Dominion (Base Set)

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Type Base Game
Cards 500
252 (1st) / 262 (2nd) (25/26 sets)
32 (1st) / 26 (2nd)
7 (1st) / 4 (2nd)
Other Card(s)
1 Trash pile card (1st only)
Additional Material(s)  
1 Trash mat (2nd only)
Theme(s) Simplicity
Release October 2008 (1st) / Fall 2016 (2nd)
Cover artist Matthias Catrein (1st) / Julien Delval (2nd)
Official Rulebook PDF

Dominion, sometimes called Base Dominion, the Base Set, or simply Base, is the first Dominion game created by Donald X. Vaccarino. It was released in 2008 by publisher Rio Grande Games. The box originally contained 25 sets of Kingdom cards and Basic Supply cards to support up to 4 players.

The second edition of the base set was released in Fall 2016, improving wording and formatting on cards, updating basic card artwork, replacing the Trash card with a mat, and replacing 6 obsolete first edition Kingdom cards with 7 new ones. The new cards are also available in an update pack provided to allow existing Dominion sets to be updated to the second edition form.

The Base set is also included in both the English and German Big Boxes and other collections.


Basic Supply cards

Kingdom cards, second edition

Cards with an asterisk (*) were added in the second edition.

Removed first-edition Kingdom cards

These cards were included in the first edition, and removed from the second edition.

Other cards

Additional materials


Flavor text

You are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes and dreams! You want a bigger and more pleasant kingdom, with more rivers and a wider variety of trees. You want a Dominion! In all directions lie fiefs, freeholds, and feodums. All are small bits of land, controlled by petty lords and verging on anarchy. You will bring civilization to these people, uniting them under your banner. But wait! It must be something in the air; several other monarchs have had the exact same idea. You must race to get as much of the unclaimed land as possible, fending them off along the way. To do this you will hire minions, construct buildings, spruce up your castle, and fill the coffers of your treasury. Your parents wouldn’t be proud, but your grandparents, on your mother's side, would be delighted.


This is a game of building a deck of cards. The deck represents your Dominion. It contains your resources, victory points, and the things you can do. It starts out a small sad collection of Estates and Coppers, but you hope that by the end of the game it will be brimming with Gold, Provinces, and the inhabitants and structures of your castle and kingdom. You win by having the most VP in your deck when the game ends.

Cards gallery

Basic cards

Sort by Name

Kingdom cards

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Removed cards

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As the original game, this set contains the cards that serve as most players' introduction to Dominion. The cards are, for the most part, simple, yet compelling. Some of them, like Smithy, Throne Room, Militia, Gardens, Witch, Chapel, and Village, are important cornerstones to strategies and strategic discussions, and serve as archetypes for card categories. As such, other cards of those categories have their costs dictated by these cards, as they tend to be these original cards with something "extra." The main strategies (engine, big money, slog, rush and combo) all have their roots in this set, in the most basic forms of each.

The Base set now is often considered simply a gateway to the more complex or "interesting" sets which introduce new mechanics and strategies, but it is the Base set which won the Spiel des Jahres, and it is the Base set which drew most players into the game of Dominion.

The original Base set had a much lower percentage of non-terminal Actions than most of the expansions, which gave it a reputation as favoring Big Money decks over engines.

Alternate versions


Official Second Edition box art.
Official First Edition box art.

The Second Edition box art is one of the available backgrounds in Dominion Online.

In other languages

  • Chinese: 皇舆争霸 (pron. huáng yú zhēngbà, lit. Struggle for the emperor's throne)
  • Czech: Dominion
  • Dutch:
    • Dominion: In naam van de Koning! (lit. In the name of the King!) (first edition)
    • Dominion: Wie bouwt het mooiste koninkrijk? (lit. Who will build the most beautiful kingdom?) (first edition)
    • Dominion: Tweede editie (second edition)
  • Finnish: Dominion: Valtakunta (lit. The kingdom)
  • French: Dominion: Votre royaume commence ici! (lit. Your kingdom begins here!)
  • German: Dominion: Was für eine Welt! (lit. What a world!)
  • Greek: Dominion: Ο κυρίαρχος (pron. o kyriarchos, lit. The dominant)
  • Hungarian: Dominion
  • Italian: Dominion: Nasce un Regno (lit. Birth of a kingdom)
  • Japanese: ドミニオン (pron. dominion)
  • Korean: 도미니언 (pron. dominieon)
  • Norwegian: Dominion
  • Polish:
    • Dominion: Rozdarte Królestwo (lit. A kingdom torn apart) (Bard edition)
    • Dominion (GFP edition)
  • Romanian: Dominion
  • Russian: Доминион (pron. dominion)
  • Spanish: Dominion
  • Swedish: Dominion: Spelet om kungadömet (lit. The game of the kingdom)

Secret history

Donald X. Vaccarino gave an interview to BGN concerning the design of the base set: the Secret History of the Dominion Cards.

