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{{Infobox Card
  |Card = City
  |name = City
  |Cost = 5
  |cost = 5
  |Set = Prosperity
  |type1 = Action
|Type = [[Action]]
  |illustrator = Marco Morte
  |Illustrator = Marco Morte
  |text = '''+1 Card<br/>+2 Actions'''<br/>If there are one or more empty Supply piles, '''+1 Card'''. If there are two or more, '''+1 Buy''' and +{{Cost|1}}.
  |Text = +1 Card<br/>+2 Actions<br/>If there are one or more empty Supply piles, +1 Card. If there are two or more, +$1 and +1 Buy.

'''City''' is an [[Action]] card from [[Prosperity]]. It begins as a simple {{Card|Village}}, but grows stronger as [[Supply]] piles are depleted.
== FAQ ==
== FAQ ==
=== Official FAQ ===
=== Official FAQ (2022) ===
Copy & Paste Official FAQ here, please.
* You draw a card and get +2&nbsp;Actions no matter what.
=== Other Rules clarifications ===
* If there is just one empty pile in the Supply, you also draw another card.
== Strategy Article ==
* If there are two or more empty piles, you both draw another card, and get +{{Cost|1}} and +1&nbsp;Buy.
''[ Original article] by theory
* There are no further bonuses if three or more piles are empty.
* This only checks how many piles are empty when you play it; what you got does not change if a pile becomes empty (or non-empty, such as due to {{Card|Encampment}} from {{Set|Empires}}).
* This only counts Supply piles, not non-Supply piles like {{Card|Spoils}} from {{Set|Dark Ages}}.
=== Other rules clarifications ===
* Unlike {{Card|Laboratory}}, if you play this when a pile is empty, you draw a card, then draw a second card separately. So if you only have 1 card in your deck, you can see that card before shuffling and topdecking a card with {{Project|Star Chart}}.

Can I start by noting how well-designed this card is, thematically?  It’s one of the few Dominion cards that makes perfect thematic sense: Cities start as Villages, but slowly grow and develop …
== Strategy ==
City starts out each game as an expensive version of {{Card|Village}}, but it becomes a powerful [[draw]] card (equivalent to {{Card|Lost City}} with no on-gain penalty) once a single pile is empty. In the end game, with two piles empty, it adds a {{Card|Market}} effect to this already strong suite of bonuses, which is very often enough [[payload]] to facilitate an immediate [[three-pile ending|pile-out]] even if a third pile wasn’t already threatened.

City is one of those cards very susceptible to groupthink. The first time anyone gets spanked by the Unstoppable City Stack (“UCS”), they vow that next game they will buy up the Cities themselves. This leads to a City race, which, of course, further powers up the Cities. Maxxed-out Cities are absolute juggernauts, easily drawing your deck with bonus money and Buys to boot.
Because it’s expensive for its unactivated effect, City is unlikely to be an attractive card early in the game unless it’s the only [[Village (card category)|village]] present. It’s usually preferable to meet your initial needs for [[terminal space]] using cards that are cheaper (such as {{Card|Village}} itself) or provide an immediate bonus at {{Cost|5}} (such as {{Card|Hunting Lodge}}). If the [[Kingdom]] offers strong draw options other than activated City or there’s no particular source of pile pressure, City can remain no more useful than an expensive {{Card|Village}} throughout most of the game. However, if you anticipate a pile emptying quickly, e.g. because there’s a strong [[Curser]] or a powerful cheap card alongside abundant extra gains, it may be worth gaining some Cities, particularly if you can make good use of the extra terminal space anyway, or if you can trade off the ability to play them immediately against the cost of obtaining them (e.g. with {{Card|Camel Train}}). In any of these cases, especially if the draw is otherwise weak, City becomes increasingly attractive as at least one pile is lowered, and denying some copies to your opponents can also be a consideration. Increasing the number of players also tends to increase pile pressure, making City potentially more appealing from the beginning in multiplayer games.

