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Cost $3
Type Event
Set Adventures
Illustrator(s) Brian Brinlee
Event text
Trash up to 2 Coppers you have in play.

Bonfire is an Event from Adventures. It's a trasher that can only trash Coppers in play.


Official FAQ (2022)

  • This only trashes Coppers you have in play.
  • This does not remove the $ you got from playing those Coppers. For example, with 5 Coppers in play and two Buys, you could pay $3 for a Bonfire to trash two of the Coppers, then spend the other $2 on a Peasant.

Deprecated official FAQ (2021)

  • This only trashes cards you have in play, not cards from your hand.
  • You can trash zero, one, or two cards.
  • This does not remove the $ you got from playing those Treasures this turn. For example, with 5 Coppers in play and two Buys, you could pay $3 for a Bonfire to trash two of the Coppers, then spend the other $2 on a Peasant.


Bonfire is an effective Copper thinner. Since it trashes two Coppers instantly when you buy it (and you can use the targeted Coppers themselves to help pay for it), it is faster than many trashers which you have to buy and draw before using, although it is outclassed by faster options still, particularly those such as Chapel that can also target Estate and other kinds of junk.

Buying a single Bonfire in the opening is often a good move to thin your deck before your very first reshuffle. This allows you to cycle more quickly and see your other early game buys more often. However, doing so immediately reduces your deck's economy and money density, which means it may be difficult to hit important price points (particularly $5) on turn 3 or 4 if you open with Bonfire. While some opening buys that provide payload (such as Bounty Hunter or Baron) can remedy this, in most cases you will need to weigh this tradeoff between immediate thinning and delaying building. Since Bonfire cannot thin your Estates, it pairs very well with cards that can, like Remodel or Jack of All Trades. The very early thinning is also particularly useful alongside opening partners that benefit from especially rapid cycling, notably Travellers. If there is no particularly good option to open together with Bonfire, it is usually preferable to delay the use of Bonfire until after the first or second reshuffle, buying it opportunistically when you miss more important price points. Even if you do open with Bonfire, you’ll likely still have many Coppers left to trash, so buying it to continue thinning in the early midgame is usually a good idea.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Bonfire Bonfire from Goko/Making Fun Trash up to 2 cards you have in play. Adventures April 2015
Bonfire Bonfire from Shuffle iT Trash up to 2 cards you have in play. Adventures (2017 printing) August 2017
Bonfire from Shuffle iT Trash up to 2 Coppers you have in play. Adventures (2022 printing) June 29, 2022

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Vreugdevuur Vernietig ten hoogste 2 kaarten die je in het spel hebt. (2015)
Finnish Kokko
French Feu de joie
German Freudenfeuer German language Bonfire 2015 by ASS Entsorge bis zu 2 Karten, die du im Spiel hast.


(Nachdruck 2021)
Freudenfeuer German language Bonfire from Shuffle iT Entsorge bis zu 2 Kupfer, die du im Spiel hast.
Japanese 焚火 (pron. takibi,
lit. fire)
Polish Ognisko Although Polish version is not released,
this name is referred to in Polish Dominion 2E rulebook.
Russian Костёр (pron. kostyor)


Official card art.

Secret History

An obvious one. The first version trashed one card from your hand or from play; trashing from your hand is just too automatic though.

Donald X.'s opinion

Another nice trick with Bonfire is getting rid of your other trasher with it. Or another early game card you don't want anymore, e.g. Potion.

2022 Errata

Bonfire goes further, and only trashes Coppers now. However sad that may seem, in practice it's almost identical to how it was before. Almost... identical. Bonfire needed to not trash other cards from play because this breaks the game at a basic level. Going into play "uses up" a card for the turn; letting you trash it lets you re-use it. If you Procession a card, well, Procession itself is in play, being used up; it only goes so far. But Bonfire is an Event and you can endlessly buy it. So there were infinite loops you could get with it. These are not things that happen in games! They just aren't. But I fixed it anyway. The fix was trivial, a very simple wording that almost completely failed to change the card at all, despite one's ability to be sad about it. When I leave cards able to break the game, eventually they break the game. So, no regrets! Well I mean, except for letting Bonfire trash other cards in the first place.

Cards $2 Coin of the RealmPage (Treasure HunterWarriorHeroChampion) • Peasant (SoldierFugitiveDiscipleTeacher) • RatcatcherRaze $3 AmuletCaravan GuardDungeonGearGuide $4 DuplicateMagpieMessengerMiserPortRangerTransmogrify $5 ArtificerBridge TrollDistant LandsGiantHaunted WoodsLost CityRelicRoyal CarriageStorytellerSwamp HagTreasure TroveWine Merchant $6 Hireling
Events $0 AlmsBorrowQuest $1 Save $2 Scouting PartyTravelling Fair $3 BonfireExpeditionFerryPlan $4 MissionPilgrimage $5 BallRaidSeawayTrade $6 Lost ArtsTraining $7 Inheritance $8 Pathfinding
Combos and Counters Counting House/Travelling FairRoyal Carriage/Bridge
Other concepts DurationReserveTokensTraveller

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