Defiled Shrine

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Defiled Shrine
Type Landmark
Set Empires
Illustrator(s) Kurt Miller
Landmark text
When you gain an Action, move 1VP from its pile to this.
When you gain a Curse in your Buy phase, take the VP from this.

Setup: Put 2VP on each non-Gathering Action Supply pile.

Defiled Shrine is a Landmark from Empires. It acts kind of like a Gathering card, accumulating VP tokens as players gain Actions, and then giving them to a player when they buy a Curse.


Unofficial FAQ (2022)

  • Note that this triggers on gaining an Action at any time, but only on gaining Curse during the Buy phase; gaining Curse at other times will not get you any VP.
  • VP tokens will go on the Ruins pile (from Dominion: Dark Ages) when used, but not on Farmers' Market, Temple, or Wild Hunt (the three Action–Gathering cards).

Other rules clarifications

  • Although Defiled Shrine itself does not place VP tokens on Gathering Action Supply piles, it will still move VP tokens off their piles when you gain one of them.
    • However, when you gain a Temple, you can take all the VP on it before attempting to send one to Defiled Shrine.
  • If other Action Supply piles are added to the game during setup (e.g. Looters adding the Ruins pile, or Young Witch adding an Action Supply pile as its Bane), those piles starts with 2VP.
  • If you remove an Action from the Supply without gaining it (e.g. you exile it with Camel Train), the VP stays on the pile.
  • If you gain an Action from the trash (with e.g. Lurker), you'll move 1VP from its pile onto Defiled Shrine.
  • With certain split piles, you can send Defiled Shrine's VP onto Aqueduct instead. For example, if you rotate the Odysseys to Sunken Treasure, then gaining a Sunken Treasure will move 1VP to Aqueduct.
  • Defiled Shrine got errata in 2022 so that you take its VP when you gain a Curse in your Buy phase. This means that you now get VP if you gain the Curse by buying it, or if you gain it during your Buy phase in another way (e.g. from Ritual).
    • If gaining an Action card in your Buy phase causes you to gain a Curse (e.g. from another player's Swamp Hag), you can move 1VP from the Action card's pile to Defiled Shrine, and then gain the Curse and immediately take all the VP.
    • If you gain a Curse during another player's Buy phase (e.g. you gain a Curse from their Cauldron), you won't get the VP.

Deprecated official FAQ (2021)

  • Note that this triggers on gaining an Action, whether bought or otherwise gained, but only on buying Curse, not on gaining Curse other ways.
  • VP tokens will go on the Ruins pile (from Dominion: Dark Ages) when used, but not on Farmers' Market, Temple, or Wild Hunt (the three Action - Gathering cards).



English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Defiled Shrine Defiled Shrine from Shuffle iT When you gain an Action, move 1VP from its pile to this.
When you buy a Curse, take the VP from this.
Setup: Put 2VP on each non-Gathering Action Supply pile.


Empires (2021 printing)

June 2016


Defiled Shrine from Shuffle iT When you gain an Action, move 1VP from its pile to this.
When you gain a Curse in your Buy phase, take the VP from this.
Setup: Put 2VP on each non-Gathering Action Supply pile.
Refer to gains in the Buy phase June 29, 2022

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Dutch Geschonden altaart
(lit. violated altar)
Als je een actiekaart pakt, verplaats 1VP van diens stapel naar deze kaart.
Koop je een Vloek, dan neem je alle VP van deze kaart.
Voorbereiding: Leg 2VP op elke actiekaartvoorraadstapel
zonder het kenmerk Verzamel
Finnish Häväisty pyhättö
(lit. profaned shrine)
French Profanation
(lit. desecration)
German Entweihter Schrein German language Defiled Shrine 2016 by ASS Wenn du eine Aktionskarte nimmst, nimm 1 -Marker von jenem Stapel und lege ihn hierher. Wenn du einen Fluch kaufst, nimm alle -Marker von dieser Karte.
Spielvorbereitung: Legt 2 -Marker auf jeden Vorratsstapel, der den Typ AKTION, aber nicht den Typ SAMMLUNG enthält.
Entweihter Schrein German language Defiled Shrine 2021 by ASS German language Defiled Shrine 2021 from Shuffle iT Wenn du eine Aktionskarte nimmst, lege 1VP von deren Stapel hierher.
Wenn du einen Fluch kaufst, nimm alle VP von hier.
Spielvorbereitung: Legt 2VP auf jeden Vorratsstapel, der den Typ AKTION, aber nicht SAMMLUNG enthält.
2. Edition
Entweihter Schrein German language Defiled Shrine from Shuffle iT Wenn du eine Aktionskarte nimmst, lege 1VP von deren Stapel hierher.
Wenn du einen Fluch in deiner Kaufphase nimmst, nimm alle VP von hier.
Spielvorbereitung: Legt 2VP auf jeden Vorratsstapel, der den Typ AKTION, aber nicht SAMMLUNG enthält.
Japanese 汚された神殿
(pron. yogosa reta shinden, lit. soiled temple)
Polish Sprofanowane sanktuarium Polish language Defiled Shrine Kiedy dodajesz kartę Akcji, przenieś tutaj 1VP z jej stosu.
Kiedy kupujesz Klątwę, weź wszystkie leżące tu VP.
Przygotowanie: połóż 2 VP na każdym stosie kart Akcji w Zasobach bez typu Gromadzenie.
Russian Осквернённая Святыня
(pron. oskvyernyonnaya svyatynya)


Official card art.

Why is the shrine "defiled"?

I don't think a plain Shrine would involve buying a Curse.

Secret History

It triggered on gaining a Curse, but it was not entertaining in games with Witches, so now you have to buy the Curse. The "non-Gathering" thing was a late change to deal with poor interactions between this and the cards that put VP on their own piles. It's kind of weird to have that type there just for this one thing, but it also ties the cards together. That's what I said when insisting on that change, and people's reactions to the Gathering cards has borne that out; they really are tied together.

Cards 4D Engineer 8D City QuarterOverlordRoyal Blacksmith $2 Encampment/PlunderPatrician/EmporiumSettlers/Bustling Village $3 Castles (HumbleCrumblingSmallHauntedOpulentSprawlingGrandKing's) • Catapult/RocksChariot RaceEnchantressFarmers' MarketGladiator/Fortune $4 SacrificeTempleVilla $5 ArchiveCapitalCharmCrownForumGroundskeeperLegionaryWild Hunt
Events 5D Triumph 8D AnnexDonate $0 Advance $2 DelveTax $3 Banquet $4 RitualSalt the Earth $43D Wedding $5 Windfall $6 Conquest $14 Dominate
Landmarks AqueductArenaBandit FortBasilicaBathsBattlefieldColonnadeDefiled ShrineFountainKeepLabyrinthMountain PassMuseumObeliskOrchardPalaceTombTowerTriumphal ArchWallWolf Den
Combos and Counters Capital/MandarinDonate/Market Square
Other concepts DebtGatheringSplit pilesVictory tokens

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