Endless Chalice

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Endless Chalice
Cost $7*
Type(s) Treasure - Duration - Loot
Kingdom card? No
Set Plunder
Illustrator(s) Martin Hoffmann
Card text
Now and at the start of each of your turns for the rest of the game:
+1 Buy

Endless Chalice is a Treasure-Duration-Loot card from Plunder. Once played, it provides extra $ and +Buy every turn for the remainder of the game.


Official FAQ

  • Once played, this stays in play for the rest of the game.

Other rules clarifications



English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Endless Chalice Now and at the start of each of your turns for the rest of the game:
+1 Buy
Plunder December 2022

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Eindeloze Kelk Dutch language Endless Chalice Nu en voor de rest van
het spel aan het begin
van je beurt:
+1 Aanchaf
German Endloser Kelch German language Endless Chalice from Shuffle iT Jetzt und zu Beginn
aller deiner Züge bis
zum Spielende:
+1 Kauf


Official card art.

Secret History

Tweaked the wording but kept it functionally the same. It didn't always have the big coin.

Cards $2 CageGrottoJewelled EggSearchShaman $3 Secluded ShrineSirenStowawayTaskmaster $4 AbundanceCabin BoyCrucibleFlagshipFortune HunterGondolaHarbor VillageLanding PartyMapmakerMaroonRopeSwamp ShacksTools $5 Buried TreasureCrewCutthroatEnlargeFigurineFirst MateFrigateLongshipMining RoadPendantPickaxePilgrimQuartermasterSilver MineTricksterWealthy Village $6 Sack of Loot $7 King's Cache
Loots $7* AmphoraDoubloonsEndless ChaliceFigureheadHammerInsigniaJewelsOrbPrize GoatPuzzle BoxSextantShieldSpell ScrollStaffSword
Events $1 Bury $2 AvoidDeliverPerilRush $3 ForayLaunchMirrorPrepareScrounge $4 MaelstromJourney $6 Looting $10 InvasionProsper
Traits CheapCursedFatedFawningFriendlyHastyInheritedInspiringNearbyPatientPiousRecklessRichShyTireless
Other concepts LootTraits

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