Retrospective (1E)

The big thing is to add more replayability. There are six vanilla cards and probably five would have been fine; the obvious one to replace is Woodcutter. Woodcutter is a fine card for the main set but the other vanilla cards are all better. That means all of the +buy cards would cost $5 but I can live with that. After that, Feast adds very little. Chancellor doesn't add much and would have been better in Intrigue (where it came from); the fact that it's a puzzler is way better in an expansion than in the main set. And finally there's Spy. Spy is slow to resolve, that's the big thing. Over the years I have learned that ideally Spy-type attacks don't have +1 action, or don't involve a decision, or both. Rabble is exactly what I want. Spy has +1 action and involves a decision, so you potentially make tons of decisions per turn. I like decisions but man Spy is not where to get them. It initially got to interact with two attacks that trashed cards from the top of your deck, and that's cool, but now it only interacts with Thief (in the main set that is), and that combo just isn't worth the slot.

The way to think of these things is, imagine the replacement cards. Let's say I just take out Woodcutter and Feast and put in Wishing Well and Coppersmith. Those are not top-of-the-line adored-by-all go-in-every-deck cards. But they still give you more to do than Woodcutter and Feast do.

It would be nice if Thief were stronger, but it already scares new players, and once everyone was new. There are some wording tweaks; Throne Room and Moneylender should of course say "you may." I would try coloring the coins on the treasures. The Trash card should be a mat instead.

There are people who complain about various other cards, but I am happy with those, so there.

Retrospective (2E)

I think the new Intrigue cards are great, but Sentry should have been some different cheaper trasher, and I don't know that I needed both Merchant and Poacher even though both are fine, and Bandit may be too attractive to new players for a main set attack.

Recommended sets of 10

Dominion only

First Game [images]
Cellar Market Merchant Militia Mine
Moat Remodel Smithy Village Workshop
Size Distortion [images]
Artisan Bandit Bureaucrat Chapel Festival
Gardens Sentry Throne Room Witch Workshop
Deck Top [images]
Artisan Bureaucrat Council Room Festival Harbinger
Laboratory Moneylender Sentry Vassal Village
Sleight of Hand [images]
Cellar Council Room Festival Gardens Harbinger
Library Militia Poacher Smithy Throne Room
Improvements [images]
Artisan Cellar Market Merchant Mine
Moat Moneylender Poacher Remodel Witch
Silver & Gold [images]
Bandit Bureaucrat Chapel Harbinger Laboratory
Merchant Mine Moneylender Throne Room Vassal

Dominion & Intrigue

Underlings [images]
Cellar Festival Library Sentry Vassal
Courtier Diplomat Minion Nobles Pawn
Grand Scheme [images]
Artisan Council Room Market Militia Workshop
Bridge Mill Mining Village Patrol Shanty Town
Deconstruction [images]
Bandit Mine Remodel Throne Room Village
Diplomat Harem Lurker Replace Swindler

Dominion & Seaside

Reach for Tomorrow [images]
Artisan Cellar Council Room Vassal Village
Cutpurse Lookout Monkey Sea Witch Treasure Map
Repetition [images]
Festival Harbinger Militia Remodel Workshop
Caravan Outpost Pirate Sea Chart Treasury

Dominion & Alchemy

Forbidden Arts [images]
Bandit Cellar Council Room Gardens Laboratory
Throne Room Apprentice Familiar Possession University
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Potion Mixers [images]
Cellar Festival Militia Poacher Smithy
Alchemist Apothecary Golem Herbalist Transmute
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Chemistry Lesson [images]
Bureaucrat Market Moat Remodel Vassal
Witch Alchemist Golem Philosopher's Stone University
Landscapes and Additional Cards

Dominion & Prosperity

Biggest Money [images]
Artisan Harbinger Laboratory Mine Moneylender
Bank Crystal Ball Grand Market Mint Tiara
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Platinum Colony
The King's Army [images]
Bureaucrat Council Room Merchant Moat Village
Collection Expand King's Court Rabble Vault
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Platinum Colony

Dominion & Cornucopia & Guilds

Bounty of the Hunt [images]
Cellar Festival Militia Moneylender Smithy
Ferryman Horn of Plenty Hunting Party Joust Menagerie
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Pile for Ferryman
Gilding the Lily [images]
Library Merchant Market Remodel Sentry
Candlestick Maker Footpad Plaza Remake Young Witch
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Bane pile:

