Chancellor | |
Info | |
Cost | |
Type(s) | Action |
Kingdom card? | Yes |
Set | Base |
Illustrator(s) | Matthias Catrein |
Card text | |
+ You may immediately put your deck into your discard pile. |
Chancellor is an Action card from the first edition of the Base set. It allows you to discard your deck, speeding up your reshuffles. It is rarely an effective addition to your deck and was removed from the second edition of Dominion.
Official FAQ
- You must resolve the Chancellor (decide whether or not to discard your Deck by flipping it into your Discard pile) before doing other things on your turn, like deciding what to buy or playing another Action card.
- You may not look through your Deck as you discard it.
Other Rules clarifications
- Putting your Deck in your Discard pile in this manner does not count as individually discarding each card in your deck, and you may not use Reactions that require discarding a card (such as that of Tunnels) as you put those cards in your discard pile with Chancellor.
Chancellor is a terminal silver, or effectively a Silver that uses up an Action to be played, that grants you the option to discard your deck in exchange. This is quite weak for several reasons:
- Chancellor has some serious competition at its price. A stronger card such as Masquerade or Steward could have taken its spot. On top of that, Chancellor also competes for precious terminal space.
- With good draw and/or strong trashing (such as with Wharf and Chapel), Chancellor’s power quickly becomes inconsequential, because it is likely that you will draw your deck every turn anyway.
- Chancellor can be frustratingly random. It fares better when you play it when you have just shuffled your deck, so its power is wasted if it is close to the bottom.
In Kingdoms where there are plenty of villages and no competing cards, gaining Chancellor is less unappealing, and it can be directly compared to buying Silver or nothing. The deck discarding ability of Chancellor can be helpful for a couple of reasons:
- Putting your deck into your discard pile allows you to find your stronger cards quicker. For instance, if you buy a Witch, a powerful card, you want to draw and play it as soon as possible. If you have discarded your deck with Chancellor that turn, you’ll reshuffle your deck at the end of the turn with your newly bought Witch included, and will draw it sooner.
- Putting your deck into your discard pile allows you to draw your weaker cards less. Discarding your deck when you know the rest of your shuffle is mostly Coppers and Estates allows you to effectively skip drawing those cards, reducing the risk of a dud on your next turn(s).
External strategy articles
Note: Article(s) below are by individual authors and may not represent the community's views on cards, but may provide more in-depth information. Caveat emptor.
English versions
Digital | Text | Release | Date | |
+ You may immediately put your deck into your discard pile. |
Dominion 1st Edition | October 2008 |
Other language versions
Language | Name | Digital | Text | Notes | |
Chinese | 大臣 (pron. dàchén) | ||||
Czech | Kancléř | ||||
Dutch | Raadsheer (lit. councillor) |
+ Je mag je trekstapel direct op je aflegstapel leggen. |
Finnish | Kansleri | ||||
French | Chancelier | + Vous pouvez immédiatement défausser votre deck. |
German | Kanzler | + Du darfst sofort deinen kompletten Nachziehstapel auf deinen Ablagestapel legen. |
(2013) one or more other versions listed here | ||
Greek | Καγκελάριος (pron. kankelarios) |
+ Μπορείτε αμέσως να τοποθετήσετε την τράπουλά σας στα σκάρτα. |
Hungarian | Kancellár | ||||
Italian | Cancelliere | ||||
Japanese | 宰相 (pron. saishō, lit. prime minister) | ||||
Korean | 법관 (pron. beobgwan, lit. judge) | ||||
Norwegian | Rikskansler | ||||
Polish | Kanclerz | + Możesz natychmiast umieścić swoją talię na swoim stosie odrzuconych kart. |
Romanian | Cancelar | ||||
Russian | Канцлер (pron. kantslyer) | ||||
Spanish | Canciller | + Puedes poner inmediatamente tu mazo en tu pila de descartes. |
First Edition (2008) |
Chancellor and its variants extremely useful in the context of Dominion puzzles, which often start with "Assuming you have perfect shuffle luck, can you..."
Donald X. Vaccarino describes Messenger and Scavenger as "fixed" versions of Chancellor.
Secret History
Second Edition Removal