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== List of cards which instruct the players to "reveal" ==
== List of cards which instruct the players to "reveal" ==
Cards in ''italics'' have been [[Removed cards|removed]]. Cards with no specified restriction (in parentheses) might result in revealing any cards.
Cards in ''italics'' have been [[Removed cards|removed]]. Cards with no specified restriction (in parentheses) might result in revealing any cards.
* {{Set|Dominion|ed=2|Dominion (base set)}}: ''{{Card|Adventurer}}''
* {{Set|Dominion|ed=2|Dominion (base set) 2nd Edition}}:
* Dominion (base set) 2nd Edition: {{Card|Bandit}}
** ''{{Card|Adventurer}}''
* Dominion (base set): {{Card|Bureaucrat}} - (reveals hand of not-[[Victory]])
** {{Card|Bandit}}
* Dominion (base set): {{Card|Moat}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
** {{Card|Bureaucrat}} - (reveals hand without [[Victory]])
* Dominion (base set): ''{{Card|Spy}}''
** {{Card|Moat}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
* Dominion (base set): ''{{Card|Thief}}''
** ''{{Card|Spy}}''
* {{Set|Intrigue|ed=2|Intrigue}}: {{Card|Courtier}}
** ''{{Card|Thief}}''
* Intrigue 2nd Edition: {{Card|Diplomat}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
* {{Set|Intrigue|ed=2|Intrigue}}:
* Intrigue 2nd Edition: {{Card|Patrol}}
** {{Card|Courtier}}
* Intrigue: ''{{Card|Saboteur}}''
** {{Card|Diplomat}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
* Intrigue: ''{{Card|Scout}}''
** {{Card|Patrol}}
* Intrigue: ''{{Card|Secret Chamber}}''
** ''{{Card|Saboteur}}''
* Intrigue: {{Card|Shanty Town}}
** ''{{Card|Scout}}''
* Intrigue: ''{{Card|Tribute}}''
** ''{{Card|Secret Chamber}}''
* Intrigue: {{Card|Wishing Well}}
** {{Card|Shanty Town}}
* {{Set|Seaside}}: {{Card|Ambassador}}
** ''{{Card|Tribute}}''
* Seaside: {{Card|Cutpurse}} - (reveals hand of not-{{Card|Copper}})
** {{Card|Wishing Well}}
* Seaside: {{Card|Pirate Ship}}
* {{Set|Seaside}}:  
* Seaside: {{Card|Explorer}} - (reveal {{Card|Province}})
** {{Card|Ambassador}}
* {{Set|Alchemy}}: {{Card|Apothecary}}
** {{Card|Cutpurse}} - (reveals hand without {{Card|Copper}})
* Alchemy: {{Card|Scrying Pool}}
** {{Card|Pirate Ship}}
* Alchemy: {{Card|Golem}}
** {{Card|Explorer}} - (reveal {{Card|Province}})
* {{Set|Prosperity}}: {{Card|Loan}}
* {{Set|Alchemy}}:  
* Prosperity: {{Card|Counting House}} - (reveal {{Card|Copper}})
** {{Card|Apothecary}}
* Prosperity: {{Card|Mint}} - (reveal [[Treasure]])
** {{Card|Scrying Pool}}
* Prosperity: {{Card|Rabble}}
** {{Card|Golem}}
* Prosperity: {{Card|Venture}}
* {{Set|Prosperity}}:
* Prosperity: {{Card|Watchtower}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
** {{Card|Loan}}
* {{Set|Cornucopia}}: {{Card|Fortune Teller}}
** {{Card|Counting House}} - (reveal {{Card|Copper}})
* Cornucopia: {{Card|Farming Village}}
** {{Card|Mint}} - (reveal [[Treasure]])
* Cornucopia: {{Card|Harvest}}
** {{Card|Rabble}}
* Cornucopia: {{Card|Hunting Party}}
** {{Card|Venture}}
* Cornucopia: {{Card|Menagerie}}
** {{Card|Watchtower}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
* Cornucopia: {{Card|Tournament}} - (reveal {{Card|Province}})
* {{Set|Cornucopia}}:
* Cornucopia: {{Card|Young Witch}}
** {{Card|Fortune Teller}}
* {{Set|Hinterlands}}: {{Card|Crossroads}}
** {{Card|Farming Village}}
* Hinterlands: {{Card|Inn}}
** {{Card|Harvest}}
* Hinterlands: {{Card|Noble Brigand}}
** {{Card|Hunting Party}}
* Hinterlands: {{Card|Oracle}}
** {{Card|Menagerie}}
* Hinterlands: {{Card|Trader}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
** {{Card|Tournament}} - (reveal {{Card|Province}})
* Hinterlands: {{Card|Tunnel}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
** {{Card|Young Witch}}
* {{Set|Dark Ages}}: {{Card|Ironmonger}}
* {{Set|Hinterlands}}:
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Knights}}
