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===== [[Dominion League|Dominion League Championships]] =====

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While many prefer to play with fully randomized kingdoms, this is not always possible or ideal, especially with face to face play.

Officially Recommended Sets

Tournament Sets

Designed By Donald X.

GenCon 2012

These kingdoms were designed by Donald X. for the Dominion World Masters tournament final round held at GenCon. Source

Game 1 [images]
Courtyard Minion Steward Mining Village Conspirator


Bureaucrat Chancellor Council Room Mine [[Militia

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Game 2 [images]
Herbalist Transmute Apothecary Alchemist Golem


Cellar Chancellor Festival Militia [[Smithy

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Landscapes and Additional Cards
Game 3 [images]
Bishop Goons Monument Peddler Grand Market


Council Room Cellar Library Throne Room [[Chancellor

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Game 4 [images]
Bank Expand Forge King's Court Vault
[[File:Wishing Well


Bridge Coppersmith Swindler Tribute [[Wishing Well

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Game 5 [images]
Fairgrounds Farming Village Horse Traders Jester [[Young Witch [*Cellar]]]
[[File:Young Witch [*Cellar].jpg|200px]]


Feast Laboratory Market Remodel [[Workshop

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Game 6 [images]
Crossroads Farmland Fool's Gold Oracle Spice Merchant


Adventurer Chancellor Festival Laboratory [[Remodel

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

GenCon 2011

These kingdoms were designed by Donald X. for the GenCon tournament. Source

Dom [images]
Bureaucrat Council Room Feast Laboratory Market


Moneylender Remodel Smithy Village [[Workshop

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

DomInt [images]
Adventurer Laboratory Library Militia Throne Room
[[File:Trading Post


Bridge Masquerade Shanty Town Steward [[Trading Post

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

DomSea [images]
Cellar Feast Gardens Witch Workshop


Ambassador Fishing Village Lighthouse Merchant Ship [[Treasury

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

DomPro [images]
Adventurer Council Room Mine Moneylender Village


Expand Loan Quarry Vault [[Venture

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

DomAlc [images]
Cellar Gardens Market Militia Mine


Remodel Throne Room Alchemist Apothecary [[Herbalist

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Landscapes and Additional Cards
DomCor [images]
Bureaucrat Chancellor Chapel Festival Library


Moat Hamlet Horse Traders Jester [[Remake

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Int [images]
Conspirator Coppersmith Courtyard Duke Harem
[[File:Wishing Well


Nobles Scout Trading Post Upgrade [[Wishing Well

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

IntSea [images]
Conspirator Coppersmith Harem Masquerade Mining Village


Ambassador Caravan Merchant Ship Native Village [[Tactician

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

IntPro [images]
Great Hall Ironworks Masquerade Mining Village Upgrade
[[File:Trade Route


City Grand Market Royal Seal Talisman [[Trade Route

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

IntAlc [images]
Courtyard Duke Great Hall Minion Nobles


Scout Wishing Well Herbalist Transmute [[Vineyard

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Landscapes and Additional Cards
IntCor [images]
Bridge Ironworks Minion Shanty Town Steward
[[File:Young Witch


Upgrade Fairgrounds Harvest Horse Traders [[Young Witch

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Landscapes and Additional Cards
Bane pile:
Sea [images]
Caravan Embargo Explorer Fishing Village Ghost Ship


Island Lighthouse Salvager Treasury [[Warehouse

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

SeaPro [images]
Ghost Ship Haven Island Lookout Tactician
[[File:Worker's Village


Bishop Trade Route Venture Watchtower [[Worker's Village

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

SeaAlc [images]
Bazaar Cutpurse Lookout Pearl Diver Salvager


Warehouse Wharf Apprentice University [[Vineyard

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Landscapes and Additional Cards
SeaCor [images]
Bazaar Embargo Haven Navigator Warehouse
[[File:Hunting Party


Wharf Fortune Teller Hamlet Horn of Plenty [[Hunting Party

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Pro [images]
Bank Expand Goons Hoard Mint
[[File:Worker's Village


