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'''[[Dominion Adventures]]: Intrigue Act 2''', subtitled '''Underlings''', is the second section of the Intrigue Adventures on [[Goko]]. It comes with the purchase of the [[Intrigue#Underlings|Intrigue: Underlings]] card set, which includes {{Card|Baron}}, {{Card|Bridge}}, {{Card|Conspirator}}, {{Card|Courtyard}}, {{Card|Mining Village}}, {{Card|Minion}}, {{Card|Pawn}}, {{Card|Saboteur}}, {{Card|Secret Chamber}}, {{Card|Steward}}, {{Card|Swindler}}, and {{Card|Trading Post}}.
[[Image:CampaignIntrigue2.png|thumb|right|750px|Completed map for Intrigue - Act 2.]]

== Adventure Overview ==
'''[[Dominion Campaigns]]: Intrigue Act 2''', (originally subtitled '''Underlings'''), is the second act of the Intrigue Campaign on [[Dominion Online]].  It comes with the purchase of [[Intrigue]].
== Campaign Overview ==
The purchase of a new estate reveals plots and trickery from neighboring kingdoms to uncover underground secrets.
The purchase of a new estate reveals plots and trickery from neighboring kingdoms to uncover underground secrets.

== List of Scenes ==
== List of Games ==
=== Game 1 ===
You've found a new estate to add to your kingdom of Vaccara. It's awesome! It's got a small river with a bridge, and a nice manor house with beautiful gardens. You're busy, so you send a pawn to take care of the paperwork and hand over the payment.
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Dionisia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
{{Kingdom|Smithy|Throne Room|Council Room|Festival|Laboratory|Cellar|Pawn|Chancellor|Bridge|Gardens|imgwidth=160|title = Serf Dionisia}}
=== Game 2 ===
An adventurer comes to your castle and produces ownership papers for the estate that you just acquired. He claims that he bought the property a few years ago when he met the previous owner in the trading post. Apparently, you've been duped by a swindler.
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Silver
* Serf Hague: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Swindler
{{Kingdom|Thief|Festival|Mine|Trading Post|Adventurer|Cellar|Chancellor|Swindler|Village|Remodel|imgwidth=160|title = Serf Hague}}
=== Game 3 ===
You don't need this petty distraction! You hear that the workers in your mining village are close to striking. You send Baron Brightman to look into both matters: the new estate and the mine.
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Maiden Esther: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Spy
{{Kingdom|Smithy|Spy|Council Room|Laboratory|Witch|Moat|Workshop|Baron|Mining Village|Remodel|imgwidth=160|title = Maiden Esther}}
=== Boss Game 4 ===
Baron Brigham finds out that the adventurer who claimed to be the estate's "legitimate owner" is actually a pawn of Queen Vada. Your cousin really wants the estate for herself. It's a nice place, but is it worth all this subterfuge?
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Arabella: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
{{Kingdom|Throne Room|Library|Trading Post|Witch|Adventurer|Pawn|Swindler|Baron|Bridge|Mining Village|imgwidth=160|title = Lady Arabella}}
=== Game 5 ===
Queen Vada and her conspirators aren't going to win this one. You don't look forward to another war, and you still have to solve the miners strike; but blast it all, your have your limits!
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Matilda: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
{{Kingdom|Spy|Thief|Laboratory|Market|Mine|Cellar|Pawn|Conspirator|Mining Village|Moneylender|imgwidth=160|title = Serf Matilda}}
=== Game 6 ===
Queen Vada backs down, but you're sure she has something else up her embroidered sleeve. You decide to build a secret chamber near the throne room so that you can stash your valuables. You can't be too careful when thieves are on the prowl.
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Secret Chamber
* Maiden Chera: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
{{Kingdom|Thief|Throne Room|Council Room|Festival|Library|Secret Chamber|Swindler|Village|Woodcutter|Baron|imgwidth=160|title = Maiden Chera}}
=== Game 7 ===
You ask your staff to communicate in codes, just in case saboteurs are afoot. Jeeves, the butler, says something about eggs on your plate. Is this code for saying "the bridges are under attack"? You realize that he's just telling you that breakfast is ready.

