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Island, a one-shot card.

One-shots are cards which trash themselves, or otherwise remove themselves from your custody, when you play them. For some cards this self-trashing is a limitation to prevent you from getting multiple uses out of an otherwise powerful card; for a few, however, it's a feature to prevent the card from cluttering up your deck once you've gotten use out of it.

List of one-shot cards

Cards in italics have been removed.

Mandatory one-shots

These cards always remove themselves from your deck when you play them, usually by being either trashed or returned to their piles.

  • Acting Troupe — Trashes itself and gains four Villagers.
  • Cage — Trashes itself to keep up to four cards set aside until you gain a Victory card.
  • Changeling — Trashes itself and gains a copy of a card you have in play.
  • Distant Lands — Puts itself on the Tavern Mat until the end of the game.
  • Embargo — Trashes itself to add an Embargo Token to a supply pile.
  • Experiment — A Laboratory that also returns itself to its pile.
  • Feast — Trashes itself and gains a card costing up to $5.
  • Horse — A non-supply Laboratory that also returns itself to its pile.
  • Island — Puts itself on the Island Mat together with another card until the end of the game.
  • Madman — Returns itself to its pile to double your hand.
  • Pillage — Trashes itself to gain two Spoils and perform its Attack.
  • Search — Trashes itself to gain a Loot.
  • Spell Scroll — Trashes itself to gain a card costing up to $6.
  • Spoils — A non-supply Gold that also returns itself to its pile.
  • Treasure Map — Trashes two copies of itself to gain four Golds.
  • Wish — Returns itself to its pile to gain a card costing up to $6.

One-shotting Landscapes

These turn other cards into one-shots:

  • Panic — All Treasures returns to their pile when discarding them from play.
  • Reckless — Cards from the Reckless pile are played twice and return to their pile when discarded from play.
  • Way of the Horse — Any Action card can be played as a Horse.
  • Way of the Butterfly — Any Action card can be played to return to its pile to gain a card costing up to $1 more. (Although the effect is strictly speaking optional, it has no effect when not used as a one-shot.)

Permanent Durations

These are Duration cards that, once you've played them, remain in play for the rest of the game and have effects that are activated every turn. They are therefore permanently removed from your deck, but still belong to you and provide ongoing benefits.

  • Champion — +1 Action after every action and ignore all Attacks.
  • Endless Chalice+$1 and +1 Buy at the start of every turn.
  • Hireling — Draw a card at the start of every turn.
  • Prince — May set aside a card to play at the start of every turn.
  • Quartermaster — Gains cards costing up to $4 at the start of every turn.
  • Samurai+$1 at the start of every turn.

Conditional one-shots

These cards do not always act as one-shots. Rather they offer the option to get an extra effect (e.g. in the case of Mining Village), or they act as one-shot if certain conditions are met which are sometimes under the control of the user (e.g. in the case of Horn of Plenty), sometimes not (e.g. in the case of Knights).

  • Acolyte — Optionally trashes itself to gain another Augur.
  • Cabin Boy — Optionally trashes itself to gain another Duration card.
  • Death Cart — Optionally trashes itself (or another Action) for +$5.
  • Encampment — Returns to its pile if you do not reveal a Gold or Plunder.
  • Engineer — Optionally trashes itself to gain a second card.
  • Farmers' Market — Trashes itself if there are 4 VP or more on its pile to take the VP.
  • Fool's Gold — Trashes itself to gain a Gold as Reaction effect.
  • Hermit — Exchanges (previously trashes) itself for a Madman if you didn't buy any cards during your turn.
  • Horn of Plenty — Trashes itself if you use it to gain a Victory card.
  • Investment — Optionally trash itself for +1 VP per differently named Treasure in your hand.
  • Mining Village — Optionally trashes itself for +$2.
  • Pixie — Optionally trashes itself to recevie a Boon twice.
  • Raze — Trashes itself (or another card) to reveal cards and put one of them into your hand.
  • Small Castle — Trashes itself (or another Castle) to gain a Castle.
  • Snake Witch — Optionally returns itself to the supply to perform its Attack if the player has no duplicate cards in hand.
  • StockpileExiles itself. In the early stages of the game it will generally only temporarily be removed from your deck, later it can become a one-shot once the pile runs out.
  • Tragic Hero — Trashes itself if you have eight or more cards in hand.
  • Urchin — May be trashed to gain a Mercenary when you play another Attack.
  • All Knights — Trashes themselves if their Attack trash another Knight.
  • All Travellers — Optionally exchanges itself for the next Traveller card when discarded from play.


Mandatory one-shots

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Turning other cards into one-shots

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Permanent Durations

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Conditional one-shots

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Gallery of Knights

Gallery of Travellers


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Donald X. Vaccarino has written that Intrigue was originally intended to have a one-shot theme, but he abandoned the concept.

Attacks Attack immunityCurserDeck inspection attackDeck order attackHandsize attackJunking attackTrashing attackTurn-worsening attack
Buy/Money +BuyCost-reducerDisappearing moneyOverpayPeddler variantTerminal silverVirtual coinVirtual +Buy
Cycling Deck discarderDeck inspectorDiggingDiscard for benefitSifter
Terminality CantripNon-terminalNon-terminal drawSoft terminalTerminalTerminal drawThrone Room variantVillageConditional non-terminal
Other Alt-VPBasic cardsDuration drawCommand variantGainerLuck-basedNon-Attack interactionOne-shotRemodelerSplit pileTop deckerTrasherVanillaExtra turn