Dominion Campaigns: Intrigue Act 1: Difference between revisions

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Line 11: Line 11:
You are the ruler of the magnificent but dull kingdom of Vaccara. Your coppersmith has been working hard on a jazzy new coat of arms for you; maybe if you threw a few coppers into the wishing well, it'll turn out as magnificent as you are.
You are the ruler of the magnificent but dull kingdom of Vaccara. Your coppersmith has been working hard on a jazzy new coat of arms for you; maybe if you threw a few coppers into the wishing well, it'll turn out as magnificent as you are.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Clarita: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Clarita: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 20: Line 20:
Your scouts in the countryside intercepted your royal cousins, twin sisters Henrietta and Belinda, and their entourage. Oh goodie, they're paying you a visit. You let them freshen up in the harem.
Your scouts in the countryside intercepted your royal cousins, twin sisters Henrietta and Belinda, and their entourage. Oh goodie, they're paying you a visit. You let them freshen up in the harem.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Anselm: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Anselm: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 29: Line 29:
You had scheduled a reception in the great hall, but where are your guests? Evidently a brouhaha has broken out in the harem. Time to upgrade your security.
You had scheduled a reception in the great hall, but where are your guests? Evidently a brouhaha has broken out in the harem. Time to upgrade your security.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Eliose: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Eliose: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 38: Line 38:
Henrietta and Belinda are battling over which identical twin is prettier. You decline to give an answer, and a flying hairbrush nearly takes out your eye. You might have time to pay another visit to the wishing well in the village.
Henrietta and Belinda are battling over which identical twin is prettier. You decline to give an answer, and a flying hairbrush nearly takes out your eye. You might have time to pay another visit to the wishing well in the village.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Scouts
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Scouts
* Henrietta: 7 Coppers, 3 Scouts
* Henrietta: 7 Coppers, 3 Scouts
Line 48: Line 48:
Maybe a distraction is just what Henrietta and Belinda need. You schedule a trip to an ironworks to check out the latest in armor styles. Have muting helmets been invented yet?
Maybe a distraction is just what Henrietta and Belinda need. You schedule a trip to an ironworks to check out the latest in armor styles. Have muting helmets been invented yet?

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Olaf: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Serf Olaf: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 57: Line 57:
You schedule a party, and invite nobles from far and wide. Your servants murmur about "strange things happening," but they don't elaborate and your scouts haven't reported anything new. As long as the party is a success, you don't mind a little bit of weirdness.
You schedule a party, and invite nobles from far and wide. Your servants murmur about "strange things happening," but they don't elaborate and your scouts haven't reported anything new. As long as the party is a success, you don't mind a little bit of weirdness.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Maiden Ellyn: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Maiden Ellyn: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 66: Line 66:
Your party is a masquerade ball, and Belinda and Henrietta have promised to behave. The militia guards the security of the royal guests. Even irritating Lord Madison came. But wait--he hates parties. Why did he accept the invitation?
Your party is a masquerade ball, and Belinda and Henrietta have promised to behave. The militia guards the security of the royal guests. Even irritating Lord Madison came. But wait--he hates parties. Why did he accept the invitation?

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
* You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
* Squire Elmo: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
* Squire Elmo: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
Line 75: Line 75:
With so many faces hidden by masks, you're starting to get a little paranoid. Is Lord Madison up to some trickery? You duck into a side room for a quick meeting with your senior staff. You really hope that nothing spoils your ball.
With so many faces hidden by masks, you're starting to get a little paranoid. Is Lord Madison up to some trickery? You duck into a side room for a quick meeting with your senior staff. You really hope that nothing spoils your ball.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Servant: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Servant: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 85: Line 85:
You decide that tonight, it's best to communicate in code. You keep your senior staff close, and you've asked one of your dukes to keep an eye on Lord Madison. With all the masks there could be witches at the feast, and you wouldn't know it!
You decide that tonight, it's best to communicate in code. You keep your senior staff close, and you've asked one of your dukes to keep an eye on Lord Madison. With all the masks there could be witches at the feast, and you wouldn't know it!

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Maiden Abigail: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Maiden Abigail: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 94: Line 94:
You hear a rumor that nobles are sending tribute -- including gold from your mines -- to a little shanty town not far from your castle. Could there be blackmail going on?
You hear a rumor that nobles are sending tribute -- including gold from your mines -- to a little shanty town not far from your castle. Could there be blackmail going on?