=== Game 1 vs. Serf Dionisia ===
'''Starting decks'''
You've found a new estate to add to your kingdom of Vaccara. It's awesome! It's got a small river with a bridge, a nice manor house, and barns. You're busy, so you send a pawn to take care of the paperwork and hand over payment.
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Squire Sedgewick: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

Kingdom cards: Bridge, Chancellor, Council Room, Festival, Gardens, Laboratory, Pawn, Smithy, Throne Room, Cellar
{{Kingdom|Throne Room|Laboratory|Saboteur|Trading Post|Adventurer|Cellar|Moat|Village|Bridge|Smithy|imgwidth=160|title = Squire Sedgwick}}

=== Game 2 vs. Serf Hague ===
=== Boss Game 8 ===
A stranger comes to your castle and produces ownership papers for the estate that you just bought. He says you've been duped by a swindler. Your spies check him out at the trading post and say you should be wary.
Baron Brigham reports that he suspects one of your new servants is a mole planted by Queen Vada to find your secret chamber. Two can play this game, so you send some of your own people to work in Queen Vada's castle.

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Chancellor, Festival, Mine, Remodel, Swindler, Thief, Trading Post, Village, Cellar
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 2 Conspirators, 5 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Servant: 5 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Saboteur, 1 Swindler
* Lady Floria: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

=== Game 3 vs. Maiden Esther ===
{{Kingdom|Bureaucrat|Conspirator|Mining Village|Saboteur|Trading Post|Pawn|Secret Chamber|Swindler|Baron|Bridge|imgwidth=160|title = Servant}}
You don't need this petty distraction! You hear that the workers in your mining village are close to striking; you send Baron Brightman [sic] to look into both matters: the new estate, and the mine.

Kingdom cards: Baron, Council Room, Laboratory, Mining Village, Remodel, Smithy, Spy, Witch, Workshop, Moat
=== Game 9 ===
Castle gossip once again proves valuable; your steward learns that Queen Vada has a map in her library pinpointing some valuable secret at the estate you recently bought.

=== Boss Game 4 vs. Lady Arabella ===
'''Starting decks'''
Baron Brigham finds out that the estate's "owner" is a crook who works for your cousin, Queen Vada. She really wants the estate for herself. It's a nice place, but is it worth all this subterfuge?
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Maiden Sarah: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Baron, Bridge, Library, Mining Village, Swindler, Throne Room, Trading Post, Witch, Pawn
{{Kingdom|Conspirator|Festival|Library|Witch|Adventurer|Pawn|Steward|Village|Workshop|Bridge|imgwidth=160|title=Maiden Sarah}}

=== Game 5 vs. Serf Matilda ===
=== Game 10 ===
Queen Vada and her conspirators aren't going to win this one. You don't look forward to another war, but dang it all, your have your limits.
At the new estate you have your staff plant a new garden. While digging, they uncover a door with stairs leading to an underground courtyard. You and your castle entourage travel to the estate and set up camp in a nearby village.

Kingdom cards: Conspirator, Laboratory, Market, Mine, Mining Village, Moneylender, Pawn, Spy, Thief, Cellar
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Squire Rylan: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

=== Game 6 vs. Maiden Chera ===
{{Kingdom|Bureaucrat|Gardens|Market|Trading Post|Adventurer|Courtyard|Swindler|Village|Woodcutter|Baron|imgwidth=160|title=Squire Rylan}}
Queen Vada backs down, but you're sure she has something else up her embroidered sleeve. You decide to build a secret chamber in which to stash your valuables. You can't be too careful.

Kingdom cards: Baron, Council Room, Festival, Library, Swindler, Thief, Throne Room, Village, Woodcutter, Secret Chamber
=== Game 11 ===
Fire! The village is burning! Was this just a worksite accident, or was it sabotage from a minion of Queen Vada? Baron Brigham, one of your chancellors, helps put out the flames.

=== Game 7 vs. Squire Sedgewick ===
'''Starting decks'''
You ask your staff to communicate in codes, just in case saboteurs are afoot. Jeeves, the butler, says something about eggs on your plate. Is this code? You realize that he's just telling you that breakfast is ready.
* You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Silver
* Lady Floria: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Minion

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Bridge, Laboratory, Moat, Saboteur, Smithy, Throne Room, Trading Post, Village, Cellar
{{Kingdom|Mining Village|Remodel|Festival|Minion|Saboteur|Chapel|Secret Chamber|Chancellor|Workshop|Feast|imgwidth=160|title=Lady Floria}}

=== Boss Game 8 vs. Lady Floria and Servant ===
=== Boss Game 12 ===
Baron Brigham reports that he suspects one of your new servants is a mole planted by Queen Vada. Two can play this game, so you send some of your own people to work in Queen Vada's castle.
Thankfully, the village was not badly damaged. You check the secret door that leads to the courtyard--it's been opened! You ask Baron Brigham to venture down the stairs. He sees a hooded figure with a box.

