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Cost $5
Type(s) Treasure
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Empires
Illustrator(s) Marco Morte
Card text
+1 Buy

When you discard this from play, take 6D, and then you may pay off D.

Capital is a Treasure card from Empires. It provides the largest static amount of $ of any card (and gives +Buy to make use of it)—but only temporarily, as the Capital gives you D equal to its $ value when it is discarded.


Official FAQ

  • When you discard this from play (normally, in the Clean-up phase of the turn you played it), you get 6D, and then get an extra opportunity to pay off D with $, right then.
  • You do not get the 6D if you did not discard it from play - for example, if you trash it due to Counterfeit (from Dominion: Dark Ages).
  • You only get 6D per copy of Capital discarded; for example if you use Crown to play Capital twice, you still only get 6D when you discard it from play.

Other rules clarifications

  • Even if Capital is subject to the Highwayman attack, making it have no effect when you play it, you still take the 6D when you discard it from play.
  • Rising Sun updated the rules for debt, allowing you to pay off debt at any time during your turn, making the text in the card specifying paying off debt during clean-up redundant.


Capital generates no $ on net, instead effectively offering you a loan: you get $6 to spend but must pay off 6D at the end of your turn and/or during your next Buy phases. Therefore, this Treasure should not be regarded as directly increasing your deck’s $-based payload, except on your final turn. Before that, it has various other uses:

  • to invest in adding deck control or payload that will quickly pay dividends on the D incurred
  • to smooth out your $ across turns, or spike a large amount of $ on a particular turn
  • as a source of +Buy

Capital would be an expensive and inconvenient option if used solely for the extra Buy, but fortunately this combines well with its other functions.

Smoothing may be especially helpful when you can’t reliably draw your deck and your hands generate variable amounts of $, e.g. in a money strategy. For instance, you could use $7 plus Capital to buy a Province, taking a net 1D; then, if you generate $9 next turn, you can pay off the D and still afford another Province. Even if you have a reliable engine, the D produced by Capital can be used to carry spare $ over between turns in a similar way to Coffers. Spiking, in contrast, is helpful when you need a lot of $ on a single turn for a high-value one-off purchase (e.g. Inheritance), when this will accelerate your deck’s capabilities and is worth a subsequent turn spent mainly paying off D. At the end of the game, Capital does contribute true payload: for instance, you might use it to help you buy the last three Provinces even though your deck can only sustainably afford two per turn, since D that you take on your final turn never has any negative effect.

Some cards allow you to extract more $ from Capital than the amount of D it produces. This can be achieved by playing Capital twice while discarding it from play only once (with Crown, which generates $12 for the same 6D as usual) or not at all (with Counterfeit, which generates a one-off $12 and no D). Another synergy is with Crypt, which can repeatedly set Capitals aside instead of discarding them, producing no D. Finally, the removed card Mandarin let you avoid the D by putting Capitals back on top of your deck, constituting a powerful combo.

Capital can also work well in kingdoms with Possession, where burying yourself in D might hurt your opponent, who must pay it off before buying anything whenever they Possess you. Conversely, it has an anti-synergy with Black Market: unless you pay off all your D at the end of the turn you play Capital, you can’t buy anything from the Black Market on your next turn as you cannot pay off D until the next Buy Phase.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Capital Capital from Shuffle iT $6
+1 Buy
When you discard this from play, take 6D, and then you may pay off D.
Empires June 2016
Capital Capital from Temple Gates Games $6
+1 Buy
When you discard this from play, take 6D, and then you may pay off D.
Empires (2021 printing)

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Kapitaal $6
+1 Aanschaf
Als je deze kaart vanuit het spel
aflegt, neem 6D, en daarna mag je
D afbetalen.
Finnish Pääoma error in the upper corners:
$5 instead of $6
French Capital French language Capital 2021 from Shuffle iT $6
+1 Achat
Lorsque vous défaussez cette carte de votre zone de jeu, prenez 6D, puis vous pouvez rembourser D.
German Vermögen
(lit. wealth)
German language Capital 2021 by ASS German language Capital 2021 from Shuffle iT $6
+1 Kauf
Wenn du diese Karte aus dem Spiel ablegst, nimm 6D, dann darfst du beliebig viele D tilgen.
2. Edition
one or more other
versions listed here
Japanese 元手
(pron. motode)
+1 購入
Polish Kapitał Polish language Capital $6
+1 zakup
Kiedy odrzucasz tę kartę z gry, weź 6D. Możesz natychmiast spłacić D.
Russian Капитал
(pron. kapital)


Official card art.


Most cards and Events that use D use it in a cost. Capital is one that does something different. It's a Treasure that loans you $6. It's a nice hunk of change, but you have to pay it all back. At least there's no interest. And hey maybe you aren't getting another turn anyway.

Secret History

For strumphf's 2022 advent calendar, Donald X. went in-depth on the development of Capital.

This started as an action that gave +$2 and gave all cards "debt" for the turn, for $3. It was neat but scary. The final version costs more, doesn't use an action, and doesn't give any net $ - you are just borrowing.

Cards 4D Engineer 8D City QuarterOverlordRoyal Blacksmith $2 Encampment/PlunderPatrician/EmporiumSettlers/Bustling Village $3 Castles (HumbleCrumblingSmallHauntedOpulentSprawlingGrandKing's) • Catapult/RocksChariot RaceEnchantressFarmers' MarketGladiator/Fortune $4 SacrificeTempleVilla $5 ArchiveCapitalCharmCrownForumGroundskeeperLegionaryWild Hunt
Events 5D Triumph 8D AnnexDonate $0 Advance $2 DelveTax $3 Banquet $4 RitualSalt the Earth $43D Wedding $5 Windfall $6 Conquest $14 Dominate
Landmarks AqueductArenaBandit FortBasilicaBathsBattlefieldColonnadeDefiled ShrineFountainKeepLabyrinthMountain PassMuseumObeliskOrchardPalaceTombTowerTriumphal ArchWallWolf Den
Combos and Counters Capital/MandarinDonate/Market Square
Other concepts DebtGatheringSplit pilesVictory tokens

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