Way of the Rat

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Way of the Rat
Type Way
Set Menagerie
Illustrator(s) Grant Hansen
Way text
You may discard a Treasure to gain a copy of this.

Way of the Rat is a Way from Menagerie. It lets any Action card gain a copy of itself by discarding a Treasure.


Official FAQ

  • This can only gain cards from the Supply.



English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Way of the Rat Way of the Rat from Shuffle iT You may discard a Treasure to gain a copy of this. Menagerie March 2020

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Spoor van de Rat Je mag een geldkaart afleggen om
een exemplaar van deze kaart te pakken.
German Weg der Ratte German language Way of the Rat from Shuffle iT Du darfst eine Geldkarte ablegen, um eine gleiche Karte
wie diese Karte zu nehmen.
Japanese ドブネズミの習性 (pron. dobunezumi no shūsei)


Official card art.

The name is a reference to Rats, the first card that specifically gains copies of itself.


In games with Way of the Rat, everything can gain copies of itself. There you have it.

Secret History

This didn't change, but we did try a version with no discard for comparison.

Cards $2 Black CatSleighSupplies $3 Camel TrainGoatherdScrapSheepdogSnowy VillageStockpile $3* Horse $4 Bounty HunterCardinalCavalryGroomHostelryVillage Green $5 BargeCovenDisplaceFalconerGatekeeperHunting LodgeKilnLiveryMastermindPaddockSanctuary $5* Fisherman $6* DestrierWayfarer $7* Animal Fair
Events $0 DelayDesperation $2 GamblePursueRideToil $3 EnhanceMarchTransport $4 BanishBargainInvestSeize the Day $5 CommerceDemandStampede $7 Reap $8 Enclave $10 AlliancePopulate
Ways ButterflyCamelChameleonFrogGoatHorseMoleMonkeyMouseMuleOtterOwlOxPigRatSealSheepSquirrelTurtleWorm
Other concepts Exile

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