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[[Image:Council_Room.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Council Room]], a non-attack interaction card.]]

Interaction between players in Dominion comes about through different mechanics. The primary ones are [[Attack]] cards and the [[Supply]] -- the cards there are accessible to all players enabling players to deny others access to cards by emptying a pile, and to exert influence over the end of the game which affects both players. The effect of denial can be more pronounced if fewer copies of certain cards are available - especially for [[split pile]]s like {{Card|Knights}} and {{Card|Encampment}} - and also extends to non-supply cards like {{Card|Traveller|Travellers|file=Travellers}} and {{Card|Reward|Rewards|file=Rewards}}. Finally, this effect also appears with respect to the {{Card|Black Market}} deck as well as [[Boon]]s and [[Hex]]es.
Other than these core mechanics, there are other effects that cause interaction between players, including some that affect all players equally (like {{Ally|Family of Inventors}}), some that give minor benefits to other players (like {{Card|Council Room}}), some that concern resources that can be fought over (like [[Artifact]]s and many [[Landmark]]s), and [[Reaction]]s which can often be used in ''reaction'' to another player's doings.
The distinction between Attack-based and non-Attack interaction is somewhat fluid: On the one hand, there are effects that closely resemble attacks but are not (like {{Card|Haunted Castle}}), on the other hand, some Attack cards also have interactive effects beside their primary Attack effect, for example {{Card|Soothsayer}} (giving a minor bonus to another player), {{Card|Rogue}} (interacting with the [[trash]] that is accessible to both players), and {{Card|Black Cat}} which reacts to another player gaining a card to attack them.
== Non-Attack interactive cards ==
Cards in ''italics'' have been [[removed]].
=== Cards that give a small benefit to other players ===
* {{Card|Council Room}}
* {{Card|Bishop}}
* {{Card|Vault}}
* ''{{Card|Duchess}}''
* ''{{Card|Embassy}}''
* {{Card|Lost City}}
* {{Card|Sacred Grove}}
* {{event|Bargain}}
* {{Card|Governor}}
=== Cards that allow another player to make a decision ===
* ''{{Card|Contraband}}''
* {{Card|War Chest}}
* {{Card|Advisor}}
* {{Card|Envoy}}
=== Effects that apply to all players ===
Some cards have extra effects depending on the state of the supply which are sometimes highly important (such as with {{Card|City}}). Emptying supply piles thereby affects all players when they have access to these effects.
* {{card|Poacher}}
* {{Card|City}}
* {{card|Animal Fair}}
* {{card|Paddock}}
* {{card|Carpenter}}
* {{card|Territory}}
* {{card|Search}}
* {{Landmark|Tower}}
* [[Command variant]]s that play cards from the supply (like {{Card|Band of Misfits}}) also depend on the supply because they can't play cards from empty piles.
* {{Event|Salt the Earth}} can influence the supply without a player gaining a card.
Similarly, the effects of {{Card|Forager}}, {{card|Necromancer}}, and {{card|Mountain Shrine}} depend on cards in the trash, so trashing cards affects all players, if those effects are available.
* ''{{Card|Embargo}}'' puts an Embargo Token on a supply pile, causing all future buys from that pile to come with a {{Card|Curse}}.
* ''{{Card|Trade Route}}'' produces {{Costplus}} based on the number of [[Victory]] card piles that have been gained from.
* {{Event|Tax}} puts [[Debt]] tokens on a supply pile that affect whichever player is next to buy from that pile.
* {{Ally|Family of Inventors}} makes a non-[[Victory]] Supply pile cheaper for all players
* {{Card|Messenger}} can give out a useful or harmful card but all players gain a copy of the card.
* [[Prophecy|Prophecies]] affect all players when they are activated.
