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Cost $3
Type Event
Set Adventures
Illustrator(s) Jessi J
Event text
Move your Trashing token to an Action Supply pile. (When you gain a card from that pile, you may trash a card from your hand.)

Plan is an Event from Adventures. It lets the buyer move their Trashing token.


Official FAQ (2022)

  • When you buy this, you move your Trashing token (the one depicting a tombstone) to any Action Supply pile.
  • This token will let you trash a card from your hand when gaining a card from that pile; see the Tokens section.

Other rules clarifications

  • Plan got errata in 2022 so that the trashing token activates whenever you gain a card from the chosen pile, whether you buy it or gain it in some other way.
  • Even though you can only put the Trashing token on an Action Supply pile, the card you gain from the pile doesn't need to be an Action. So if you put your Trashing token on the Odysseys and then gain a Sunken Treasure, you may still trash a card from your hand.
  • You can trash with Plan even if you gain a card on another player's turn (e.g. with Messenger or Falconer).
  • "From that pile" is referring to what pile that the gained card started in, not where you gained the card from. So if you put your Trashing token on a card, and then gain a copy of it from the trash (with e.g. Lurker), you'll get to trash a card. [1]

Deprecated official FAQ (2021)

  • When you buy this, you move your Trashing token (the one depicting a tombstone) to any Action Supply pile.
  • This token will let you trash a card from your hand when buying a card from that pile; see the Tokens section.


There is no strategy article for Plan, but it has been discussed on the forum.

Plan is somewhat similar to Bonfire, in that it is an Event that costs $3 and helps you trash your cards and streamline your deck. Its downside is, of course, that it can only start trashing cards once you also start buying cards, and only one at a time, meaning that it can't actually thin your deck. Its upside is that, unlike Bonfire, it can actually trash Estates instead of just Coppers.

When going for Plan, you really have to plan ahead (hence its name). There are basically two ways you can go. One way is to buy Plan on your very first turn, put the trashing token on a pile, and buy a card from that pile on your second turn. That way, your deck will still contain 10 cards after the shuffle, but you will have exchanged an Estate for a good card, and you can build your deck from there. This is best when opening $3/$4 (as opposed to $4/$3), since you can't reverse the order of operations here, unlike in traditional openings. Another way to go is to put the trashing token on a cheap, spammable Action pile, so you can make use of the trashing effect as often as possible. The thing is, that the most spammable cards (such as Villages) are often not the cards you want to open with, so you're left with the decision which of these two paths leads to victory.

Of course, you don't always want to go for Plan. Maybe there are better trashers on the board and you'd prefer not to waste any time with Plan. Maybe hitting $5 is so important that you really want a Silver in your deck. Maybe there are no cheap spammable cards. However, in the majority of games it is at least worth considering.



  • Better trashing
  • Power $5 cards and no good Action cards that help build economy


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Plan Plan from Goko/Making Fun Move your Trashing token to an Action Supply pile (when you buy a card from that pile, you may trash a card from your hand.) Adventures April 2015
Plan Plan from Shuffle iT Move your Trashing token to an Action Supply pile. (When you buy a card from that pile, you may trash a card from your hand.) Adventures (2016 printing) August 2017
Plan Plan from Shuffle iT Move your Trashing token to an Action Supply pile. (When you gain a card from that pile, you may trash a card from your hand.) Adventures (2022 printing) June 29, 2022

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Plan Verplaats je vernietigingsfische naar een Actie-voorraadstapel
(speel je een kaart van die stapel,
dan mag je een kaart uit je hand vernietigen).

Wrong Dutch Text Translation
E: when you buy a card from that pile.
NL: when you play a card from that pile

Finnish Suunnitelma
French Plan de Bataille (lit. battle plan)
German Planung (lit. planning) German language Plan 2015 by ASS German language Plan 2021 from Shuffle iT Lege deinen Entsorgungs-Marker auf einen Aktions-Vorratsstapel.
(Wenn du eine Karte von diesem Stapel kaufst, darfst du eine Karte aus deiner Hand entsorgen.)
Planung (lit. planning) Lege deinen Entsorgungs-Marker auf einen Aktions-Vorratsstapel.
(Wenn du eine Karte von jenem Stapel kaufst, darfst du eine deiner Handkarten entsorgen.)
(Nachdruck 2021)
Planung (lit. planning) German language Plan from Temple Gates Games Lege deinen Entsorgungs-Marker auf einen Aktions-Vorratsstapel.
(Wenn du eine Karte von jenem Stapel nimmst, darfst du eine deiner Handkarten entsorgen.)
Japanese 立案 (pron. ritsuan,
lit. planning)
Russian Замысел (pron. zamysyel)


Official card art.

Secret History

This started out as an Action card that was "+2 Cards, move the token." You would move the token to whatever you were going to buy that turn. It's better as an Event; you actually plan.

Cards $2 Coin of the RealmPage (Treasure HunterWarriorHeroChampion) • Peasant (SoldierFugitiveDiscipleTeacher) • RatcatcherRaze $3 AmuletCaravan GuardDungeonGearGuide $4 DuplicateMagpieMessengerMiserPortRangerTransmogrify $5 ArtificerBridge TrollDistant LandsGiantHaunted WoodsLost CityRelicRoyal CarriageStorytellerSwamp HagTreasure TroveWine Merchant $6 Hireling
Events $0 AlmsBorrowQuest $1 Save $2 Scouting PartyTravelling Fair $3 BonfireExpeditionFerryPlan $4 MissionPilgrimage $5 BallRaidSeawayTrade $6 Lost ArtsTraining $7 Inheritance $8 Pathfinding
Combos and Counters Counting House/Travelling FairRoyal Carriage/Bridge
Other concepts DurationReserveTokensTraveller

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