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Squire Levi: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Squire Levi: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 103: Line 103:
Your masquerade costume is delightfully extravagant, and your mask is covered in feathers. Now you hear that Lord Madison wants a private audience. You're more inclined to give him a private audience with your torturer.  
Your masquerade costume is delightfully extravagant, and your mask is covered in feathers. Now you hear that Lord Madison wants a private audience. You're more inclined to give him a private audience with your torturer.  

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Ayleth: 5 Coppers, 4 Estates, 1 Torturer
* Lady Ayleth: 5 Coppers, 4 Estates, 1 Torturer
Line 112: Line 112:
As you're heading to the audience with Lord Madison, someone jumps you from behind and puts a smelly cloth over your face. None of your dukes or noblemen would ever dare to do something like this to you. So who is this? You feel woozy and hear a woman's voice--it is cousin Belinda! She must be angrier than you had realized.
As you're heading to the audience with Lord Madison, someone jumps you from behind and puts a smelly cloth over your face. None of your dukes or noblemen would ever dare to do something like this to you. So who is this? You feel woozy and hear a woman's voice--it is cousin Belinda! She must be angrier than you had realized.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Belinda: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Duke
* Belinda: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Duke
Line 122: Line 122:
You awake to sounds of the masquerade ball in the distance. Your hands are bound, and you are stuffed in a trunk. Are you being driven away to the village? You really hope that someone has noticed that you're missing.
You awake to sounds of the masquerade ball in the distance. Your hands are bound, and you are stuffed in a trunk. Are you being driven away to the village? You really hope that someone has noticed that you're missing.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Squire Nuno: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Squire Nuno: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 131: Line 131:
After a bumpy journey, you're released into a dungeon. The torturer smiles at the arrival of a new "client." This is no way to treat a nobleman, let alone one who runs a kingdom. What exactly does he want from you?
After a bumpy journey, you're released into a dungeon. The torturer smiles at the arrival of a new "client." This is no way to treat a nobleman, let alone one who runs a kingdom. What exactly does he want from you?

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Juetta: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Juetta: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 140: Line 140:
The torturer says your friend, Duke Ashby, is behind the kidnapping! But that's impossible, you have always been good to him, even let him pay no tribute to you. What is going on here?
The torturer says your friend, Duke Ashby, is behind the kidnapping! But that's impossible, you have always been good to him, even let him pay no tribute to you. What is going on here?

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Albert: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Tribute
* Gentleman Albert: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Tribute
Line 149: Line 149:
Back in your cell, Belinda says that she'd been blackmailed into kidnapping you from the masquerade ball by Henrietta and Lord Madison. They want to use Duke Ashby as a puppet ruler in your stead. Her conscience gets the better of her, and she helps you escape before having to face the torturer again.
Back in your cell, Belinda says that she'd been blackmailed into kidnapping you from the masquerade ball by Henrietta and Lord Madison. They want to use Duke Ashby as a puppet ruler in your stead. Her conscience gets the better of her, and she helps you escape before having to face the torturer again.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Earl: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Earl: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 159: Line 159:
With help from Belinda, you escape the prison and make it back to your castle. Everyone had assumed you were dead; Henrietta and Lord Madison had taken control of your kingdom and forced the nobles to pay them tribute.
With help from Belinda, you escape the prison and make it back to your castle. Everyone had assumed you were dead; Henrietta and Lord Madison had taken control of your kingdom and forced the nobles to pay them tribute.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Amelia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Lady Amelia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 168: Line 168:
You're back, and your dull castle never looked so wonderful to your eyes. You send out your spies to scour the kingdom for Henrietta and Lord Madison. Lord Madison is easily found. He has locked himself inside a chapel. Let's hope he doesn't put up a fight.
You're back, and your dull castle never looked so wonderful to your eyes. You send out your spies to scour the kingdom for Henrietta and Lord Madison. Lord Madison is easily found. He has locked himself inside a chapel. Let's hope he doesn't put up a fight.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Harald: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
* Gentleman Harald: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Line 177: Line 177:
Despite the adventurers' efforts, Lord Madison escapes and flees to the shanty town rumored to be receiving illicit payments. Henrietta is probably already there waiting for him!
Despite the adventurers' efforts, Lord Madison escapes and flees to the shanty town rumored to be receiving illicit payments. Henrietta is probably already there waiting for him!

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Shanty Towns
* You: 7 Coppers, 3 Shanty Towns
* Gentleman Earl: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Thief
* Gentleman Earl: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Thief
Line 186: Line 186:
You want to witness Henrietta and Lord Madison's capture, so you accompany your militia to the shanty town. Lord Madison, being a nobleman, is a very able fighter; and Henrietta is deadly with a brush and comb.
You want to witness Henrietta and Lord Madison's capture, so you accompany your militia to the shanty town. Lord Madison, being a nobleman, is a very able fighter; and Henrietta is deadly with a brush and comb.