Monument Peddler Royal Seal Talisman [[Worker's Village

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

ProAlc [images]
Bank Goons Hoard Mint Quarry


Vault Watchtower Apothecary Apprentice [[Transmute

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Landscapes and Additional Cards
ProCor [images]
Bishop Grand Market Loan Monument Peddler


Rabble Farming Village Horn of Plenty Menagerie [[Tournament

]] !!style="border-left-width:0px; width:20px; text-align:right; "|

Essen 2011

These kingdoms were designed by Donald X. for the Essen tournament. Source

  • Dom: Cellar, Festival, Library, Market, Militia, Moneylender, Smithy, Thief, Throne Room, Woodcutter
  • Int: Conspirator, Coppersmith, Duke, Great Hall, Harem, Pawn, Scout, Steward, Torturer, Upgrade
  • DomSea: Adventurer, Bureaucrat, Council Room, Remodel, Workshop / Caravan, Ghost Ship, Merchant Ship, Native Village, Outpost
  • DomAlc: Chancellor, Festival, Moat, Witch, Woodcutter / Apprentice, Golem, Philosopher's Stone, University, Vineyard
  • DomPro: Cellar, Council Room, Gardens, Thief, Village / Forge, Hoard, Loan, Rabble, Venture
  • DomCor: Cellar, Feast, Laboratory, Mine, Workshop / Fairgrounds, Farming Village, Fortune Teller, Horn of Plenty, Menagerie

Designed On

GokoDom 3

Information on the sets can be found here.

  • Kingdom 1: (No Colonies, No Shelters) Moat, Vagrant, Scheme, Island, Throne Room, Salvager, Jester, Rabble, Fairgrounds, Peddler
  • Kingdom 2: (No Colonies, No Shelters) Oasis, Shanty Town, Marauder, Young Witch, Mining Village, Silk Road, Market, Stables, Merchant Ship, Graverobber, Vagrant (note: Vagrant is bane)
  • Kingdom 3: (USE Colonies, No Shelters) Storeroom, Wishing Well, Coppersmith, Mining Village, Salvager, Throne Room, Mint, Tactician, Bank, Forge
  • Kingdom 4: (No Colonies, No Shelters) Horse Traders, Fool's Gold, Menagerie, Develop, Warehouse, Conspirator, Minion, Duke, Horn of Plenty, Candlestick Maker
  • Kingdom 5: (USE Colonies, No Shelters) Counting House, Mountebank, Inn, Festival, Throne Room, Plaza, Gardens, Trade Route, Storeroom, Scheme
  • Kingdom 6: (No Colonies, No Shelters) Poor House, Hamlet, Tunnel, Oracle, Doctor, Remake, Sea Hag, Inn, Merchant Guild, King's Court
  • Kingdom 7: (No Colonies, USE Shelters) Squire, Bridge, Apprentice, Haggler, Marauder, Urchin, Shanty Town, Library, Hoard, Harem
  • Kingdom 8: (No Colonies, USE Shelters) Stonemason, Tunnel, Storeroom, Watchtower, Rats, Bishop, Fortress, Catacombs, Minion, Hunting Grounds
  • Kingdom 9: (No Colonies, No Shelters) Fool's Gold, Native Village, Stonemason, Market Square, Wishing Well, Ironmonger, Procession, Catacombs, Witch, Adventurer
  • Kingdom 10: (USE Colonies, No Shelters) Scavenger, Philosopher's Stone, Gardens, Squire, Worker's Village, Vault, Steward, Caravan, Mountebank, Adventurer
2012 Championships

Information on the sets can be found here.
1. Submitted by Powerman

Vineyard Apothecary Fishing Village Menagerie Envoy
Young Witch Market Goons Hoard Expand
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Bane pile:
Wishing Well
Potion Platinum Colony

2. Submitted by shark_bait

Fool's Gold Lookout Shanty Town Warehouse Woodcutter
Remodel Sea Hag Apprentice Bazaar Hoard

