Terminal silver

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"Terminal silver" is an informal term for terminal Action cards that provide +$2 and do not draw cards when played—i.e., they have the same effect on your buying power as Silver does. Most terminal silvers have another benefit in addition to the $2 and are priced to compete with Silver for your buy—so a key strategic point is deciding whether the additional benefit the Action card provides is sufficient to offset the probability of drawing it without enough actions to be able to play it. Many terminal silvers are Attacks, with the +$2 allowing the cards to benefit your current turn as well as harm your opponents.

Similarly, terminal Actions that provide +$1, +$3, or +$5 may sometimes be referred to as "terminal copper", "terminal gold", and "terminal platinum", respectively. "Terminal silver" is sometimes used as a blanket category for all terminal Actions that provide +Coin.

$3 and $4 terminal silvers

These cards compete the most directly with Silver.

$2 terminal silvers

These cards can be useful in that they give you a weak or temporary source of $2 that you can buy when you can't afford Silver itself.

$5, $6, and not-in-the-supply terminal silvers

These cards have more powerful effects and are not usually in direct competition with Silver; but the +$2 still functions to make them more balanced and worth the greater difficulty of obtaining them. Many of them are Attacks.

Edge cases

  • Tribute, from Intrigue, is not usually considered a terminal silver; it can give terminal +$2, but the player has little to no control over whether it will, and it will usually either give more money than $2, draw cards, or be non-terminal.
  • Butcher, from Guilds, gives two coin tokens that may be spent on Butcher's remodeler effect; if they are not used for remodeling, they may be spent for +$, allowing Butcher to function as a terminal silver.
  • Explorer, from Seaside gains a Silver or Gold in hand.

Attacks Attack immunityCurserDeck inspection attackDeck order attackHandsize attackJunking attackTrashing attackTurn-worsening attack
Buy/Money +BuyCost-reducerDisappearing moneyOverpayPeddler variantTerminal silverVirtual coinVirtual +Buy
Cycling Deck discarderDeck inspectorDiggingDiscard for benefitSifter
Terminality CantripNon-terminalNon-terminal drawSoft terminalTerminalTerminal drawThrone Room variantVillageConditional non-terminal
Other Alt-VPBasic cardsDraw-to-xDuration drawCommand variantGainerLuck-basedNon-Attack interactionOne-shotRemodelerSplit pileTop deckerTrasherVanillaExtra turn