Kingdom cards: Baron, Bridge, Bureaucrat, Conspirator, Mining Village, Saboteur, Secret Chamber, Swindler, Trading Post, Pawn
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Soldier: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Amelia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

=== Game 9 vs. Maiden Sarah ===
{{Kingdom|Bridge|Conspirator|Mining Village|Minion|Trading Post|Courtyard|Pawn|Steward|Swindler|Baron|imgwidth=160|title=Servant}}
Castle gossip once again proves valuable; your steward learns that Queen Vada has a map pinpointing some valuable secret at the estate you recently bought.

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Bridge, Conspirator, Festival, Library, Steward, Village, Witch, Workshop, Pawn
=== Game 13 ===
Baron Brigham says it's your butler, Jeeves! Why would he betray you? The Baron spied him leaving the place with a gilded book written in an unknown script in his hands. Later, when your butler brings your evening meal, he has a sly smirk on his face!

=== Game 10 vs. Squire Rylan ===
'''Starting decks'''
At the new estate, you have your staff plant a new garden. While digging, they uncover a door with stairs leading to an underground courtyard. You and your castle entourage travel to the estate and set up camp in the garden.
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Squire Clifton: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

Kingdom cards: Adventurer, Baron, Bureaucrat, Gardens, Market, Swindler, Trading Post, Village, Woodcutter, Courtyard
{{Kingdom|Spy|Festival|Library|Minion|Witch|Cellar|Pawn|Steward|Swindler|Baron|imgwidth=160|title=Squire Clifton}}

=== Game 11 vs. Lady Floria ===
=== Game 14 ===
Fire! Your tents are burning! Was this just a worksite accident, or was it sabotage from a #minion of Queen Vada? Baron Brigham helps put out the flames.
Jeeves was captured on the bridge while attempting to escape the village. He isn't talking. He won't tell you anything about the book, so you send for a linguistics expert to translate it.

Kingdom cards: Chancellor, Feast, Festival, Mining Village, Minion, Remodel, Saboteur, Secret Chamber, Workshop, Chapel
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 2 Bridges, 5 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Jeeves: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Saboteur

=== Boss Game 12 vs. Lady Amelia and Soldier ===
{{Kingdom|Spy|Thief|Throne Room|Laboratory|Saboteur|Secret Chamber|Swindler|Bridge|Mining Village|Remodel|imgwidth=160|title=Jeeves}}
Thankfully, nothing of much value was stored in the tents. You check the secret door--it's been opened! You take some guards and venture down the stairs. You see a hooded figure with a box.

Kingdom cards: Baron, Bridge, Conspirator, Mining Village, Minion, Pawn, Steward, Swindler, Trading Post, Courtyard
=== Game 15 ===
If you can figure out what the courtyard was used for, it might help you to understand the book. They must be linked somehow. Your cousin, Queen Vada, wouldn't be conspiring against you without something big to gain.

=== Game 13 vs. Squire Clifton ===
'''Starting decks'''
It's your butler, Jeeves! Why would he betray you? The box holds a gilded book written in an unknown script. Later, when your butler brings your evening meal, he has a sly smirk on his face...
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Justin: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

Kingdom cards: Baron, Festival, Library, Minion, Pawn, Spy, Steward, Swindler, Witch, Cellar
{{Kingdom|Militia|Mining Village|Council Room|Mine|Minion|Courtyard|Chancellor|Steward|Bureaucrat|Conspirator|imgwidth=160|title=Gentleman Justin}}

=== Game 14 vs. Jeeves ===
=== Boss Game 16 ===
Jeeves isn't talking. He won't tell you anything about the book, so you send for a linguistics expert to translate it.
The translator is found unconscious with a nasty head wound. Both the book and Baron Brigham are missing. One of your pawns sees him leaving the village in a hurry. All your staff seem to have secrets or be part of the sabotage!