3. Submitted by Wingnut

Hamlet Menagerie Tunnel Watchtower Monument
Remake Inn Tactician Adventurer Bank

4. Submitted by WanderingWinder

Courtyard Oracle Trade Route Tournament Golem
Bazaar Mint Rabble Fairgrounds King's Court
Landscapes and Additional Cards

5. Submitted by Beyond Awesome

Vineyard Herbalist Fishing Village Philosopher's Stone Caravan
Young Witch Horn of Plenty Mandarin Royal Seal Trading Post
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Bane pile:

6. Submitted by Robz888

Ambassador Lookout Wishing Well Bishop Ironworks
Monument Trader Venture Expand Peddler
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Platinum Colony

7. Submitted by jonts26

Crossroads Embargo Trade Route Tunnel Village
Warehouse Workshop Silk Road Spice Merchant Apprentice

8. Submitted by ednever

Moat Fortune Teller Bridge Moneylender Smithy
Throne Room Festival Jester Vault Fairgrounds

9. Submitted by RobertJ

Chapel Embargo Fool's Gold Oasis Workshop
Thief Throne Room Worker's Village Margrave Wharf

10. Submitted by Polk5440

Haven Fishing Village Scheme Steward Horse Traders
Mountebank Upgrade Festival Library Goons

11. Submitted by Tables

Native Village Talisman Treasure Map Worker's Village City
Vault Venture Grand Market Expand Peddler
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Platinum Colony
2011 Championships

These kingdoms were all designed for a contest which ran alongside the tournament. The rules for the tournament can be found here and information on the winners can be found here.

  • Game 1: Moat, Tunnel, Bishop, Gardens, Ironworks, Young Witch, Tournament, Council Room, Torturer, Border Village - Bane: Hamlet
  • Game 2: Crossroads, Loan, Silk Road, Baron, Bureaucrat, Apprentice, Duke, Farmland, Harem, Nobles - Colony game
  • Game 3: Haven, Great Hall, Workshop, Masquerade, Ironworks, Island, Throne Room, Tactician, Goons, King's Court
  • Game 4: Lookout, Masquerade, Oracle, Smithy, Worker's Village, Festival, Ghost Ship, Margrave, Mountebank, Treasury
  • Game 5: Embargo, University, Scrying Pool, Worker's Village, Remodel, Wharf, Rabble, Grand Market, Forge, Peddler - Colony Game
  • Game 6: Menagerie, Tunnel, Ghost Ship, Governor, Inn, Monument, Worker's Village, Grand Market, Goons, Adventurer
  • Game 7: Embargo, Scheme, Menagerie, Watchtower, Fishing Village, Remake, Haggler, Vault, Grand Market, Expand - Colony Game
  • Game 8: Crossroads, Secret Chamber, Warehouse, Loan, Ambassador, Caravan, Worker's Village, Bureaucrat, Merchant Ship, Grand Market - Colony Game
  • Game 9: Chapel, Fishing Village, Watchtower, Ironworks, Gardens, Bridge, Highway, Mountebank, Ill-Gotten Gains, Goons - Colony Game
Isodom 3

These thematic kingdoms were community designed and voted to be played with during the Isodom 3 tournament.

Round 1

Torturer Merchant Ship Moneylender Caravan Familiar
Watchtower Steward University Embargo Hamlet
Landscapes and Additional Cards

Round 2

Counting House Vault Laboratory Golem Coppersmith
Worker's Village Tunnel Chancellor Apothecary Hamlet
Landscapes and Additional Cards


Harem Venture Golem Tournament Bishop
Thief Remake Tunnel Fishing Village Fool's Gold
Landscapes and Additional Cards
Potion Platinum Colony


Forge Torturer Governor Mountebank Wharf
Sea Hag Worker's Village Familiar Fishing Village Chapel
Landscapes and Additional Cards


Fairgrounds Nobles Golem Spy Quarry
Ironworks Throne Room Menagerie Black Market Native Village
Landscapes and Additional Cards