail.jpgWeaverWeaver.jpg $5 BerserkerBerserker.jpgCartographerCartographer.jpgCauldronCauldron.jpgHagglerHaggler.jpgHighwayHighway.jpgInnInn.jpgMargraveMargrave.jpgSoukSouk.jpgStablesStables.jpgWheelwrightWheelwright.jpgWitch's HutWitch's Hut.jpg $6 Border VillageBorder Village.jpgFarmlandFarmland.jpg
Removed cards: $2 DuchessDuchess.jpg $3 OracleOracle.jpg $4 Noble BrigandNoble Brigand.jpgNomad CampNomad Camp.jpgSilk RoadSilk Road.jpg $5 CacheCache.jpgEmbassyEmbassy.jpgIll-Gotten GainsIll-Gotten Gains.jpgMandarinMandarin.jpg
Dark Ages $0 Ruins (Abandoned MineAbandoned Mine.jpgRuined LibraryRuined Library.jpgRuined MarketRuined Market.jpgRuined VillageRuined Village.jpgSurvivorsSurvivors.jpg) $0* SpoilsSpoils.jpg $1 Poor HousePoor House.jpgShelters (HovelHovel.jpgNecropolisNecropolis.jpgOvergrown EstateOvergrown Estate.jpg) $2 BeggarBeggar.jpgSquireSquire.jpgVagrantVagrant.jpg $3 ForagerForager.jpgHermitHermit.jpg (MadmanMadman.jpg) • Market SquareMarket Square.jpgSageSage.jpgStoreroomStoreroom.jpgUrchinUrchin.jpg (MercenaryMercenary.jpg) $4 ArmoryArmory.jpgDeath CartDeath Cart.jpgFeodumFeodum.jpgFortressFortress.jpgIronmongerIronmonger.jpgMarauderMarauder.jpgProcessionProcession.jpgRatsRats.jpgScavengerScavenger.jpgWandering MinstrelWandering Minstrel.jpg $5 Band of MisfitsBand of Misfits.jpgBandit CampBandit Camp.jpgCatacombsCatacombs.jpgCountCount.jpgCounterfeitCounterfeit.jpgCultistCultist.jpgGraverobberGraverobber.jpgJunk DealerJunk Dealer.jpgKnightsKnights.jpg (Dames AnnaDame Anna.jpgJosephineDame Josephine.jpgMollyDame Molly.jpgNatalieDame Natalie.jpgSylviaDame Sylvia.jpg • Sirs BaileySir Bailey.jpgDestrySir Destry.jpgMartinSir Martin.jpgMichaelSir Michael.jpgVanderSir Vander.jpg) • MysticMystic.jpgPillagePillage.jpgRebuildRebuild.jpgRogueRogue.jpg $6 AltarAltar.jpgHunting GroundsHunting Grounds.jpg
Adventures $2 Coin of the RealmCoin of the Realm.jpgPagePage.jpg (Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter.jpgWarriorWarrior.jpgHeroHero.jpgChampionChampion.jpg) • PeasantPeasant.jpg (SoldierSoldier.jpgFugitiveFugitive.jpgDiscipleDisciple.jpgTeacherTeacher.jpg) • RatcatcherRatcatcher.jpgRazeRaze.jpg $3 AmuletAmulet.jpgCaravan GuardCaravan Guard.jpgDungeonDungeon.jpgGearGear.jpgGuideGuide.jpg $4 DuplicateDuplicate.jpgMagpieMagpie.jpgMessengerMessenger.jpgMiserMiser.jpgPortPort.jpgRangerRanger.jpgTransmogrifyTransmogrify.jpg $5 ArtificerArtificer.jpgBridge TrollBridge Troll.jpgDistant LandsDistant Lands.jpgGiantGiant.jpgHaunted WoodsHaunted Woods.jpgLost CityLost City.jpgRelicRelic.jpgRoyal CarriageRoyal Carriage.jpgStorytellerStoryteller.jpgSwamp HagSwamp Hag.jpgTreasure TroveTreasure Trove.jpgWine MerchantWine Merchant.jpg $6 HirelingHireling.jpg
