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Dominion Adventures: Seaside Act 1, subtitled Ships and Sailors, is the first section of the Seaside Adventures on Goko. For some unknown reason, it comes with the purchase of the Seaside: Ports and Beaches card set, which includes Explorer, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Haven, Island, Lighthouse, Lookout, Merchant Ship, Navigator, Pirate Ship, Sea Hag, Tactician, and Treasure Map.

Adventure Overview

A quest for adventure and treasure on the sea leads to a confrontation with pirates, ghosts, and magic.

List of Scenes

Game 1 vs. Serf Osred

You've hired an explorer, sea captain Althea, to distract you from court intrigue and sail you to the far reaches of your kingdom, Vaccara. She, you, and her crew set sail from a small fishing village to the south.

Kingdom cards: Chancellor, Explorer, Fishing Village, Library, Market, Remodel, Smithy, Thief, Workshop, Chapel

Game 2 vs. Serf Swale

You become friends with lookout Barric, who shows an aptitude for making maps. At a haven, you dock and trade with a merchant ship, whose crew tells tales of pirates, ghosts, and monsters.

Kingdom cards: Feast, Haven, Laboratory, Market, Merchant Ship, Moneylender, Remodel, Spy, Throne Room, Cellar

Game 3 vs. Serf Amiot

Several of your crew, frightened by the ominous tales, elect to remain in port. Captain Althea promotes Barric to navigator; you hire locals to replace your other crew. After five days at sea, Barric's inexperience shows, and you are lost. Captain Althea sees a light in the distance--is it a lighthouse, warning of rocky shores?

Kingdom cards: Bureaucrat, Library, Lighthouse, Moneylender, Navigator, Spy, Thief, Village, Witch, Cellar

Boss Game 4 vs. Gavin the Terrible

The new crew have lost faith in Captain Althea. First Mate Gavin leads a mutiny; the sailors are loyal to his commands and call him "Gavin the Terrible"

Kingdom cards: Explorer, Fishing Village, Laboratory, Lighthouse, Market, Merchant Ship, Militia, Navigator, Witch, Haven

Game 5 vs. Serf Greta

Captain Althea bravely fights and kills Gavin the Terrible, but the battle is lost. The mutineers lock you and Althea in the brig. After two more weeks at sea, the ship drops anchor at a small island. Two weeks of eating hardtack in the brig make you hope for a change of scenery and better food.

Kingdom cards: Festival, Island, Laboratory, Mine, Moat, Navigator, Remodel, Witch, Workshop, Haven

Game 6 vs. Maiden Rosamunda

This isn't a very fun adventure. You've been chained to Captain Althea for two weeks now; the mutineers won't divulge their plans. Finally, a pirate ship arrives, and the mutineers cheer.

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Explorer, Market, Pirate Ship, Smithy, Throne Room, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop, Lighthouse

Game 7 vs. Squire Chermin

The mutineers join the pirate crew, and you all board the pirate ship. What has become of Barric? The pirates' journey crosses into frigid waters; your jailor becomes uneasy at the smell of a heavy mist. "It's a ghost ship," he says. "We're all dead men."

Kingdom cards: Bureaucrat, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Merchant Ship, Mine, Moneylender, Spy, Thief, Throne Room, Chancellor

Boss Game 8 vs. Ghost Gavin and Maiden Rosamunda

Screams come from the upper decks. Horrible sounds convince your jailor to release you and hand you weapons. The brig's door is bashed open, and the ghostly spectre of dead Gavin the Terrible faces you.

Kingdom cards: Explorer, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Island, Library, Lighthouse, Merchant Ship, Navigator, Pirate Ship, Haven

Game 9 vs. Maiden Agatha

Sunrise forces Gavin the Terrible to flee. In the pandemonium, you and Althea are ignored, and you leap into the sea. A short swim brings you to a village on the coast. Barric also had escaped to this town, and his experience with the pirates earned him the role of village defense tactician.

Kingdom cards: Bureaucrat, Fishing Village, Market, Merchant Ship, Militia, Mine, Pirate Ship, Tactician, Woodcutter, Moat

Game 10 vs. Squire Bryce

Barric has sent a messenger to Vaccara, asking for aid; you and Althea refresh yourselves at the tavern. A traveler tries to sell you half a treasure map; he says the other half is hidden in a mansion a short journey away. Althea is happy resting in the village, but you venture to the mansion. Why buy the second half of a map if the first half isn't a reality?