But before committing to blowing all your $5′s on Cities, it’s important to identify the situations under which Cities are likely to become anything more than Villages.  Piles run out most frequently in multiplayer games; similarly, Cities will level up quickly when popular cheap cards are available, like Fishing Village, Caravan, or Peddler.  (Great Hall and Island, too, for although they are not technically super-popular, they are fewer in number in 2-player games, and a great pile to run out as the City player.) This is especially true if your opponents are buying Bridges, Talismans, and other Buy multipliers—though you should also beware them ending the game on piles before you have the chance to deploy the UCS. Curse-giving attacks are another reason to invest in Cities, by guaranteeing another pile that will inevitably be exhausted.
If you have multiple Cities in your deck, its draw capabilities may increase explosively once a pile is emptied; therefore, there’s often a strong advantage to being the first to play a turn with activated Cities. In a similar way to {{Card|Paddock}} and {{Card|Animal Fair}}, City can thus create a situation in which all players are reluctant to take the last or penultimate card in a pile (sometimes City itself), as this would risk granting that opportunity to an opponent. The best approach, where possible, is often to use a [[gainer]] to take the last card from a pile early in your Action phase (e.g. playing {{Card|Artisan}} to gain the only remaining City) and then draw with your newly-activated Cities, producing a powerful turn that is likely to put you ahead, especially if this manoeuvre has also enabled you to win the City split and/or to engage in [[gain-and-play]]. If you might be able to empty a Supply pile during your turn, it can be a good idea to hold off playing as many Cities as you can until then, so that you can play them once they give additional bonuses.

Of course, there’s the other question of what to do with all those extra Actions.  It makes a lot of sense to accumulate Cities when there are uses for the extra Actions, i.e., worthwhile terminal Actions to pair with it (Bridge, terminal attacks, trash-for-benefits, or +Cards like Smithy/Courtyard), and Villages are not available.  It also makes sense in Colony games, where you should have enough time to build up the UCS and pummel opponents with it.
The next level of City activation explosively adds payload, including plenty of [[+Buy]] to facilitate spending it, to a deck that already has abundant draw, and without the addition of any [[stop card]]s. Because it occurs when two piles are empty, it’s often enough to allow you to buy out the {{Card|Estate|Estates}} for a three-pile ending, so it’s usually dangerous to allow an opponent to play the first turn with doubly-activated Cities unless you have a significant {{VP}} lead; this is often the last turn of the game. Occasionally, if no piles are empty yet but two are low, it may be possible to skip straight to double activation by emptying two piles at once via [[gainer]]s before playing some Cities during your Action phase; this is likely to put you in a dominant position unless you have very few of the Cities.

So when are Cities bad?  When the opposite of the above apply.  When it doesn’t look like piles are going to be running out, and there aren’t any worthwhile terminals, a player that buys Cities is just spending a ton of money on Villages that become little more than Laboratories when you buy 10 of them.  Meanwhile, your opponent can be buying actual Laboratories instead, pummeling you before your Cities can get anywhere.  As mentioned several times before, $5 is an elite tier of Actions.  Blowing your money on Cities is just not worth it if your opponents, by buying other powerful $5 Actions, can buy up the Victory cards before your Cities upgrade into something better than a Village.
In games with abilities to return cards to piles, such as {{way|Way of the Horse}}, it may be possible to deactivate City's bonuses. This may be something you need to avoid, so that your Cities retain their bonuses throughout your turn, or because you have many more Cities than your opponent. But it may also be something you can use to your benefit, by deactivating the bonuses after you've played all of your Cities, causing your opponent's Cities to lack the bonus at the start of their turn.

There’s a caveat to this rule: it’s easy enough to resist the allure of City if there’s only one opponent buying Cities.  But if you’re in a multiplayer game and two players are racing for Cities, you may have little choice other than to get Cities yourself, even if it means contributing to the emptying of the pile. Otherwise they will empty the pile and then hold a huge advantage over you.
===External strategy articles===
''Note: Article(s) below are by individual authors and may not represent the community's current views on cards, but may provide more in-depth information or give historical perspective. Caveat emptor.''
* [ theory's 2010 article]