Events: $0 AlmsAlms.jpgBorrowBorrow.jpgQuestQuest.jpg $1 SaveSave.jpg $2 Scouting PartyScouting Party.jpgTravelling FairTravelling Fair.jpg $3 BonfireBonfire.jpgExpeditionExpedition.jpgFerryFerry.jpgPlanPlan.jpg $4 MissionMission.jpgPilgrimagePilgrimage.jpg $5 BallBall.jpgRaidRaid.jpgSeawaySeaway.jpgTradeTrade.jpg $6 Lost ArtsLost Arts.jpgTrainingTraining.jpg $7 InheritanceInheritance.jpg $8 PathfindingPathfinding.jpg
Empires 4D EngineerEngineer.jpg 8D City QuarterCity Quarter.jpgOverlordOverlord.jpgRoyal BlacksmithRoyal Blacksmith.jpg $2 EncampmentEncampment.jpg/PlunderPlunder.jpgPatricianPatrician.jpg/EmporiumEmporium.jpgSettlersSettlers.jpg/Bustling VillageBustling Village.jpg $3 CastlesCastles.jpg (HumbleHumble Castle.jpgCrumblingCrumbling Castle.jpgSmallSmall Castle.jpgHauntedHaunted Castle.jpgOpulentOpulent Castle.jpgSprawlingSprawling Castle.jpgGrandGrand Castle.jpgKing'sKing's Castle.jpg) • CatapultCatapult.jpg/RocksRocks.jpgChariot RaceChariot Race.jpgEnchantressEnchantress.jpgFarmers' MarketFarmers' Market.jpgGladiatorGladiator.jpg/FortuneFortune.jpg $4 SacrificeSacrifice.jpgTempleTemple.jpgVillaVilla.jpg $5 ArchiveArchive.jpgCapitalCapital.jpgCharmCharm.jpgCrownCrown.jpgForumForum.jpgGroundskeeperGroundskeeper.jpgLegionaryLegionary.jpgWild HuntWild Hunt.jpg
Events: 5D TriumphTriumph.jpg 8D AnnexAnnex.jpgDonateDonate.jpg $0 AdvanceAdvance.jpg $2 DelveDelve.jpgTaxTax.jpg $3 BanquetBanquet.jpg $4 RitualRitual.jpgSalt the EarthSalt the Earth.jpg $43D WeddingWedding.jpg $5 WindfallWindfall.jpg $6 ConquestConquest.jpg $14 DominateDominate.jpg
Landmarks: AqueductAqueduct.jpgArenaArena.jpgBandit FortBandit Fort.jpgBasilicaBasilica.jpgBathsBaths.jpgBattlefieldBattlefield.jpgColonnadeColonnade.jpgDefiled ShrineDefiled Shrine.jpgFountainFountain.jpgKeepKeep.jpgLabyrinthLabyrinth.jpgMountain PassMountain Pass.jpgMuseumMuseum.jpgObeliskObelisk.jpgOrchardOrchard.jpgPalacePalace.jpgTombTomb.jpgTowerTower.jpgTriumphal ArchTriumphal Arch.jpgWallWall.jpgWolf DenWolf Den.jpg
Nocturne $0* Will-o'-WispWill-o'-Wisp.jpgWishWish.jpg $2 DruidDruid.jpgFaithful HoundFaithful Hound.jpgGuardianGuardian.jpgMonasteryMonastery.jpgPixiePixie.jpg (GoatGoat.jpg) • TrackerTracker.jpg (PouchPouch.jpg) $2* ImpImp.jpg $3 ChangelingChangeling.jpgFoolFool.jpg (Lost in the WoodsLost in the Woods.jpgLucky CoinLucky Coin.jpg) • Ghost TownGhost Town.jpgLeprechaunLeprechaun.jpgNight WatchmanNight Watchman.jpgSecret CaveSecret Cave.jpg (Magic LampMagic Lamp.jpg) $4 BardBard.jpgBlessed VillageBlessed Village.jpgCemeteryCemetery.jpg (Haunted MirrorHaunted Mirror.jpg) • ConclaveConclave.jpgDevil's WorkshopDevil's Workshop.jpgExorcistExorcist.jpgNecromancerNecromancer.jpg (Zombies: ApprenticeZombie Apprentice.jpgMasonZombie