'''Starting hands'''
'''Starting decks'''
* You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
* You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
* Lord Madison: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Militia
* Lord Madison: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Militia

Revision as of 20:42, 3 May 2016

Completed map for Intrigue - Act 1.

Dominion Campaigns: Intrigue Act 1 (originally subtitled Peasants and Aristocrats) is the first Act of the Intrigue Campaign on Dominion Online. It comes with the purchase of Intrigue.

Campaign Overview

You are introduced to your twin cousins, Henrietta and Belinda, and throw a masquerade ball that leads to chaos and betrayal.

List of Games

Game 1

You are the ruler of the magnificent but dull kingdom of Vaccara. Your coppersmith has been working hard on a jazzy new coat of arms for you; maybe if you threw a few coppers into the wishing well, it'll turn out as magnificent as you are.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Serf Clarita: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Serf Clarita [images]
Throne Room Council Room Laboratory Market Adventurer
Village Wishing Well Workshop Coppersmith Remodel

Game 2

Your scouts in the countryside intercepted your royal cousins, twin sisters Henrietta and Belinda, and their entourage. Oh goodie, they're paying you a visit. You let them freshen up in the harem.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Serf Anselm: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Serf Anselm [images]
Smithy Festival Market Mine Harem
Cellar Chapel Gardens Moneylender Scout

Game 3

You had scheduled a reception in the great hall, but where are your guests? Evidently a brouhaha has broken out in the harem. Time to upgrade your security.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Serf Eliose: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Serf Eliose [images]
Remodel Festival Laboratory Library Upgrade
Cellar Great Hall Workshop Feast Militia

Boss Game 4

Henrietta and Belinda are battling over which identical twin is prettier. You decline to give an answer, and a flying hairbrush nearly takes out your eye. You might have time to pay another visit to the wishing well in the village.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Scouts
  • Henrietta: 7 Coppers, 3 Scouts
  • Belinda: 7 Coppers, 3 Scouts
Henrietta and Belinda [images]
Scout Throne Room Library Upgrade Harem
Great Hall Village Wishing Well Coppersmith Militia

Game 5

Maybe a distraction is just what Henrietta and Belinda need. You schedule a trip to an ironworks to check out the latest in armor styles. Have muting helmets been invented yet?

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Serf Olaf: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Serf Olaf [images]
Gardens Ironworks Remodel Throne Room Laboratory
Cellar Great Hall Village Wishing Well Bureaucrat

Game 6

You schedule a party, and invite nobles from far and wide. Your servants murmur about "strange things happening," but they don't elaborate and your scouts haven't reported anything new. As long as the party is a success, you don't mind a little bit of weirdness.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Maiden Ellyn: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Maiden Ellyn [images]
Remodel Scout Library Harem Nobles
Cellar Chancellor Village Woodcutter Moneylender

Game 7

Your party is a masquerade ball, and Belinda and Henrietta have promised to behave. The militia guards the security of the royal guests. Even irritating Lord Madison came. But wait--he hates parties. Why did he accept the invitation?

Starting decks

  • You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
  • Squire Elmo: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
Squire Elmo [images]
Council Room Festival Mine Upgrade Witch
Moat Masquerade Village Coppersmith Militia

Boss Game 8

With so many faces hidden by masks, you're starting to get a little paranoid. Is Lord Madison up to some trickery? You duck into a side room for a quick meeting with your senior staff. You really hope that nothing spoils your ball.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Servant: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Soldier: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Servant and Soldier [images]
Scout Laboratory Upgrade Harem Nobles
Great Hall Masquerade Wishing Well Coppersmith Ironworks

Game 9

You decide that tonight, it's best to communicate in code. You keep your senior staff close, and you've asked one of your dukes to keep an eye on Lord Madison. With all the masks there could be witches at the feast, and you wouldn't know it!

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Maiden Abigail: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Maiden Abigail [images]
Scout Duke Festival Upgrade Witch
Cellar Bureaucrat Feast Ironworks Militia

Game 10

You hear a rumor that nobles are sending tribute -- including gold from your mines -- to a little shanty town not far from your castle. Could there be blackmail going on?