Dominion & Hinterlands

Happy Trails [images]
Cellar Library Moneylender Throne Room Workshop
Berserker Highway Nomads Oasis Trail
Adventures Abroad [images]
Festival Laboratory Remodel Sentry Vassal
Crossroads Fool's Gold Guard Dog Souk Witch's Hut

Dominion & Dark Ages

High and Low [images]
Cellar Moneylender Throne Room Witch Workshop
Hermit Hunting Grounds Mystic Poor House Wandering Minstrel
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Chivalry and Revelry [images]
Festival Gardens Laboratory Library Remodel
Altar Knights Rats Scavenger Squire
Landscapes and Additional Cards

Dominion & Adventures

Level Up [images]
Market Merchant Militia Throne Room Workshop
Dungeon Gear Guide Lost City Miser
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Son of Size Distortion [images]
Bandit Bureaucrat Gardens Moneylender Witch
Amulet Duplicate Giant Messenger Treasure Trove
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Bonfire Raid

Dominion & Empires

Everything in Moderation [images]
Cellar Library Remodel Village Workshop
Enchantress Forum Legionary Overlord Temple
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Windfall Orchard
Silver Bullets [images]
Bureaucrat Gardens Laboratory Market Moneylender
Catapult/Rocks Charm Farmers' Market Groundskeeper Patrician/Emporium
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Conquest Aqueduct

Dominion & Nocturne

Night Shift [images]
Bandit Gardens Mine Poacher Smithy
Druid Exorcist Ghost Town Idol Night Watchman
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Boons for Druid
The Earth's Gift The Flame's Gift The Forest's Gift
Idle Hands [images]
Cellar Harbinger Market Merchant Moneylender
Bard Conclave Cursed Village Devil's Workshop Tragic Hero
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Boons Hexes

Dominion & Renaissance

It Takes a Villager [images]
Market Merchant Mine Smithy Vassal
Acting Troupe Cargo Ship Recruiter Seer Treasurer
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Road Network
Capture the Flag [images]
Cellar Festival Harbinger Remodel Workshop
Flag Bearer Lackeys Scholar Swashbuckler Villain
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Barracks Pageant

Dominion & Menagerie

Pony Express [images]
Artisan Cellar Market Mine Village
Barge Destrier Paddock Stockpile Supplies
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Stampede Way of the Seal
Garden of Cats [images]
Bandit Gardens Harbinger Merchant Moat
Black Cat Displace Sanctuary Scrap Snowy Village
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Toil Way of the Mole

Dominion & Allies

Allies for Beginners [images]
Gardens Harbinger Market Remodel Vassal
Broker Capital City Galleria Odysseys Sycophant
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Crafters' Guild
Warring Shopkeepers [images]
Bandit Laboratory Merchant Moat Moneylender
Clashes Emissary Guildmaster Royal Galley Town
Landscapes and Additional Cards
League of Shopkeepers

Dominion & Plunder

Basic Looting [images]
Cellar Market Mine Moat Vassal
Frigate Harbor Village Maroon Pilgrim Sack of Loot
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Trait for Harbor Village
Voodoo [images]
Artisan Bureaucrat Festival Moneylender Remodel
Buried Treasure First Mate Flagship Gondola Shaman
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Trait for Festival

Dominion & Rising Sun

Spring Forward [images]
Artisan Harbinger Smithy Throne Room Workshop
Gold Mine Mountain Shrine Riverboat Root Cellar Tanuki
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Card for Riverboat
Rapid Expansion
Money to Burn [images]
Bureaucrat Cellar Festival Merchant Poacher
Change Craftsman Poet Ronin Snake Witch
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Gather Panic

First Edition Kingdoms

Cards $2 CellarChapelMoat $3 Harbinger • MerchantVassalVillageWorkshop $4 BureaucratGardensMilitiaMoneylenderPoacherRemodelSmithyThrone Room $5 BanditCouncil RoomFestivalLaboratoryLibraryMarketMineSentry • Witch $6 Artisan
Removed cards $3 ChancellorWoodcutter $4 FeastSpyThief $6 Adventurer
Combos and Counters Beggar/GardensWorkshop/Gardens
Other concepts Vanilla
Dominion Products
Sets DominionIntrigueSeasideAlchemyProsperityCornucopia & GuildsHinterlandsDark AgesAdventures • EmpiresNocturneRenaissanceMenagerieAlliesPlunderRising SunPromo
Collections Big BoxSpecial Edition (German) • Alchemy & Cornucopia (Japanese, German, Dutch)
Accessories Base CardsUpdate PacksPlay Mat • Base Cards MatCollectors CaseDominion Chest
Retired Products CornucopiaGuilds