Mason.jpgSpyZombie Spy.jpg) • ShepherdShepherd.jpg (PasturePasture.jpg) • SkulkSkulk.jpg $4* GhostGhost.jpg $5 CobblerCobbler.jpgCryptCrypt.jpgCursed VillageCursed Village.jpgDen of SinDen of Sin.jpgIdolIdol.jpgPookaPooka.jpg (Cursed GoldCursed Gold.jpg) • Sacred GroveSacred Grove.jpgTormentorTormentor.jpgTragic HeroTragic Hero.jpgVampireVampire.jpg (BatBat.jpg) • WerewolfWerewolf.jpg $6 RaiderRaider.jpg
Boons: The Earth's GiftThe Earth's Gift.jpgFieldThe Field's Gift.jpgFlameThe Flame's Gift.jpgForestThe Forest's Gift.jpgMoonThe Moon's Gift.jpgMountainThe Mountain's Gift.jpgRiverThe River's Gift.jpgSeaThe Sea's Gift.jpgSkyThe Sky's Gift.jpgSunThe Sun's Gift.jpgSwampThe Swamp's Gift.jpgWindThe Wind's Gift.jpg
Hexes: Bad OmensBad Omens.jpgDelusionDelusion.jpg (DeludedDeluded.jpg) • EnvyEnvy.jpg (EnviousEnvious.jpg) • FamineFamine.jpgFearFear.jpgGreedGreed.jpgHauntingHaunting.jpgLocustsLocusts.jpgMiseryMisery.jpg (MiserableMiserable.jpg/Twice MiserableTwice Miserable.jpg) • PlaguePlague.jpgPovertyPoverty.jpgWarWar.jpg
Renaissance $2 Border GuardBorder Guard.jpg (HornHorn.jpgLanternLantern.jpg) • DucatDucat.jpgLackeysLackeys.jpg $3 Acting TroupeActing Troupe.jpgCargo ShipCargo Ship.jpgExperimentExperiment.jpgImproveImprove.jpg $4 Flag BearerFlag Bearer.jpg (FlagFlag.jpg) • HideoutHideout.jpgInventorInventor.jpgMountain VillageMountain Village.jpgPatronPatron.jpgPriestPriest.jpgResearchResearch.jpgSilk MerchantSilk Merchant.jpg $5 Old WitchOld Witch.jpgRecruiterRecruiter.jpgScepterScepter.jpgScholarScholar.jpgSculptorSculptor.jpgSeerSeer.jpgSpicesSpices.jpgSwashbucklerSwashbuckler.jpg (Treasure ChestTreasure Chest.jpg) • TreasurerTreasurer.jpg (KeyKey.jpg) • VillainVillain.jpg
Projects: $3 CathedralCathedral.jpgCity GateCity Gate.jpgPageantPageant.jpgSewersSewers.jpgStar ChartStar Chart.jpg $4 ExplorationExploration.jpgFairFair.jpgSilosSilos.jpgSinister PlotSinister Plot.jpg $5 AcademyAcademy.jpgCapitalismCapitalism.jpgFleetFleet.jpgGuildhallGuildhall.jpgPiazzaPiazza.jpgRoad NetworkRoad Network.jpg $6 BarracksBarracks.jpgCrop RotationCrop Rotation.jpgInnovationInnovation.jpg $7 CanalCanal.jpg $8 CitadelCitadel.jpg
Menagerie $2 Black CatBlack Cat.jpgSleighSleigh.jpgSuppliesSupplies.jpg $3 Camel TrainCamel Train.jpgGoatherdGoatherd.jpgScrapScrap.jpgSheepdogSheepdog.jpgSnowy VillageSnowy Village.jpgStockpileStockpile.jpg $3* HorseHorse.jpg $4 Bounty HunterBounty Hunter.jpgCardinalCardinal.jpgCavalryCavalry.jpgGroomGroom.jpgHostelryHostelry.jpgVillage GreenVillage Green.jpg $5 BargeBarge.jpgCovenCoven.jpgDisplaceDisplace.jpgFalconerFalconer.jpgGatekeeperGatekeeper.jpgHunting LodgeHunting Lodge.jpgKilnKiln.jpgLiveryLivery.jpgMastermindMastermind.jpgPaddockPaddock.jpgSanctuarySanctuary.jpg $5* FishermanFisherman.jpg $6* DestrierDestrier.jpgWayfarerWayfarer.jpg $7* Animal FairAnimal Fair.jpg
