Gaining Event

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Ball, a gaining Event.

A Gaining Event is an Event that gains one or more cards when bought. They are related to gainers but are distinct because they generally require a Buy to use.

Buying an Event is not buying a card, so any effects that apply to cards that are bought do not apply to cards gained through Events you buy. This includes both negative effects like Swamp Hag or Mission that you can avoid using such Event, and positive effects like Haggler and cost reduction.

Some gaining Events generate net gains, however, this does not apply to all of these Events, notably an Event that costs a Buy and gains a single card, does not generate net gains.

List of Gaining Events

Events that generate net gains

Events that do not generate net gains


  • Inheritance - sets aside a card from the Supply, however you have no access to it except for scoring purposes.
  • Invest - Exiles a card.
  • Transport - Can both Exile cards and discard them from Exile but does not actually gain cards and cannot generate net gains.
  • Travelling Fair - does not gain cards but is a source of +Buy.


Events that generate net gains

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Events that do not generate net gains

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