Horse Traders

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Horse Traders
Cost $4
Type(s) Action - Reaction
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Cornucopia
Illustrator(s) Jeff Himmelman
Card text
+1 Buy
Discard 2 cards.

When another player plays an Attack card, you may first set this aside from your hand. If you do, then at the start of your next turn, +1 Card and return this to your hand.

Horse Traders is an ActionReaction card from Cornucopia. Played as an Action, it gives you $3 and a Buy at the cost of discarding two cards; as a Reaction, it defends against handsize attacks by setting itself aside and drawing an extra card at the start of your next turn.

Horse Traders was removed from the second edition of Cornucopia & Guilds.


Official FAQ

  • When you play this, you get +1 Buy and +$3, and discard 2 cards from your hand.
  • If you do not have enough cards to discard, just discard what you can; you still get the +1 Buy and +$3.
  • When another player plays an Attack card, before that card does anything, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you set this aside, and at the start of your next turn, you return it to your hand and draw a card.
  • While it is set aside, it is not in play or in your hand, and cannot be further revealed to Attacks. Therefore it will only work on one Attack per round of turns.
  • You can reveal it for an Attack and still play it on your next turn.
  • You can reveal multiple Horse Traders to a single Attack. For example, if another player plays Followers, you could reveal and set aside two Horse Traders from your hand, then gain a Curse but discard no cards, as you would only have three cards in hand at that point. Then on your next turn you would pick up the two Horse Traders and also draw two cards.

Other rules clarifications

  • If the game ends while Horse Traders is set aside, it is returned to its owner's deck before scoring; this can matter for alt-VP cards such as Gardens.


Horse Traders is a weak terminal payload stop card. Its first main problem is that it is inefficient payload which compares poorly to terminal Silvers, as it pushes you towards a money density of $1 per stop card. Its second main problem is that it effectively costs cards in your hand. This increases the amount of draw you need for overdraw, and if you do not have weak cards (e.g. Estate) to discard, could actively hurt your economy. Horse Traders does, however, have two main use cases.

  1. Horse Traders can be +Buy of last resort, which may make it relevant if the Kingdom is lacking better (especially non-terminal) alternatives like Market Square. Horse Traders may be more appealing in this role if you have an excess of terminal space or draw (e.g. draw-to-X). Its downsides are also reduced if you get some benefit out of discarding cards, for example with Village Green or by sifting for draw-to-X.
  2. By generating $3 at the cost of three cards in hand (the Horse Traders plus the two discards), Horse Traders make it very easy to hit $5, as you only need two additional Coppers in a five card hand. Getting a Horse Traders may therefore be usable if you want to greatly increase your chances of affording a $5 card such as Sentry in the early game.

Horse Traders’ Reaction to your opponents’ Attacks is usually not reason enough to get Horse Traders because it is unreliable and a relatively small payoff, but is a good bonus if you have the Horse Traders anyway. The Reaction is somewhat more useful against discard attacks because it can restore your hand size to counteract the Attack's effect.

Rarely, in a deck without Treasures or by playing it after those using Capitalism, you can play Horse Traders with no other cards in hand and still get the full payload. While this isn’t strong enough to be worth actively pursuing, it may be worthwhile as a tactical play.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Horse Traders Horse Traders from Goko/Making Fun +1 Buy
Discard 2 cards.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may set this aside from your hand. If you do, then at the start of your next turn, +1 Card and return this to your hand.
Cornucopia June 2011
Horse Traders Horse Traders from Shuffle iT +1 Buy
Discard 2 cards.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may first set this aside from your hand. If you do, then at the start of your next turn, +1 Card and return this to your hand.
Guilds & Cornucopia (2017 printing) March 2018

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Czech Koňští handlíři
Dutch Paardenhandelaars
Finnish Hevoskauppias
French Maquignons
(note: literal translation, but connotes con artists)
French language Horse Traders 2021 from Shuffle iT +1 Achat
Défaussez deux cartes.
Quand un adversaire joue une carte Attaque, vous pouvez d'abord mettre de côté cette carte de votre main. Dans ce cas, au début de votre prochain tour, +1 Carte et reprenez en main cette carte.
German Pferdehändler German language Horse Traders 2019 by ASS German language Horse Traders 2021 from Shuffle iT +1 Kauf
Lege 2 deiner Handkarten ab.
Wenn ein Mitspieler eine Angriffskarte ausspielt, darfst du zuerst diese Karte aus deiner Hand zur Seite legen. Wenn du das tust, zu Beginn deines nächsten Zuges: +1 Karte und nimm diese Karte wieder auf deine Hand.
Italian Mercanti di Cavalli
Japanese 馬商人
(pron. umashōnin)
+1 購入
他のプレイヤーがアタックカードを使用するとき、その解決前に、手札からこれを脇に置いてもよい。脇に置いた場合、あなたの次のターンの開始時に、+1 カードを引く、これを手札に戻す。
Polish Banda Koniokradów
(lit. gang of horse thieves)
Polish language Horse Traders +1 Zakup
Odrzuć 2 karty.
Kiedy inny gracz zagrywa kartę ataku możesz odłożyć tę kartę z ręki. Jeśli to zrobisz, na początku swojej następnej kolejki +1 karta i weź Bandę Koniokradów z powrotem na rękę.
Russian Торговцы Лошадьми (pron. torgovtsy loshad'mi)
Spanish Tratantes de Caballos (lit. horse handlers)


Official card art.

Secret History

Seaside originally had a reaction that drew you a card when attacked. It died because it needed a messy phrasing to stop you from drawing your deck with it on one attack, after reactions changed to staying in your hand. But I had big plans to one day revive it with that messy phrasing.

I first tried it out in this set on a Village. I changed it to the money/discard thing in order to better fit the expansion theme. When I changed the theme I still liked the card so I kept it.

Prior to making $3, it made $1 per 2 cards in your hand (no discarding), fitting the dead theme even better. That was too scary with card-drawing combos and lackluster without them.

There was significant debate over whether or not it should be cumulative - should it work against multiple attacks per round. For me there was no question. Originally it was cumulative. There would be games where somebody just randomly bought lots of attacks anyway, and the person with the most Horse Traders won. It's plenty of bonus without being cumulative.

Second Edition removal

This card is fine except that it has tons of tiny print. I eventually figured out how to do Reactions like Sheepdog, but I hadn't figured it out yet here, and the result is a mess. I replaced it with Guard Dog, which ended up in Hinterlands instead, freeing this slot for another card to tie into Cornucopia's variety theme.

Cards $2 Hamlet $3 Fortune TellerMenagerie $4 Farming VillageHorse TradersRemakeTournament (Prizes: Bag of GoldDiademFollowersPrincessTrusty Steed) • Young Witch $5 HarvestHorn of PlentyHunting PartyJester $6 Fairgrounds

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