Events: $0 DelayDelay.jpgDesperationDesperation.jpg $2 GambleGamble.jpgPursuePursue.jpgRideRide.jpgToilToil.jpg $3 EnhanceEnhance.jpgMarchMarch.jpgTransportTransport.jpg $4 BanishBanish.jpgBargainBargain.jpgInvestInvest.jpgSeize the DaySeize the Day.jpg $5 CommerceCommerce.jpgDemandDemand.jpgStampedeStampede.jpg $7 ReapReap.jpg $8 EnclaveEnclave.jpg $10 AllianceAlliance.jpgPopulatePopulate.jpg
Ways: ButterflyWay of the Butterfly.jpgCamelWay of the Camel.jpgChameleonWay of the Chameleon.jpgFrogWay of the Frog.jpgGoatWay of the Goat.jpgHorseWay of the Horse.jpgMoleWay of the Mole.jpgMonkeyWay of the Monkey.jpgMouseWay of the Mouse.jpgMuleWay of the Mule.jpgOtterWay of the Otter.jpgOwlWay of the Owl.jpgOxWay of the Ox.jpgPigWay of the Pig.jpgRatWay of the Rat.jpgSealWay of the Seal.jpgSheepWay of the Sheep.jpgSquirrelWay of the Squirrel.jpgTurtleWay of the Turtle.jpgWormWay of the Worm.jpg
Allies $2 BaubleBauble.jpgSycophantSycophant.jpgTownsfolkTownsfolk.jpg (Town CrierTown Crier.jpg / BlacksmithBlacksmith.jpg / MillerMiller.jpg / ElderElder.jpg) $3 AugursAugurs.jpg (Herb GathererHerb Gatherer.jpg / AcolyteAcolyte.jpg / SorceressSorceress.jpg / SibylSibyl.jpg) • ClashesClashes.jpg (Battle PlanBattle Plan.jpg / ArcherArcher.jpg / WarlordWarlord.jpg / TerritoryTerritory.jpg) • FortsForts.jpg (TentTent.jpg / GarrisonGarrison.jpg / Hill FortHill Fort.jpg / StrongholdStronghold.jpg) • ImporterImporter.jpgMerchant CampMerchant Camp.jpgOdysseysOdysseys.jpg (Old MapOld Map.jpg / VoyageVoyage.jpg / Sunken TreasureSunken Treasure.jpg / Distant ShoreDistant Shore.jpg) • SentinelSentinel.jpgUnderlingUnderling.jpgWizardsWizards.jpg (StudentStudent.jpg / ConjurerConjurer.jpg / SorcererSorcerer.jpg / LichLich.jpg) $4 BrokerBroker.jpgCarpenterCarpenter.jpgCourierCourier.jpgInnkeeperInnkeeper.jpgRoyal GalleyRoyal Galley.jpgTownTown.jpg $5 BarbarianBarbarian.jpgCapital CityCapital City.jpgContractContract.jpgEmissaryEmissary.jpgGalleriaGalleria.jpgGuildmasterGuildmaster.jpgHighwaymanHighwayman.jpgHunterHunter.jpgModifyModify.jpgSkirmisherSkirmisher.jpgSpecialistSpecialist.jpgSwapSwap.jpg $6 MarquisMarquis.jpg
Allies: Architects' GuildArchitects' Guild.jpgBand of NomadsBand of Nomads.jpgCave DwellersCave Dwellers.jpgCircle of WitchesCircle of Witches.jpgCity-stateCity-state.jpgCoastal HavenCoastal Haven.jpgCrafters' GuildCrafters' Guild.jpgDesert GuidesDesert Guides.jpgFamily of InventorsFamily of Inventors.jpgFellowship of ScribesFellowship of Scribes.jpgForest DwellersForest Dwellers.jpgGang of PickpocketsGang of Pickpockets.jpgIsland FolkIsland Folk.jpgLeague of BankersLeague of Bankers.jpgLeague of ShopkeepersLeague of Shopkeepers.jpgMarket TownsMarket Towns.jpgMountain FolkMountain Folk.jpgOrder of AstrologersOrder of Astrologers.jpgOrder of MasonsOrder of Masons.jpgPeaceful CultPeaceful Cult.jpgPlateau ShepherdsPlateau Shepherds.jpgTrappers' LodgeTrappers' Lodge.jpgWoodworkers' GuildWoodworkers' Guild.jpg