===Resources that can be fought over or taken away===
Some effects can gain cards from the trash which is accessible to all players, so you can take cards from there for yourself and deny them to your opponent.
* {{Card|Lurker}}
* {{Card|Graverobber}}
* {{Card|Treasurer}}
* {{Card|Lich}}
* {{card|Shaman}}
[[Gathering]] cards can collect {{VP}} tokens over time which every player has the opportunity to take away:
* {{Card|Farmers' Market}}
* {{Card|Temple}}
* {{card|Wild Hunt}}
Some [[Landmark]]s come with a limited amount of {{VP}} tokens that can be fought over:
* {{Landmark|Aqueduct}}
* {{Landmark|Arena}}
* {{Landmark|Baths}}
* {{Landmark|Basilica}}
* {{Landmark|Battlefield}}
* {{Landmark|Colonnade}}
* {{Landmark|Defiled Shrine}}
* {{Landmark|Labyrinth}}
* {{Landmark|Mountain Pass}}
Some cards offer access to a unique instance of an effect - mostly [[Artifact]]s - which can be passed back and forth between players:
* {{card|Fool}} with {{State|Lost in the Woods}}
* {{card|Border Guard}} with {{Artifact|Horn}} and {{Artifact|Lantern}}
* {{card|Flag Bearer}} with {{Artifact|Flag}}
* {{card|Swashbuckler}} with {{Artifact|Treasure Chest}}
* {{card|Treasurer}} with {{Artifact|Key}}
=== Cards whose effects depend on another player's deck, hand, or play area ===
* ''{{Card|Tribute}}''
* {{Card|Possession}}
* ''{{Card|Tournament}}''
* {{card|Chariot Race}}
* {{Card|Gladiator}}
* {{Landmark|Keep}}
* {{Landmark|Triumphal Arch}}
* {{Card|Goatherd}}
* {{card|Tools}}
===Interactions with other players gaining cards===
* {{card|Monkey}}
* {{Card|Smugglers}}
* {{card|Pirate}}
* {{Card|Fool's Gold}}
* {{Card|Treasure Hunter}}
* {{Project|Road Network}}
* {{Card|Falconer}}
* {{Event|Invest}}
* {{card|Cutthroat}} ''is'' an Attack, but it has an interactive ability unrelated to its status as an Attack.
* {{Card|Mapmaker}}
* {{Card|Stowaway}}
Most [[Reaction]]s can trigger on the doings of another player.
=== Attack-like effects ===
These are not attacks but have interactive effects that are typically associated with attacks:
* ''{{Card|Ill-Gotten Gains}}''
* ''{{Card|Noble Brigand}}'': Although an [[Attack]] when played, the when-buy effect is not technically an Attack and as such cannot be protected against by cards like {{Card|Moat}} or {{Card|Lighthouse}}.
* {{Event|Raid}}
* {{Card|Haunted Castle}}
* {{Ally|Circle of Witches}}
* {{Card|Masquerade}}: each player passes a card to the next player.
* {{event|Maelstrom}}: each player trashes from their hand, which may be beneficial or harmful
{{Card|Possession}} is also often considered to be similar to an Attack.
=== Cards that give a small benefit to other players ===
{{startsort|1}}{{Image|Bishop|cost=$04}}{{Image|Council Room|link=Council Room|file=Council_Room|cost=$05}}{{Image|Governor|cost=$05}}{{Image|Lost City|link=Lost City|file=Lost_City|cost=$05}}{{Image|Sacred Grove|link=Sacred Grove|file=Sacred_Grove|cost=$05}}{{Image|Vault|cost=$05}}{{Image|Bargain|size=320|cost=$04}}{{endsort}}
=== Cards that allow another player to make a decision ===
{{Image|Advisor|cost=$04}}{{Image|Envoy|cost=$04}}{{Image|War Chest|link=War Chest|file=War_Chest|cost=$05}}
=== Effects that apply to all players ===
{{startsort|2}}{{Image|Animal Fair|link=Animal Fair|file=Animal_Fair|cost=$07*}}{{Image|Carpenter|cost=$04}}{{Image|City|cost=$05}}{{Image|Forager|cost=$03}}{{Image|Messenger|cost=$04}}{{Image|Mountain Shrine|link=Mountain Shrine|file=Mountain_Shrine|cost=$0005D}}{{Image|Necromancer|cost=$04}}{{Image|Paddock|cost=$05}}{{Image|Poacher|cost=$04}}{{Image|Search|cost=$02}}{{Image|Territory|cost=$06}}{{Image|Family of Inventors|link=Family of Inventors|file=Family_of_Inventors|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Salt the Earth|link=Salt the Earth|file=Salt_the_Earth|size=320|cost=$04}}{{Image|Tax|size=320|cost=$02}}{{Image|Tower|size=320|cost=$00}}{{endsort}}
