Combo: Trader and Feodum

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Trader / Feodum
Set(s) Hinterlands / Dark Ages
Type Rush

Trader and Feodum is a combo that uses Trader's Silver-gaining to beef up the points you get from Feodum.


In general, Trader is a fairly mediocre card. Getting a pile of Silvers is nice, but usually not at the cost of a single expensive card. But with Feodum, you'd much rather have the Silvers. Since in Feodum rushes the trick is to win the Silver split, you may find yourself trashing a Silver to get three more. You'll want to turn your Estates into Silvers as soon as possible, and any other card you buy should be with the intent to turn it into Silvers later. You'll also usually want to Trader at least one Feodum, as that will net you seven Silvers. What's also nice about this combo is that if you find yourself with an extra Trader in hand after playing all your Actions, you can always get a Silver, even if you don't have $3.

Shelters make this a little harder, as you'll only be getting one Silver from each of your three non-Copper starting cards, but it's still doable.

The single best card to aid this combo is Rats - it quickly turns your Coppers and Estates into $4 cards that can be turned into four Silvers each, as well as drawing you a card. This is the only instance where Rats does well with Trader. Fortress can also be useful, as it can be trashed over and over again into Silvers, as well as letting you play more than one Trader per turn.

A good strategy would be to empty out the Trader, Feodum and Silver piles. Much like buying Bishops to feed to your other Bishops, Tradering Traders will give you a steady trickle of Silver, and give you that much-needed third pile to empty, though with your deck flooded with Silver, it's possible you could also empty out the Provinces.

Cards $2 CrossroadsFool's Gold $3 DevelopGuard DogOasisSchemeTunnel $4 Jack of All TradesNomadsSpice MerchantTraderTrailWeaver $5 BerserkerCartographerCauldronHagglerHighwayInnMargraveSoukStablesWheelwrightWitch's Hut $6 Border VillageFarmland
Removed cards $2 Duchess $3 Oracle $4 Noble BrigandNomad CampSilk Road $5 CacheEmbassyIll-Gotten GainsMandarin
Combos and Counters Trader/Feodum
Other concepts When gain
Cards $0 Ruins (Abandoned MineRuined LibraryRuined MarketRuined VillageSurvivors) $0* Spoils $1 Poor HouseShelters (HovelNecropolisOvergrown Estate) $2 BeggarSquireVagrant $3 ForagerHermit (Madman) • Market SquareSageStoreroomUrchin (Mercenary) $4 ArmoryDeath CartFeodumFortressIronmongerMarauderProcessionRatsScavengerWandering Minstrel $5 Band of MisfitsBandit CampCatacombsCountCounterfeitCultistGraverobberJunk DealerKnights (Dames AnnaJosephineMollyNatalieSylvia • Sirs BaileyDestryMartinMichaelVander) • MysticPillageRebuildRogue $6 AltarHunting Grounds
Combos and Counters Apprentice/Market SquareBeggar/GardensBishop/FortressDonate/Market SquareHermit/Market SquareLurker/Hunting GroundsMasterpiece/FeodumProcession/FortressTrader/Feodum
Other concepts When trashLooter
Dominion Card Combos
Apprentice/Market SquareBeggar/GardensBlack Market/TacticianBishop/FortressCapital/MandarinCounting House/Travelling FairDonate/Market SquareGolden deckHermit/Market SquareLurker/Hunting GroundsMasquerade pinMasterpiece/FeodumNative Village/BridgeProcession/FortressRoyal Carriage/BridgeTrader/FeodumWorkshop/Gardens