Kingdom cards: Bridge, Laboratory, Mining Village, Remodel, Saboteur, Spy, Swindler, Thief, Throne Room, Secret Chamber
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 4 Coppers, 3 Estates, 3 Pawns
* Torturer: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Secret Chamber
* Jeeves: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

=== Game 15 vs. Gentleman Justin ===
{{Kingdom|Feast|Mining Village|Library|Minion|Saboteur|Pawn|Secret Chamber|Steward|Swindler|Workshop|imgwidth=160|title=Torturer}}
If you can figure out what the courtyard was used for, it might help you to understand the book. They must be linked somehow.

Kingdom cards: Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Conspirator, Council Room, Militia, Mine, Mining Village, Minion, Steward, Courtyard
=== Game 17 ===
Your guards give chase to Baron Brigham, but at the bridge they lose his trail. You take your pawns, a torch, and a few guards, and head up to the next trading post.

=== Boss Game 16 vs. Jeeves, Torturer, and Gentleman Davidson ===
'''Starting decks'''
The translator is found unconscious with a nasty head wound. Both the book and Baron Brigham are missing. You see a hooded figure in the flickering campfire.
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Lia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

Kingdom cards: Feast, Library, Mining Village, Minion, Saboteur, Secret Chamber, Steward, Swindler, Workshop, Pawn
{{Kingdom|Conspirator|Gardens|Market|Saboteur|Trading Post|Pawn|Swindler|Village|Workshop|Bridge|imgwidth=160|title=Lady Lia}}

=== Game 17 vs. Lady Lia ===
=== Game 18 ===
Your guards give chase, but the figure disappears into the underground chamber. You take your minions, a torch, and a few guards, and follow.
When you arrive at the trading post, you meet with Queen Vada and Baron Brigham. She's reading from the foreign book. As you approach, she holds up her hand, motioning your miltia to wait. The bridge that separates you from them begins to crumble.

Kingdom cards: Bridge, Conspirator, Gardens, Market, Saboteur, Swindler, Trading Post, Village, Workshop, Pawn
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Ivan: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

=== Game 18 vs. Gentleman Ivan ===
{{Kingdom|Bridge|Militia|Remodel|Stash|Trading Post|Courtyard|Chancellor|Steward|Swindler|Baron|imgwidth=160|title=Gentleman Ivan}}
You hear a voice coming from the back of the chamber, and gradually you see that it's Queen Vada. She's reading from the foreign book. As you approach, she holds up her hand, motioning you to wait. The back wall of the chamber begins to crumble.

Kingdom cards: Baron, Bridge, Chancellor, Library, Militia, Remodel, Steward, Swindler, Trading Post, Courtyard
=== Game 19 ===
You, and many of your pawns and minions become trapped under the rubble. Queen Vada grabs the book and runs back to the secret chamber. With some help you liberate yourself and go after her.

=== Game 19 vs. Gentleman Akelin ===
'''Starting decks'''
The crumbled stones reveal a cache of jewels, maps, and coins. Queen Vada grabs some jewels and runs from the cavern. You grab a map, and then your guards pull you away as stones continue to fall.
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Akelin: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

Kingdom cards: Conspirator, Mining Village, Minion, Moneylender, Pawn, Secret Chamber, Spy, Steward, Witch, Cellar
{{Kingdom|Mining Village|Moneylender|Spy|Minion|Witch|Cellar|Pawn|Secret Chamber|Steward|Conspirator|imgwidth=160|title=Gentleman Akelin}}

=== Boss Game 20 vs. Queen Vada, Jeeves, and Lady Lia ===
=== Final Boss Game ===
You lose sight of Queen Vada, and you run for the stairs. A fireball from the treasure room chases you as you run for the door. Will you make it in time?
Queen Vada and Baron Brigham are waiting for you. The beautiful mining village that you visited not so long ago, has become a battlefield. A fireball coming from your enemies' direction chases you as you run for your life. Will you be able to win this time?

Kingdom cards: Baron, Mining Village, Moneylender, Remodel, Saboteur, Steward, Swindler, Thief, Trading Post, Chapel
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Steward
* Queen Vada: 5 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Swindler, 1 Thief
* Lady Lia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates

=== Epilogue ===
{{Kingdom|Moneylender|Remodel|Thief|Saboteur|Trading Post|Chapel|Steward|Swindler|Baron|Mining Village|imgwidth=160|title=Queen Vada}}
You and your group make it up the stairs and back to your camp. The fireball dissipates just as it reaches the ground. [player name] wonders what secrets the map holds.