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Squire Levi: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Squire Levi [images]
Market Mine Tribute Harem Nobles
Chapel Shanty Town Militia Throne Room Library

Game 11

Your masquerade costume is delightfully extravagant, and your mask is covered in feathers. Now you hear that Lord Madison wants a private audience. You're more inclined to give him a private audience with your torturer.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Lady Ayleth: 5 Coppers, 4 Estates, 1 Torturer
Lady Ayleth [images]
Workshop Throne Room Laboratory Library Torturer
Cellar Great Hall Masquerade Village Wishing Well

Boss Game 12

As you're heading to the audience with Lord Madison, someone jumps you from behind and puts a smelly cloth over your face. None of your dukes or noblemen would ever dare to do something like this to you. So who is this? You feel woozy and hear a woman's voice--it is cousin Belinda! She must be angrier than you had realized.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Belinda: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Duke
  • A Thief!: 7 Coppers, 2 Estates, 1 Duke
Belinda [images]
Scout Duke Upgrade Harem Nobles
Great Hall Masquerade Shanty Town Coppersmith Ironworks

Game 13

You awake to sounds of the masquerade ball in the distance. Your hands are bound, and you are stuffed in a trunk. Are you being driven away to the village? You really hope that someone has noticed that you're missing.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Squire Nuno: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Squire Nuno [images]
Spy Thief Laboratory Upgrade Harem
Cellar Masquerade Village Coppersmith Ironworks

Game 14

After a bumpy journey, you're released into a dungeon. The torturer smiles at the arrival of a new "client." This is no way to treat a nobleman, let alone one who runs a kingdom. What exactly does he want from you?

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Lady Juetta: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Lady Juetta [images]
Council Room Duke Torturer Tribute Nobles
Moat Woodcutter Feast Remodel Scout

Game 15

The torturer says your friend, Duke Ashby, is behind the kidnapping! But that's impossible, you have always been good to him, even let him pay no tribute to you. What is going on here?

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Gentleman Albert: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Tribute
Gentleman Albert [images]
Moneylender Smithy Duke Market Tribute
Cellar Great Hall Shanty Town Wishing Well Bureaucrat

Boss Game 16

Back in your cell, Belinda says that she'd been blackmailed into kidnapping you from the masquerade ball by Henrietta and Lord Madison. They want to use Duke Ashby as a puppet ruler in your stead. Her conscience gets the better of her, and she helps you escape before having to face the torturer again.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Gentleman Earl: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Belinda: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Gentleman Earl [images]
Coppersmith Scout Smithy Torturer Upgrade
Chapel Masquerade Shanty Town Wishing Well Bureaucrat

Game 17

With help from Belinda, you escape the prison and make it back to your castle. Everyone had assumed you were dead; Henrietta and Lord Madison had taken control of your kingdom and forced the nobles to pay them tribute.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Lady Amelia: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Lady Amelia [images]
Ironworks Market Torturer Tribute Nobles
Moat Chancellor Wishing Well Coppersmith Gardens

Game 18

You're back, and your dull castle never looked so wonderful to your eyes. You send out your spies to scour the kingdom for Henrietta and Lord Madison. Lord Madison is easily found. He has locked himself inside a chapel. Let's hope he doesn't put up a fight.

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
  • Gentleman Harald: 7 Coppers, 3 Estates
Gentleman Harald [images]
Spy Council Room Duke Torturer Harem
Chapel Masquerade Shanty Town Woodcutter Coppersmith

Game 19

Despite the adventurers' efforts, Lord Madison escapes and flees to the shanty town rumored to be receiving illicit payments. Henrietta is probably already there waiting for him!

Starting decks

  • You: 7 Coppers, 3 Shanty Towns
  • Gentleman Earl: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Thief
Gentleman Earl [images]
Tribute Upgrade Witch Adventurer Harem
Moat Masquerade Shanty Town Wishing Well Thief

Final Boss Game

You want to witness Henrietta and Lord Madison's capture, so you accompany your militia to the shanty town. Lord Madison, being a nobleman, is a very able fighter; and Henrietta is deadly with a brush and comb.

Starting decks

  • You: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Masquerade
  • Lord Madison: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Militia
  • Henrietta: 6 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Militia
Lord Madison [images]
Throne Room Torturer Tribute Upgrade Nobles
Masquerade Shanty Town Coppersmith Ironworks Militia


Base Set: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Intrigue: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Seaside: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Prosperity: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)
Cornucopia: (Act 1) •• Hinterlands: (Act 1Act 2Act 3) •• Alchemy: (Act 1) •• Dark Ages: (Act 1Act 2Act 3Act 4) •• Guilds: (Act 1) •• Adventures: (Act 1Act 2Act 3)