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Cost $5
Type(s) Action - Duration - Attack
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Seaside
Illustrator(s) Martin Hoffmann
Card text
At the start of your next turn, +1 Card. Until then, each other player trashes the first Silver or Gold they play each turn.

Corsair is an Action-Duration-Attack card from the second edition of Seaside. It is a trashing attack that targets Silver or Gold that your opponent plays on their upcoming turn.


Official FAQ

  • The trashed Silver or Gold still made $ for the player to spend that turn.

Other rules clarifications

  • If you're under multiple Corsair attacks, you'll only trash one card, whether it is a Silver or a Gold.



English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Corsair Corsair from Shuffle iT +$2
At the start of your next turn, +1 Card. Until then, each other player trashes the first Silver or Gold they play each turn.
Seaside (Second Edition) June 2022

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Zeerover Dutch language Corsair +$2
Aan het begin van je volgende beurt: +1 Kaart. Tot dan vernietigt iedere andere speler het eerste Zilver of Goud dat hij in zijn beurt speelt.
Hijs de Zeilen (2de Editie) 999 Games (2022)
French Corsaire +$2
Au début de votre prochain tour, +1 Carte. D'ici là, chacun de vos adversaires écarte le premier Argent ou Or qu'il joue à chaque tour.
German Korsarenschiff German language Corsair from Shuffle iT +$2
Zu Beginn deines nächsten Zuges: +1 Karte. Bis dahin entsorgt jeder Mitspieler das erste Silber oder Gold, das er in einem Zug spielt.
Polish Korsarz Polish language Corsair +$2
Na początku twojej następnej tury, +1 karta. Do tego czasu każdy z pozostałych graczy wyrzuca na Śmietnisko pierwszą kartę Srebrników lub Złota, którą zagra w każdej swojej turze.


Official card art.


Pirate Ship for years has been one of the very weakest cards in the game. At the same time it terrifies casual multiplayer groups, where everyone buys it and so someone who bought it wins. It also requires tokens for again just a single card in the expansion.

I felt like some people would be sad to have no piratey shippy thing, so there's Corsair. It attacks Treasures in a way that doesn't help your opponents.

Secret History

Pirate Ship had to go, but the set sure wanted some kind of pirate ship. It seemed like it had to trash Treasures, so it does. It tries a different approach than usual, hitting them in play. At first it could hit any non-Coppers, but well, what about Duration Treasures? The simplest thing here was just to hit Silver and Gold.

Cards $2 HavenLighthouseNative Village $3 AstrolabeFishing VillageLookoutMonkeySea ChartSmugglersWarehouse $4 BlockadeCaravanCutpurseIslandSailorSalvagerTide PoolsTreasure Map $5 BazaarCorsairMerchant ShipOutpostPirateSea WitchTacticianTreasuryWharf
Removed cards $2 EmbargoPearl Diver $3 Ambassador $4 NavigatorPirate ShipSea Hag $5 ExplorerGhost Ship
Combos and Counters Black Market/TacticianNative Village/Bridge
Other concepts Duration

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