** {{Card|Crossroads}}
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Mystic}}
** {{Card|Inn}}
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Pillage}}
** {{Card|Noble Brigand}}
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Poor House}}
** {{Card|Oracle}}
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Rats}} - (reveal hand of all {{Card|Rats}})
** {{Card|Trader}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Rebuild}}
** {{Card|Tunnel}} - ([[Reaction]] self-reveal)
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Rogue}}
* {{Set|Dark Ages}}:
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Sage}}
** {{Card|Ironmonger}}
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Vagrant}}
** {{Card|Knights}}
* Dark Ages: {{Card|Wandering Minstrel}}
** {{Card|Mystic}}
* {{Set|Guilds}}: {{Card|Advisor}}
** {{Card|Pillage}}
* Guilds: {{Card|Doctor}}
** {{Card|Poor House}}
* Guilds: {{Card|Herald}}
** {{Card|Rats}} - (reveal hand of all {{Card|Rats}})
* Guilds: {{Card|Taxman}} (reveal hand without the [[Treasure]] you trashed)
** {{Card|Rebuild}}
* Guilds: {{Card|Journeyman}}
** {{Card|Rogue}}
* {{Set|Adventures}}: {{Card|Giant}}
** {{Card|Sage}}
* Adventures: {{Card|Magpie}}
** {{Card|Vagrant}}
* {{Set|Empires}}: {{Card|Bustling Village}} - (reveal {{Card|Settlers}})
** {{Card|Wandering Minstrel}}
* Empires: {{Card|Chariot Race}}
* {{Set|Guilds}}:
* Empires: {{Card|City Quarter}}
** {{Card|Advisor}}
* Empires: {{Card|Encampment}}
** {{Card|Doctor}}
* Empires: {{Card|Gladiator}}
** {{Card|Herald}}
* Empires: {{Card|Grand Castle}}
** {{Card|Taxman}} (reveal hand without trashed [[Treasure]])
* Empires: {{Card|Legionary}} - (reveal {{Card|Gold}})
** {{Card|Journeyman}}
* Empires: {{Card|Patrician}}
* {{Set|Adventures}}:
* Empires: {{Card|Royal Blacksmith}}
** {{Card|Giant}}
* Empires: {{Card|Settlers}} - (reveal {{Card|Copper}})
** {{Card|Magpie}}
* {{Set|Nocturne}}: {{Hex|Bad Omens}} - (reveal discard pile of not-{{Card|Copper}})
* {{Set|Empires}}:
* Nocturne: {{Card|Ghost}}
** {{Card|Bustling Village}} - (reveal {{Card|Settlers}})
* Nocturne: {{Hex|Famine}}
** {{Card|Chariot Race}}
* Nocturne: {{Hex|Fear}} - (reveal hand of not-[[Action]]-or-[[Treasure]])
** {{Card|City Quarter}}
* Nocturne: {{Card|Raider}}
** {{Card|Encampment}}
* Nocturne: {{Card|Shepherd}} - (reveal [[Victory]])
** {{Card|Gladiator}}
* Nocturne: {{Card|Will-o'-Wisp}}
** {{Card|Grand Castle}}
* Nocturne: {{Hex|War}}
** {{Card|Legionary}} - (reveal {{Card|Gold}})
* {{Set|Renaissance}}: {{Card|Border Guard}}
** {{Card|Patrician}}
* Renaissance: {{Project|Piazza}}
** {{Card|Royal Blacksmith}}
* Renaissance: {{Project|Silos}} - (reveal {{Card|Copper}})
** {{Card|Settlers}} - (reveal {{Card|Copper}})
* Renaissance: {{Card|Seer}}
* {{Set|Nocturne}}:
* Renaissance: {{Card|Villain}} - (reveal hand without [[Cost]] 2 or more)
** {{Hex|Bad Omens}} - (reveal discard pile without {{Card|Copper}})
* Menagerie: {{Card|Cardinal}}
** {{Card|Ghost}}
* Menagerie: {{Card|Hostelry}} - (reveal discarded [[Treasure]]s)
** {{Hex|Famine}}
* Menagerie: {{Card|Village Green}} - (self-reveal, errata)
** {{Hex|Fear}} - (reveal hand without [[Action]] or [[Treasure]])
* Menagerie: {{Event|Gamble}}
** {{Card|Raider}}
* Menagerie: {{Event|Pursue}}
** {{Card|Shepherd}} - (reveal [[Victory]])
* [[Promo|Promotional]]: {{Card|Black Market}}
** {{Card|Will-o'-Wisp}}
* Promotional: {{Card|Envoy}}
** {{Hex|War}}
* {{Set|Renaissance}}:
** {{Card|Border Guard}}
** {{Project|Piazza}}
** {{Project|Silos}} - (reveal {{Card|Copper}})
** {{Card|Seer}}
** {{Card|Villain}} - (reveal hand without [[Cost]] 2 or more)
* {{Set|Menagerie}}:  
** {{Card|Cardinal}}
** {{Card|Hostelry}} - (reveal discarded [[Treasure]]s)
** {{Card|Village Green}} - (self-reveal, errata)
** {{Event|Gamble}}
** {{Event|Pursue}}
* [[Promo|Promotional]]:
** {{Card|Black Market}}
** {{Card|Envoy}}

