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Some Dominion sets, in addition to cards, provide other materials.

Player-specific materials are often distributed in six different colors, one for each possible player: red, blue, orange, green, white and yellow.

Player mats

Player mats (playmats or mats for short) are pieces of cardboard used by certain cards to set aside resources for future use. Island sets aside cards on a mat until the end of the game. Pirate Ship and Trade Route set aside Tokens on a mat to keep track of $ they generate when played. Native Village sets cards aside to be drawn later. Cards that produce VP tokens put them on a mat to be scored at the end of the game. The Tavern mat is a place to keep your Reserve cards until you call them. The Coffers / Villagers mats keep coin tokens in reserve for extra +$ and +Actions when needed. The Trash mat is the place to keep cards that are trashed during the game. The Exile mat is for keeping exiled cards until they can be discarded. The Favors mat is for keeping gained Favor tokens, until they can be spent for various Allies activities.


A token is a metal, cardboard, or wooden piece used in Dominion. They are used to track various game states that are not represented directly by cards. Some sets use tokens as one of their primary themes; some tokens are only used by a single card.

Victory tokens

Victory tokens (or VP tokens, denoted by the symbol VP) are metal tokens featured in Prosperity and Empires. They are metal or cardboard chips that represent victory points players earn in addition to the values of the Victory cards they possess, and are therefore an example of alt-VP. VP tokens may be earned by playing certain cards, buying certain Events, or meeting the conditions of certain Landmarks. VP tokens cannot run out; players should use a substitute if needed.

Coin tokens

Coin tokens are metal tokens used in Cornucopia & Guilds, Renaissance, Allies, and the first editions of Seaside and Prosperity. Their main function is to track the game mechanics of Coffers, Villagers and Favors; in games using one of these mechanics, each player receives a mat on which they put Coin tokens to track the number of Coffers, Villagers, or Favors they have accumulated. Coin tokens are also used by Pirate Ship, Trade Route, Sinister Plot and Garrison to track their own effects. Coin tokens cannot run out; players should use a substitute if needed.

Embargo tokens

Embargo tokens were metal tokens included with first edition of Seaside. One of these tokens is placed on a Supply pile each time an Embargo is played, to track the number of Curses a player gains when buying a card from that pile. Embargo tokens cannot run out; players should use a substitute if needed.

Embargo tokens.

Adventures tokens

Adventures comes with 10 different cardboard tokens, in each of 6 player colors. Some provide a vanilla bonus for cards from the Action card Supply piles they're on, others act as penalties, and the rest have various effects. They are used by several cards and Events.

Debt tokens

Debt tokens (denoted by the symbol D) are metal tokens featured in Empires and Rising Sun (some localized Empires editions have cardboard Debt tokens, instead of metal ones), and provide an alternate cost to certain cards and Events. When buying a card or Event with a D cost, the player takes the specified number of tokens to track their Debt. One card (Capital), one Event (Tax), and one Landmark (Mountain Pass) provide additional ways to accumulate D. D cannot run out; players should use a substitute if needed.

Wooden cubes

Renaissance comes with 12 wooden cubes, 2 in each of 6 player colors (1 cm on a side). Players use these to track which Projects they have purchased, and are receiving the effects of. Each player only has 2 of these cubes, which do run out.

Wooden cubes on a Project.

Sun tokens

Rising Sun comes with 13 wooden tokens in the form of sun icons, that are to be placed on a Prophecy card when Omen cards are used in a game. Number of tokens put on a Prophecy depends on the number of players, and is as follows: 2 players - 5 tokens, 3 players - 8 tokens, 4 players - 10 tokens, 5 players - 12 tokens, and 6 players - 13 tokens.

Sun tokens.


In other languages

Language Name Print Text Notes
Island player mat
Dutch Eilandtableau (No text on image, same as English version).
Native village player mat
Dutch Inheems dorptableau (No text on image, same as English version).
Trade route mat
Dutch Handels­route­tableau Leg aan het begin van het spel op elke stapel overwinningskaarten in de voorraad 1 muntenfiche.

Wordt de eerste kaart van een stapel overwinningskaarten gepakt of gekocht, verplaats het fiche op deze stapel dan naar het handelsroutetableau.

Functional error: gepakt of gekocht (gained or bought) instead gepakt (gained)
German Handels­routen-Tableau Zu Beginn des Spiels wird auf jeden Punkekartenstapel im Vorrat ein Geldmarker gelegt.

Sobald die jeweils erste Karte von einem Punktekartenstapel genommen oder gekauft wird, wird der entsprechende Geldmarker auf dieses Tableau gelegt.

Functional error: genommen oder gekauft (gained or bought) instead genommen (gained)
Trash mat
Czech Smetiště
Dutch Vernietigde kaarten Vernietigde kaarten
Finnish Tuhotut kortit
French Rebut
German Müll
Korean 폐기 (pron. pyegi)
Polish Śmietnisko Śmietnisko
Russian Свалка (pron. svalka, lit. dump)
Spanish (las) Eliminadas
Victory token VP player mat
Dutch Spelerstableau (No text on image, same as English version).
Coffers/villagers mat
Dutch Geldkisten/Dorps­bewoners­tableau Geldkisten

Je mag in je aanschaffase, vóór je iets hebt gekocht, fishes van dit tableau verwijderen voor +$1 per stuk.


Je mag in je actiefase fiches van dit tableau verwijderen voor +1 Actie per stuk.

Spelling error Dorpbewoner instead of Dorpsbewoners
German Taler/Dorf­bewohner­tableau Taler

Während deiner Kaufphase darfst du vor dem ersten Kauf Marker von hier für je +$1 zurücklegen.


Während deiner Aktionsphase darfst du Marker von hier für je +1 Aktion zurücklegen.

Deck archetypes Big MoneyComboEngineRushSlog
Strategic concepts CollisionCounterCyclingDeadDuchy dancingEndgameGreeningMegaturnMirrorOpeningOpportunity costPenultimate Province RulePayloadPinPiledrivingReshuffleSilver testStop cardSplit advantageStrictly betterSynergyTerminalityTerminal spaceThree-pile endingTurn advantageVictory pointVillage idiot
Rules Blue dog ruleCostDeckGameplayMaterialsNo Visiting ruleStop-Moving rule (previously Lose Track rule) • Supply (Kingdom) • Triggered effectsTurn