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==

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[[Category: Goko Adventures]]
[[Category: Dominion Campaigns]]

Latest revision as of 01:46, 6 September 2024

Completed map for Intrigue - Act 2.

Dominion Campaigns: Intrigue Act 2, (originally subtitled Underlings), is the second act of the Intrigue Campaign on Dominion Online. It comes with the purchase of Intrigue.

Campaign Overview

The purchase of a new estate reveals plots and trickery from neighboring kingdoms to uncover underground secrets.

List of Games

Game 1

You've found a new estate to add to your kingdom of Vaccara. It's awesome! It's got a small river with a bridge, and a nice manor house with beautiful gardens. You're busy, so you send a pawn to take care of the paperwork and hand over the payment.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Serf Dionisia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Serf Dionisia [images]
Smithy Throne Room Council Room Festival Laboratory
Cellar Pawn Chancellor Bridge Gardens

Game 2

An adventurer comes to your castle and produces ownership papers for the estate that you just acquired. He claims that he bought the property a few years ago when he met the previous owner in the trading post. Apparently, you've been duped by a swindler.

Starting decks

  • You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Silver
  • Serf Hague: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Swindler
Serf Hague [images]
Thief Festival Mine Trading Post Adventurer
Cellar Chancellor Swindler Village Remodel

Game 3

You don't need this petty distraction! You hear that the workers in your mining village are close to striking. You send Baron Brightman to look into both matters: the new estate and the mine.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Maiden Esther: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Spy
Maiden Esther [images]
Smithy Spy Council Room Laboratory Witch
Moat Workshop Baron Mining Village Remodel

Boss Game 4

Baron Brigham finds out that the adventurer who claimed to be the estate's "legitimate owner" is actually a pawn of Queen Vada. Your cousin really wants the estate for herself. It's a nice place, but is it worth all this subterfuge?

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Lady Arabella: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Lady Arabella [images]
Throne Room Library Trading Post Witch Adventurer
Pawn Swindler Baron Bridge Mining Village

Game 5

Queen Vada and her conspirators aren't going to win this one. You don't look forward to another war, and you still have to solve the miners strike; but blast it all, your have your limits!

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Serf Matilda: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Serf Matilda [images]
Spy Thief Laboratory Market Mine
Cellar Pawn Conspirator Mining Village Moneylender

Game 6

Queen Vada backs down, but you're sure she has something else up her embroidered sleeve. You decide to build a secret chamber near the throne room so that you can stash your valuables. You can't be too careful when thieves are on the prowl.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Secret Chamber
  • Maiden Chera: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Maiden Chera [images]
Thief Throne Room Council Room Festival Library
Secret Chamber Swindler Village Woodcutter Baron

Game 7

You ask your staff to communicate in codes, just in case saboteurs are afoot. Jeeves, the butler, says something about eggs on your plate. Is this code for saying "the bridges are under attack"? You realize that he's just telling you that breakfast is ready.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Squire Sedgewick: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Squire Sedgwick [images]
Throne Room Laboratory Saboteur Trading Post Adventurer
Cellar Moat Village Bridge Smithy

Boss Game 8

Baron Brigham reports that he suspects one of your new servants is a mole planted by Queen Vada to find your secret chamber. Two can play this game, so you send some of your own people to work in Queen Vada's castle.

Starting decks

  • You: 2 Conspirators, 5 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Servant: 5 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Saboteur, 1 Swindler
  • Lady Floria: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Servant [images]
Bureaucrat Conspirator Mining Village Saboteur Trading Post
Pawn Secret Chamber Swindler Baron Bridge

Game 9

Castle gossip once again proves valuable; your steward learns that Queen Vada has a map in her library pinpointing some valuable secret at the estate you recently bought.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Maiden Sarah: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Maiden Sarah [images]
Conspirator Festival Library Witch Adventurer
Pawn Steward Village Workshop Bridge

Game 10

At the new estate you have your staff plant a new garden. While digging, they uncover a door with stairs leading to an underground courtyard. You and your castle entourage travel to the estate and set up camp in a nearby village.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Squire Rylan: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Squire Rylan [images]
Bureaucrat Gardens Market Trading Post Adventurer
Courtyard Swindler Village Woodcutter Baron

Game 11

Fire! The village is burning! Was this just a worksite accident, or was it sabotage from a minion of Queen Vada? Baron Brigham, one of your chancellors, helps put out the flames.