{{Navbox Mechanics}}
{{Navbox Mechanics}}
[[Category:Other mechanics]]
[[Category:Other mechanics]]

Revision as of 14:24, 27 April 2020

To reveal a card is to show it publicly for all other players to see. This can be done from your hand, your deck, or your discard pile; any area whose contents are not public knowledge. Once revealed, there is usually an instruction given for what to do with the card; if there is none, it is assumed that you put it back where it came from. Many cards reveal for different reasons; Digging cards reveal cards until revealing one meeting their condition, and Reactions are usually revealed when they are activated. One card. Patron, has a special effect that is triggered when it is revealed by some other card.

However, if a card says to look at another card, you explicitly do not show it to other players, but you similarly put it back where it came from if no other instruction is given.

Official Rules

  • When a player reveals a card, he shows a card to all players and then returns it to wherever it came from (unless instructed specifically to put it elsewhere).
  • If the player is required to reveal cards from the top of his Deck, and he does not have enough cards, he shuffles in order to reveal the required number of cards.

List of cards which instruct the players to "reveal"

Cards in italics have been removed. Cards with no specified restriction (in parentheses) might result in revealing any cards.

Dominion Game Mechanics
Turn Phases ActionBuyNightClean-up
Vanilla Bonuses +Card • +Action+Buy • +Coin
Tokens AdventuresCoin (Coffers, Villager, Favors) • DebtVictory
Other mechanics CallCost reductionDiscardExchangeExileGainOverpayPassPayRevealRotateSet asideTrash