Likewise, if you’re in a City race with your opponent, and the Cities are split somewhat evenly, it is absolutely critical not to be the one to empty the first pile (unless it is the City pile itself), as it gives your opponent first crack at a mega-turn. The difference between drawing 1 and 2 cards is huge. Ideally, you’d like to use Ironworks, Remodel, or Upgrade to empty a pile during your turn so you can be the first to make use of the UCS.
== Versions ==
===English versions===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! Print !! Digital !! Text !! Release !! Date
| {{CardLangVersionImage|o=1}} || {{CardLangVersionImage|d=1|o=1||City from Goko/Making Fun}} || '''+1 Card<br>+2 Actions'''<br>If there are one or more empty Supply piles, +1&nbsp;Card. If there are two or more, {{nowrap|+{{Cost|1}}}} and {{nowrap|+1 Buy.}} || Prosperity  || October 2010
| {{CardLangVersionImage}} || {{CardLangVersionImage|d=1}} || '''+1 Card<br>+2 Actions'''<br>If there are one or more empty Supply piles, '''+1&nbsp;Card'''. If there are two or more, {{nowrap|'''+1 Buy'''}} and {{nowrap|+{{Cost|1}}.}} || <p>Prosperity [[Second Edition#Formatting_changes|(2016 printing)]]</p><hr><p>Prosperity (Second Edition)</p> || February 2017
===Other language versions===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible autocollapse" style="text-align:center;"
! Language !! Name !! Print !! Digital !! Text !! Notes
| 都市 || || || style="padding:15px 0px;"| '''+1 卡片'''<br>'''+2 行動'''<br>如果有一個或以上的供應區牌堆是空的:{{nowrap|'''+1 卡片'''。}}<br>如果有兩疊以上的話:'''+1 購買''' 和 {{nowrap|+1 {{Cost|1}}。}}||
| Město || || || ||
| Stad || {{CardLangVersionImage|Dutch}} || || '''+1 Kaart<br>+2 Acties'''<br>Als er 1 of meer voorraadstapels leeg zijn, '''+1 Kaart'''. Zijn er 2 of meer stapels leeg, +{{Cost|1}} en '''+1 Aanschaf'''.  ||
| Stad || {{CardLangVersionImage|DutchCity2022}} || {{CardLangVersionImage|Dutch|d=s}} || '''+1 Kaart<br>+2 Acties'''<br>Zijn er 1 of meer lege voorraad-<br>stapels, dan '''+1 Kaart'''.<br>Zijn er 2 of meer, dan<br>'''+1 Aanschaf''' en +{{Cost|1}}. || 2. Edition<br>(2022)
| Kaupunki || || || ||
| Ville || || || ||
| Stadt ||{{CardVersionImage|City_German-ASS|German language City 2016 ASS}}|| || '''+1 Karte<br>+2 Aktionen'''<br>Wenn genau 1 Vorratsstapel leer ist, zusätzlich:<br>'''+1 Karte'''<br>Wenn 2 oder mehr Vorratsstapel leer sind, zusätzlich:<br>'''+1 Karte''', +{{Cost|1}} und '''+1 Kauf''' || (2016)
| Stadt || {{CardLangVersionImage|German}} ||{{CardVersionImage|CityGerman2022Digital|German language City 2022 from Shuffle iT}}|| '''+1 Karte<br>+2 Aktionen'''<br>Wenn 1 oder mehr Vorratsstapel leer sind: '''+1&nbsp;Karte'''.<br>Wenn 2 oder mehr Vorratsstapel leer sind: zus&auml;tz&shy;lich '''+1&nbsp;Kauf''' und {{nowrap|+{{Cost|1}}.}} || 2.&nbsp;Edition<br>(2022)
| Città || || || ||
| 都市 (pron. ''toshi'') || || || style="padding:15px 0px;"| '''+1 カードを引く'''<br>'''+2 アクション'''<br>サプライに空の山がある場合、追加で'''+1 カードを引く'''。<br>2山以上ある場合、さらに追加で'''+1 購入'''、 {{nowrap|+{{Cost|1}}。}} ||
| Miasto || {{CardLangVersionImage|PolishOld}} || || '''+1 karta<br>+2 akcje'''<br>Jeżeli w Zasobach znajduje się co najmniej jeden pusty stos kart, +1&nbsp;karta.<br>Jeżeli w zasobach znajdują się co najmniej dwa puste stosy kart, {{nowrap|+{{Cost|1}} i}} +1&nbsp;zakup. || (2016)
| Miasto || {{CardLangVersionImage|Polish}} || || '''+1 karta<br>+2 akcje'''<br>Jeżeli w Zasobach jest co najmniej jeden pusty stos kart, '''+1&nbsp;karta'''.<br>Jeżeli w Zasobach są co najmniej dwa puste stosy kart, {{nowrap|'''+1 zakup''' i +{{Cost|1}}}}. || II&nbsp;Edycja<br>(2022)
| Город (pron. ''gorod'') || || || ||
| Ciudad || || || ||

