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Cost $4
Type(s) Action
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Base
Illustrator(s) Matthias Catrein
Card text
Trash a card from your hand.
Gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.

Remodel is an Action card from the Base set. When played, it makes you trash a card from your hand, and gain a card costing up to $2 more. It's one of the first trash-for-benefit cards that players encounter when learning Dominion, and similar cards from future expansions, such as Expand, are sometimes called the "Remodel family".


Official FAQ

  • You cannot trash the Remodel itself, since it is not in your hand after you play it.
  • If you do not have a card to trash, you do not gain one.
  • If you do gain a card, it comes from the Supply and is put into your discard pile.
  • The gained card does not need to cost exactly $2 more than the trashed card; it can cost that much or less, and can even be another copy of the trashed card.
  • You cannot use $ to increase how expensive of a card you gain.

Other Rules clarifications

  • You must trash a card from your hand if you have one.

Strategy Article

Remodel is a flexible trasher and gainer.

Remodel doesn't reduce your deck size like Chapel or Sentry, but it can replace your starting cards or junk cards with better cards. Out of those, Remodel is best at trashing Estates. Usually there's a desirable Kingdom card you can gain, such as Village or Throne Room, but even gaining a Silver is fine. It is less common to be able to gain a good card when trashing a $0 card such as Copper or Curse. Sometimes there is a decent $2 kingdom card that you're happy to gain, such as Pawn. Usually, you will prefer to trash your Coppers in another way, such as with Moneylender.

Near the end of the game, Remodel can turn $6 cards (often Gold) into Provinces. Losing the Gold is often harmful, but having the capacity to gain an extra Province or two with Remodel on the last turn of the game is powerful. In the presence of efficient Gold gainers, like Bandit, Remodel trashing Gold to gain Provinces can be a sustainable greening strategy. Remodel can also be used to trash a Province into another Province (which is called milling a Province). This doesn't gain any VP, but it gives you more control over the end of the game. For example, if there are two Provinces left in the pile and you're down by no more than 5VP, you can Remodel Province into Province and then buy the last Province to win.

Remodel has other uses that are more situational. Once you're done trashing Coppers, you can use Remodel to trash your Moneylender into something valuable. Once Curses are empty, you can trash your Witch and gain a stronger card. Midgame, you can trash a Silver and gain a $5 engine piece, such as Festival or Laboratory. You can trash a Silver or other unneeded $3 card to Duchy for more VP. It's rarely efficient to Remodel a card in multiple steps (e.g. Curse to Estate to $4 card), but sometimes it is the best thing to do.

Remodel is best in Kingdoms where you have good uses for it throughout the game: trashing Estates early and gaining Provinces late. Remodel makes it more difficult to afford expensive cards, so you should avoid opening Remodel if there are important $5 cards to get. But Remodel can be valuable to add midgame, especially if you still have Estates to trash or have an efficient Gold gainer. Remodel is at its weakest in kingdoms with other strong Estate trashers (such as Chapel) and strong payload (such as Bridge).


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Remodel Remodel from Goko/Making Fun Trash a card from your hand.
Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card.
Dominion October 2008
Remodel Remodel from Shuffle iT Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than it. Dominion (Second Edition) October 2016

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Chinese 重建 (pron. chóngjiàn)
Czech Přestavba
Dutch Verbouwing Vernietig een kaart uit je hand. Pak een kaart die ten hoogste $2 meer waard is dan de vernietigde kaart. (2009)
Verbouwing Dutch language Remodel Vernietig een kaart uit je hand. Pak een kaart die ten hoogste $2 meer kost dan de vernietigde kaart. Tweede editie
(herdruk 2019/2020)
Finnish Muutostyö
French Rénovation
German Umbau German language Remodel 2008 by HiG Entsorge eine Karte aus deiner Hand.
Nimm dir eine Karte, die bis zu $2 mehr kostet als die entsorgte Karte.
German Umbau German language Remodel 2019 by ASS German language Remodel from Shuffle iT Entsorge eine deiner Handkarten.
Nimm eine Karte, die bis zu $2 mehr als sie kostet.
2. Edition
Hungarian Átépítés
Italian Miglioria
Japanese 改築 (pron. kaichiku) 手札1枚を廃棄する。それよりコストが最大$2高いカード1枚を獲得する。
Korean 개조 (pron. gaejo)
Norwegian Ombygging
Polish Przebudowa Polish language Remodel Wyrzuć na śmietnisko dowolną kartę z ręki. Dodaj kartę os koszcie większym maksymalnie o $2 od kosztu wyrzuconej karty. (2015)
Romanian Remodelare
Russian Реконструкция (pron. ryekonstruktsiya) Russian language Remodel from Shuffle iT Выкиньте карту из руки. Получите карту стоимостью не более чем на $2 дороже выкинутой.
Spanish Remodelar Spanish language Remodel Elimina una carta de tu mano. Gana una carta que cueste hasta $2 más que la carta eliminada. First Edition
Remodelar Spanish language Remodel Elimina una carta de tu mano. Gana una carta que cueste hasta $2 más que la carta eliminada. Second Edition
(2016, 2021)


Official card art.

Secret History

Another very early card with no story.

Cards $2 CellarChapelMoat $3 Harbinger • MerchantVassalVillageWorkshop $4 BureaucratGardensMilitiaMoneylenderPoacherRemodelSmithyThrone Room $5 BanditCouncil RoomFestivalLaboratoryLibraryMarketMineSentry • Witch $6 Artisan
Removed cards $3 ChancellorWoodcutter $4 FeastSpyThief $6 Adventurer
Combos and Counters Beggar/GardensWorkshop/Gardens
Other concepts Vanilla

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