===Resources that can be fought over or taken away===
{{startsort|3}}{{Image|Border Guard|link=Border Guard|file=Border_Guard|cost=$02}}{{Image|Farmers' Market|link=Farmers' Market|file=Farmers'_Market|cost=$03}}{{Image|Flag Bearer|link=Flag Bearer|file=Flag_Bearer|cost=$04}}{{Image|Fool|cost=$03}}{{Image|Graverobber|cost=$05}}{{Image|Lich|cost=$06}}{{Image|Lurker|cost=$02}}{{Image|Swashbuckler|cost=$05}}{{Image|Temple|cost=$04}}{{Image|Treasurer|cost=$05}}{{Image|Wild Hunt|link=Wild Hunt|file=Wild_Hunt|cost=$05}}{{Image|Aqueduct|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Arena|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Basilica|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Baths|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Battlefield|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Colonnade|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Defiled Shrine|link=Defiled Shrine|file=Defiled_Shrine|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Labyrinth|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Mountain Pass|link=Mountain Pass|file=Mountain_Pass|size=320|cost=$00}}{{endsort}}
=== Cards whose effects depend on another player's deck or hand ===
{{startsort|4}}{{Image|Chariot Race|link=Chariot Race|file=Chariot_Race|cost=$03}}{{Image|Gladiator|cost=$03}}{{Image|Goatherd|cost=$03}}{{Image|Possession|cost=$06P}}{{Image|Tools|cost=$04}}{{Image|Keep|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Triumphal Arch|link=Triumphal Arch|file=Triumphal_Arch|size=320|cost=$00}}{{endsort}}
===Interactions with other players gaining cards===
{{startsort|5}}{{Image|Cutthroat|cost=$05}}{{Image|Falconer|cost=$05}}{{Image|Fool's Gold|link=Fool's Gold|file=Fool's_Gold|cost=$02}}{{Image|Mapmaker|cost=$04}}{{Image|Monkey|cost=$03}}{{Image|Pirate|cost=$05}}{{Image|Smugglers|cost=$03}}{{Image|Stowaway|cost=$03}}{{Image|Treasure Hunter|link=Treasure Hunter|file=Treasure_Hunter|cost=$03*}}{{Image|Invest|size=320|cost=$04}}{{Image|Road Network|link=Road Network|file=Road_Network|size=320|cost=$05}}{{endsort}}
=== Attack-like effects ===
{{startsort|6}}{{Image|Haunted Castle|link=Haunted Castle|file=Haunted_Castle|cost=$06}}{{Image|Masquerade|cost=$03}}{{Image|Circle of Witches|link=Circle of Witches|file=Circle_of_Witches|size=320|cost=$00}}{{Image|Maelstrom|size=320|cost=$04}}{{Image|Raid|size=320|cost=$05}}{{endsort}}
{{startsort|7}}{{Image|Contraband|cost=$05}}{{Image|Duchess|cost=$02}}{{Image|Embargo|cost=$02}}{{Image|Embassy|cost=$05}}{{Image|Ill-Gotten Gains|link=Ill-Gotten Gains|file=Ill-Gotten_Gains|cost=$05}}{{Image|Noble Brigand|link=Noble Brigand|file=Noble_Brigand|cost=$04}}{{Image|Tournament|cost=$04}}{{Image|Trade Route|link=Trade Route|file=Trade_Route|cost=$03}}{{Image|Tribute|cost=$05}}{{endsort}}
Dominion is occasionally caricatured as "multi-player solitaire", in that in some circumstances it is possible for each player to independently build their own deck, with no direct interaction between different players' strategies and deck compositions. This tendency is mitigated, however, by the presence of cards that affect players other than their owners; this arguably makes the game more fun and strategic by keeping each player involved even during other players' turns. [[Attack]] cards are interactive in this way, but also tend to delay the game and are unpopular with some players; for this reason [[Donald X. Vaccarino]] thought it important to include '''non-Attack cards that cause interaction between players''' as well. At an early stage of development non-Attack interaction was the theme of the "War" expansion that eventually was revised into [[Dark Ages]]; it ended up being a subtheme of [[Prosperity]], an expansion with relatively few Attack cards. But some such cards are present in each expansion.
{{Navbox card categories}}
[[Category:Other card categories]]