Ironically, when your Cities finally do hit maximum level, you might want to consider winning on piles rather than glamorous Colonies.  After all, two piles will already have been emptied; the plethora of Buys your UCS provides might give you the win just by emptying the Estates (or another pile), if your opponents haven’t yet built up a significant lead.
=== Synergies/Combos ===
*Popular Kingdom cards (usually non-terminal; e.g., Fishing Village, Caravan, Peddler)
*Mixed Kingdom/Victory cards (Great Hall, Island, Nobles, Harem)
*The existence of worthwhile terminal Actions (especially +Cards)
*Curse-giving attacks
*Talisman (to a lesser extent, Bridge)
*Strategies that focus on pile-emptying
=== Antisynergies ===
*Unpopular Kingdom piles that aren’t going to empty
*Embargo (sample game)
*Ambassador (theoretically, though I’ve never seen anyone stop Cities by returning cards to the supply …)
== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
[[Image:CityArt.jpg|thumb|right|354px|Official card art.]]
This was originally called '''Boomtown''', but it was decided that word didn't fit the medieval theme of Dominion, and it was changed.
=== Card Art ===
=== Card Art ===
|Text=This art was also used for the box for Carcassonne: The City.
|Text=This art was also used for the box for Carcassonne: The City.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[ from 'Art Trivia']
|Source=[ 'Art Trivia']
=== Secret History ===
=== Secret History ===
Line 55: Line 105:

{{Navbox Prosperity}}
{{Navbox Cards}}
{{Navbox Cards}}
[[category:variable draw]]
[[category:variable coin]]
[[category:virtual coin]]
[[category:extra buys]]

Latest revision as of 08:57, 26 June 2024

Cost $5
Type(s) Action
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Prosperity
Illustrator(s) Marco Morte
Card text
+1 Card
+2 Actions

If there are one or more empty Supply piles, +1 Card. If there are two or more, +1 Buy and +$1.

City is an Action card from Prosperity. It begins as a simple Village, but grows stronger as Supply piles are depleted.


Official FAQ (2022)

  • You draw a card and get +2 Actions no matter what.
  • If there is just one empty pile in the Supply, you also draw another card.
  • If there are two or more empty piles, you both draw another card, and get +$1 and +1 Buy.
  • There are no further bonuses if three or more piles are empty.
  • This only checks how many piles are empty when you play it; what you got does not change if a pile becomes empty (or non-empty, such as due to Encampment from Empires).
  • This only counts Supply piles, not non-Supply piles like Spoils from Dark Ages.

Other rules clarifications

  • Unlike Laboratory, if you play this when a pile is empty, you draw a card, then draw a second card separately. So if you only have 1 card in your deck, you can see that card before shuffling and topdecking a card with Star Chart.


City starts out each game as an expensive version of Village, but it becomes a powerful draw card (equivalent to Lost City with no on-gain penalty) once a single pile is empty. In the end game, with two piles empty, it adds a Market effect to this already strong suite of bonuses, which is very often enough payload to facilitate an immediate pile-out even if a third pile wasn’t already threatened.

Because it’s expensive for its unactivated effect, City is unlikely to be an attractive card early in the game unless it’s the only village present. It’s usually preferable to meet your initial needs for terminal space using cards that are cheaper (such as Village itself) or provide an immediate bonus at $5 (such as Hunting Lodge). If the Kingdom offers strong draw options other than activated City or there’s no particular source of pile pressure, City can remain no more useful than an expensive Village throughout most of the game. However, if you anticipate a pile emptying quickly, e.g. because there’s a strong Curser or a powerful cheap card alongside abundant extra gains, it may be worth gaining some Cities, particularly if you can make good use of the extra terminal space anyway, or if you can trade off the ability to play them immediately against the cost of obtaining them (e.g. with Camel Train). In any of these cases, especially if the draw is otherwise weak, City becomes increasingly attractive as at least one pile is lowered, and denying some copies to your opponents can also be a consideration. Increasing the number of players also tends to increase pile pressure, making City potentially more appealing from the beginning in multiplayer games.

If you have multiple Cities in your deck, its draw capabilities may increase explosively once a pile is emptied; therefore, there’s often a strong advantage to being the first to play a turn with activated Cities. In a similar way to Paddock and Animal Fair, City can thus create a situation in which all players are reluctant to take the last or penultimate card in a pile (sometimes City itself), as this would risk granting that opportunity to an opponent. The best approach, where possible, is often to use a gainer to take the last card from a pile early in your Action phase (e.g. playing Artisan to gain the only remaining City) and then draw with your newly-activated Cities, producing a powerful turn that is likely to put you ahead, especially if this manoeuvre has also enabled you to win the City split and/or to engage in gain-and-play. If you might be able to empty a Supply pile during your turn, it can be a good idea to hold off playing as many Cities as you can until then, so that you can play them once they give additional bonuses.

The next level of City activation explosively adds payload, including plenty of +Buy to facilitate spending it, to a deck that already has abundant draw, and without the addition of any stop cards. Because it occurs when two piles are empty, it’s often enough to allow you to buy out the Estates for a three-pile ending, so it’s usually dangerous to allow an opponent to play the first turn with doubly-activated Cities unless you have a significant VP lead; this is often the last turn of the game. Occasionally, if no piles are empty yet but two are low, it may be possible to skip straight to double activation by emptying two piles at once via gainers before playing some Cities during your Action phase; this is likely to put you in a dominant position unless you have very few of the Cities.