Starting decks

  • You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Silver
  • Lady Floria: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Minion
Lady Floria [images]
Mining Village Remodel Festival Minion Saboteur
Chapel Secret Chamber Chancellor Workshop Feast

Boss Game 12

Thankfully, the village was not badly damaged. You check the secret door that leads to the courtyard--it's been opened! You ask Baron Brigham to venture down the stairs. He sees a hooded figure with a box.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Soldier: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Lady Amelia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Servant [images]
Bridge Conspirator Mining Village Minion Trading Post
Courtyard Pawn Steward Swindler Baron

Game 13

Baron Brigham says it's your butler, Jeeves! Why would he betray you? The Baron spied him leaving the place with a gilded book written in an unknown script in his hands. Later, when your butler brings your evening meal, he has a sly smirk on his face!

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Squire Clifton: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Squire Clifton [images]
Spy Festival Library Minion Witch
Cellar Pawn Steward Swindler Baron

Game 14

Jeeves was captured on the bridge while attempting to escape the village. He isn't talking. He won't tell you anything about the book, so you send for a linguistics expert to translate it.

Starting decks

  • You: 2 Bridges, 5 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Jeeves: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Saboteur
Jeeves [images]
Spy Thief Throne Room Laboratory Saboteur
Secret Chamber Swindler Bridge Mining Village Remodel

Game 15

If you can figure out what the courtyard was used for, it might help you to understand the book. They must be linked somehow. Your cousin, Queen Vada, wouldn't be conspiring against you without something big to gain.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Gentleman Justin: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Gentleman Justin [images]
Militia Mining Village Council Room Mine Minion
Courtyard Chancellor Steward Bureaucrat Conspirator

Boss Game 16

The translator is found unconscious with a nasty head wound. Both the book and Baron Brigham are missing. One of your pawns sees him leaving the village in a hurry. All your staff seem to have secrets or be part of the sabotage!

Starting decks

  • You: 4 Coppers, 3 Estates, 3 Pawns
  • Torturer: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Secret Chamber
  • Jeeves: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Torturer [images]
Feast Mining Village Library Minion Saboteur
Pawn Secret Chamber Steward Swindler Workshop

Game 17

Your guards give chase to Baron Brigham, but at the bridge they lose his trail. You take your pawns, a torch, and a few guards, and head up to the next trading post.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Lady Lia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Lady Lia [images]
Conspirator Gardens Market Saboteur Trading Post
Pawn Swindler Village Workshop Bridge

Game 18

When you arrive at the trading post, you meet with Queen Vada and Baron Brigham. She's reading from the foreign book. As you approach, she holds up her hand, motioning your miltia to wait. The bridge that separates you from them begins to crumble.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Gentleman Ivan: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Gentleman Ivan [images]
Bridge Militia Remodel Stash Trading Post
Courtyard Chancellor Steward Swindler Baron

Game 19

You, and many of your pawns and minions become trapped under the rubble. Queen Vada grabs the book and runs back to the secret chamber. With some help you liberate yourself and go after her.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Gentleman Akelin: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Gentleman Akelin [images]
Mining Village Moneylender Spy Minion Witch
Cellar Pawn Secret Chamber Steward Conspirator

Final Boss Game

Queen Vada and Baron Brigham are waiting for you. The beautiful mining village that you visited not so long ago, has become a battlefield. A fireball coming from your enemies' direction chases you as you run for your life. Will you be able to win this time?

Starting decks

  • You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Steward
  • Queen Vada: 5 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Swindler, 1 Thief
  • Lady Lia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Queen Vada [images]
Moneylender Remodel Thief Saboteur Trading Post
Chapel Steward Swindler Baron Mining Village


Base Set: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Intrigue: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Seaside: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Prosperity: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)
Cornucopia: (Act 1) •• Hinterlands: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Alchemy: (Act 1) •• Dark Ages: (Act 1Act 2Act 3Act 4) •• Guilds: (Act 1) •• Adventures: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)