Revision as of 11:22, 13 September 2024

Council Room, a non-attack interaction card.

Interaction between players in Dominion comes about through different mechanics. The primary ones are Attack cards and the Supply -- the cards there are accessible to all players enabling players to deny others access to cards by emptying a pile, and to exert influence over the end of the game which affects both players. The effect of denial can be more pronounced if fewer copies of certain cards are available - especially for split piles like Knights and Encampment - and also extends to non-supply cards like Travellers and Rewards. Finally, this effect also appears with respect to the Black Market deck as well as Boons and Hexes.

Other than these core mechanics, there are other effects that cause interaction between players, including some that affect all players equally (like Family of Inventors), some that give minor benefits to other players (like Council Room), some that concern resources that can be fought over (like Artifacts and many Landmarks), and Reactions which can often be used in reaction to another player's doings.

The distinction between Attack-based and non-Attack interaction is somewhat fluid: On the one hand, there are effects that closely resemble attacks but are not (like Haunted Castle), on the other hand, some Attack cards also have interactive effects beside their primary Attack effect, for example Soothsayer (giving a minor bonus to another player), Rogue (interacting with the trash that is accessible to both players), and Black Cat which reacts to another player gaining a card to attack them.

Non-Attack interactive cards

Cards in italics have been removed.

Cards that give a small benefit to other players

Cards that allow another player to make a decision

Effects that apply to all players

Some cards have extra effects depending on the state of the supply which are sometimes highly important (such as with City). Emptying supply piles thereby affects all players when they have access to these effects.

Similarly, the effects of Forager, Necromancer, and Mountain Shrine depend on cards in the trash, so trashing cards affects all players, if those effects are available.

  • Embargo puts an Embargo Token on a supply pile, causing all future buys from that pile to come with a Curse.
  • Trade Route produces +$ based on the number of Victory card piles that have been gained from.
  • Tax puts Debt tokens on a supply pile that affect whichever player is next to buy from that pile.
  • Family of Inventors makes a non-Victory Supply pile cheaper for all players
  • Messenger can give out a useful or harmful card but all players gain a copy of the card.
  • Prophecies affect all players when they are activated.

Resources that can be fought over or taken away

Some effects can gain cards from the trash which is accessible to all players, so you can take cards from there for yourself and deny them to your opponent.

Gathering cards can collect VP tokens over time which every player has the opportunity to take away:

Some Landmarks come with a limited amount of VP tokens that can be fought over:

Some cards offer access to a unique instance of an effect - mostly Artifacts - which can be passed back and forth between players:

Cards whose effects depend on another player's deck, hand, or play area

Interactions with other players gaining cards


Most Reactions can trigger on the doings of another player.

Attack-like effects

These are not attacks but have interactive effects that are typically associated with attacks:

Possession is also often considered to be similar to an Attack.


Cards that give a small benefit to other players

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Cards that allow another player to make a decision

Effects that apply to all players

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Resources that can be fought over or taken away

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Cards whose effects depend on another player's deck or hand

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Interactions with other players gaining cards

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Attack-like effects

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Dominion is occasionally caricatured as "multi-player solitaire", in that in some circumstances it is possible for each player to independently build their own deck, with no direct interaction between different players' strategies and deck compositions. This tendency is mitigated, however, by the presence of cards that affect players other than their owners; this arguably makes the game more fun and strategic by keeping each player involved even during other players' turns. Attack cards are interactive in this way, but also tend to delay the game and are unpopular with some players; for this reason Donald X. Vaccarino thought it important to include non-Attack cards that cause interaction between players as well. At an early stage of development non-Attack interaction was the theme of the "War" expansion that eventually was revised into Dark Ages; it ended up being a subtheme of Prosperity, an expansion with relatively few Attack cards. But some such cards are present in each expansion.

Attacks Attack immunityCurserDeck inspection attackDeck order attackHandsize attackJunking attackTrashing attackTurn-worsening attack
Buy/Money +BuyCost-reducerDisappearing moneyOverpayPeddler variantTerminal silverVirtual coinVirtual +Buy
Cycling Deck discarderDeck inspectorDiggingDiscard for benefitSifter
Terminality CantripNon-terminalNon-terminal drawSoft terminalTerminalTerminal drawThrone Room variantVillageConditional non-terminal
Other Alt-VPBasic cardsDuration drawCommand variantGainerLuck-basedNon-Attack interactionOne-shotRemodelerSplit pileTop deckerTrasherVanillaExtra turn