In games with abilities to return cards to piles, such as Way of the Horse, it may be possible to deactivate City's bonuses. This may be something you need to avoid, so that your Cities retain their bonuses throughout your turn, or because you have many more Cities than your opponent. But it may also be something you can use to your benefit, by deactivating the bonuses after you've played all of your Cities, causing your opponent's Cities to lack the bonus at the start of their turn.

External strategy articles

Note: Article(s) below are by individual authors and may not represent the community's current views on cards, but may provide more in-depth information or give historical perspective. Caveat emptor.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
City City from Goko/Making Fun +1 Card
+2 Actions

If there are one or more empty Supply piles, +1 Card. If there are two or more, +$1 and +1 Buy.
Prosperity October 2010
City City from Shuffle iT +1 Card
+2 Actions

If there are one or more empty Supply piles, +1 Card. If there are two or more, +1 Buy and +$1.

Prosperity (2016 printing)

Prosperity (Second Edition)

February 2017

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Chinese 都市 +1 卡片
+2 行動
如果有一個或以上的供應區牌堆是空的:+1 卡片
如果有兩疊以上的話:+1 購買+1 $1
Czech Město
Dutch Stad Dutch language City +1 Kaart
+2 Acties

Als er 1 of meer voorraadstapels leeg zijn, +1 Kaart. Zijn er 2 of meer stapels leeg, +$1 en +1 Aanschaf.
Stad +1 Kaart
+2 Acties

Zijn er 1 of meer lege voorraad-
stapels, dan +1 Kaart.
Zijn er 2 of meer, dan
+1 Aanschaf en +$1.
2. Edition
Finnish Kaupunki
French Ville
German Stadt German language City 2016 ASS +1 Karte
+2 Aktionen

Wenn genau 1 Vorratsstapel leer ist, zusätzlich:
+1 Karte
Wenn 2 oder mehr Vorratsstapel leer sind, zusätzlich:
+1 Karte, +$1 und +1 Kauf
Stadt German language City German language City 2022 from Shuffle iT +1 Karte
+2 Aktionen

Wenn 1 oder mehr Vorratsstapel leer sind: +1 Karte.
Wenn 2 oder mehr Vorratsstapel leer sind: zusätz­lich +1 Kauf und +$1.
2. Edition
Italian Città
Japanese 都市 (pron. toshi) +1 カードを引く
+2 アクション
サプライに空の山がある場合、追加で+1 カードを引く
2山以上ある場合、さらに追加で+1 購入+$1
Polish Miasto PolishOld language City +1 karta
+2 akcje

Jeżeli w Zasobach znajduje się co najmniej jeden pusty stos kart, +1 karta.
Jeżeli w zasobach znajdują się co najmniej dwa puste stosy kart, +$1 i +1 zakup.
Miasto Polish language City +1 karta
+2 akcje

Jeżeli w Zasobach jest co najmniej jeden pusty stos kart, +1 karta.
Jeżeli w Zasobach są co najmniej dwa puste stosy kart, +1 zakup i +$1.
II Edycja
Russian Город (pron. gorod)
Spanish Ciudad


Official card art.

This was originally called Boomtown, but it was decided that word didn't fit the medieval theme of Dominion, and it was changed.

Card Art

This art was also used for the box for Carcassonne: The City.

Secret History

Didn't change from the first version, except for wording. The idea for this card came from the Seaside outtake that cared about the trash, and of course Trade Route. I needed cards in the set that interacted with other players but weren't attacks, so I could have fewer attacks overall (so that Colony would usually be reachable) but still have enough interaction. One thing to do is to look at shared data - the piles. Trade Route cares if a pile isn't full; this cares if a pile is empty. Those were just the two simplest things to check.

Cards $3 AnvilWatchtower $4 BishopClerkInvestmentTiaraMonumentQuarryWorker's Village $5 CharlatanCityCollectionCrystal BallMagnateMintRabbleVaultWar Chest $6 Hoard $6* Grand Market $7 BankExpandForgeKing's Court $8star Peddler $9 Platinum $11 Colony
Removed cards $3 LoanTrade Route $4 Talisman $5 ContrabandCounting HouseMountebankRoyal SealVenture $6 Goons
Combos and Counters Bishop/FortressCounting House/Travelling FairGolden deck
Other concepts Victory tokens

View all Dominion cards