Plunder $2 CageCage.jpgGrottoGrotto.jpgJewelled EggJewelled Egg.jpgSearchSearch.jpgShamanShaman.jpg $3 Secluded ShrineSecluded Shrine.jpgSirenSiren.jpgStowawayStowaway.jpgTaskmasterTaskmaster.jpg $4 AbundanceAbundance.jpgCabin BoyCabin Boy.jpgCrucibleCrucible.jpgFlagshipFlagship.jpgFortune HunterFortune Hunter.jpgGondolaGondola.jpgHarbor VillageHarbor Village.jpgLanding PartyLanding Party.jpgMapmakerMapmaker.jpgMaroonMaroon.jpgRopeRope.jpgSwamp ShacksSwamp Shacks.jpgToolsTools.jpg $5 Buried TreasureBuried Treasure.jpgCrewCrew.jpgCutthroatCutthroat.jpgEnlargeEnlarge.jpgFigurineFigurine.jpgFirst MateFirst Mate.jpgFrigateFrigate.jpgLongshipLongship.jpgMining RoadMining Road.jpgPendantPendant.jpgPickaxePickaxe.jpgPilgrimPilgrim.jpgQuartermasterQuartermaster.jpgSilver MineSilver Mine.jpgTricksterTrickster.jpgWealthy VillageWealthy Village.jpg $6 Sack of LootSack of Loot.jpg $7 King's CacheKing's Cache.jpg $7* Loots (AmphoraAmphora.jpgDoubloonsDoubloons.jpgEndless ChaliceEndless Chalice.jpgFigureheadFigurehead.jpgHammerHammer.jpgInsigniaInsignia.jpgJewelsJewels.jpgOrbOrb.jpgPrize GoatPrize Goat.jpgPuzzle BoxPuzzle Box.jpgSextantSextant.jpgShieldShield.jpgSpell ScrollSpell Scroll.jpgStaffStaff.jpgSwordSword.jpg)
Events: $1 BuryBury.jpg $2 AvoidAvoid.jpgDeliverDeliver.jpgPerilPeril.jpgRushRush.jpg $3 ForayForay.jpgLaunchLaunch.jpgMirrorMirror.jpgPreparePrepare.jpgScroungeScrounge.jpg $4 MaelstromMaelstrom.jpgJourneyJourney.jpg $6 LootingLooting.jpg $10 InvasionInvasion.jpgProsperProsper.jpg
Traits: CheapCheap.jpgCursedCursed.jpgFatedFated.jpgFawningFawning.jpgFriendlyFriendly.jpgHastyHasty.jpgInheritedInherited.jpgInspiringInspiring.jpgNearbyNearby.jpgPatientPatient.jpgPiousPious.jpgRecklessReckless.jpgRichRich.jpgShyShy.jpgTirelessTireless.jpg
Promo $3 Black MarketBlack Market.jpgChurchChurch.jpg $4 DismantleDismantle.jpgEnvoyEnvoy.jpgSaunaSauna.jpg/AvantoAvanto.jpgWalled VillageWalled Village.jpg $5 GovernorGovernor.jpgMarchlandMarchland.jpgStashStash.jpg $6 CaptainCaptain.jpg $8 PrincePrince.jpg
Events: $5 SummonSummon.jpg
Base Cards $0 CopperCopper.jpgCurseCurse.jpg $2 EstateEstate.jpg $3 SilverSilver.jpg $4 PotionPotion.jpg $5 DuchyDuchy.jpg $6 GoldGold.jpg $8 ProvinceProvince.jpg $9 PlatinumPlatinum.jpg $11 ColonyColony.jpg
See also: Second EditionErrataOuttakes (Confusion) • Fan cardsCard storageList of cards (in other languages)
Personal tools