Kingdom cards: Council Room, Explorer, Festival, Haven, Island, Laboratory, Treasure Map, Village, Workshop, Cellar

Game 11 vs. Lady Aylild

You locate the mansion, and a short search brings you the half map. You hear the rustle of a dress, and turn to see--maybe--a hooded woman disappearing into the next room. You give chase, but the mansion is deserted. Could she be a ghostly sea hag?

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Chancellor, Festival, Ghost Ship, Library, Lookout, Remodel, Sea Hag, Throne Room, Lighthouse

Boss Game 12 vs. Captain Althea and Maiden Agatha

Back at the tavern, Althea and Barric tell you what they've learned: the hooded woman is the sea hag Mrs. Valerian, widow of a captain, lost at sea 50 years ago. She was also taken by the sea, when a huge wave hit her mansion's pier and swept her into the swirling depths.

Kingdom cards: Explorer, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Island, Lookout, Navigator, Pirate Ship, Sea Hag, Treasure Map, Haven

Game 13 vs. Squire Tigra

Your ship from Vaccara arrives! With your funds replenished, you buy the other map half. Your new ship and crew set out to find the treasure; Althea thinks you're rich enough already and strongly suggests you return to Vaccara.

Kingdom cards: Feast, Fishing Village, Haven, Lighthouse, Merchant Ship, Mine, Tactician, Witch, Woodcutter, Chapel

Game 14 vs. Lady Tilla

The "X" on the map is on a pirate island! You sneak past the pirates' camp to a navigable creek; you find a small boat and paddle to the location. Evidently this was once a prosperous manor, but now it's overgrown ruins.

Kingdom cards: Festival, Ghost Ship, Militia, Navigator, Pirate Ship, Sea Hag, Thief, Throne Room, Witch, Lookout

Game 15 vs. Gentleman Hal

As you and your men explore the manor, the smell of a familiar heavy mist overtakes you. One of your men screams, and you're filled with dread. Lightning strikes, thunder claps, and you're caught in a deluge.

Kingdom cards: Council Room, Explorer, Fishing Village, Gardens, Island, Laboratory, Lookout, Treasure Map, Workshop, Cellar

Boss Game 16 vs. Ghost Gavin, Squire Chermin, and Lady Tilla

Gavin the Horrible has returned with an army of wraiths! How can you kill the undead?

Kingdom cards: Explorer, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Island, Library, Market, Merchant Ship, Navigator, Pirate Ship, Chapel

Game 17 vs. Lady Maud

The skies clear, and the colors of a rainbow wash over the wraith Gavin. The colored light changes Gavin back to human form! You quickly grab a rock and smash Gavin's head, and he disappears into a puff of dust. Your men scatter, and you take cover in a huge old crypt marked "Valerian."

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Council Room, Ghost Ship, Lookout, Sea Hag, Spy, Tactician, Treasure Map, Village, Cellar

Game 18 vs. Gentleman Vilin

The back of the crypt abuts a hill; inside the crypt, the tomb continues into a hillside cave, and then to a grotto. Some of your men follow you, and from your reckoning, you realize that you're at the location of the "X" on the treasure map.

Kingdom cards: Chancellor, Council Room, Fishing Village, Laboratory, Merchant Ship, Navigator, Smithy, Village, Woodcutter, Lighthouse

Game 19 vs. Gentleman Norman

You dig into the sand and uncover a small but ornate chest. Before you can open it, a hooded spectre emerges from the grotto's waters. It's the sea hag, the widow Valerian!

Kingdom cards: Explorer, Feast, Haven, Island, Lookout, Remodel, Tactician, Thief, Treasure Map, Cellar

Boss Game 20 vs. Sea Hag, Ghost Gavin, and Maiden Lia

You open the chest and see a lovely, but limited, collection of gems, plus a small scrolled parchment. Your gems at home are finer than these, but what is this parchment? You tuck the scroll into your boot, drop the chest, and RUN!

Kingdom cards: Explorer, Fishing Village, Ghost Ship, Island, Lighthouse, Lookout, Navigator, Pirate Ship, Sea Hag, Haven


Sometimes the best way to win a fight is to avoid it; running was the right thing to do, and it saved the lives of your crew. As you sail back to Vaccara, Captain Althea hopes that [player name] learns that adventurers should expect the unexpected.


Base Set: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Intrigue: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Seaside: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Prosperity: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)
Cornucopia: (Act 1) •• Hinterlands: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Alchemy: (Act 1) •• Dark Ages: (Act 1Act 2Act 3Act 4) •• Guilds: (Act 1) •• Adventures: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)