Non-terminal draw

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Laboratory, a non-terminal draw card.

Cards that can increase your handsize without depleting your number of available Actions are referred to as non-terminal draw cards. They make a welcome addition to almost any engine strategy, in which large handsizes allow you to find and line up your key engine components.

The simplest vanilla non-terminal draw card is Laboratory; cards that have similar effects are therefore sometimes referred to as Lab variants.

Non-terminal draw is closely related to duration draw: playing a duration-draw card on one turn provides an effect similar to playing a non-terminal draw card on your next turn.

List of non-terminal draw cards

These draw a specified number of cards—typically a total of +2 Cards, occasionally more—and can draw any card. Cards in italics have been removed.

Conditional effects

These cards are restricted by only being able to increase handsize in certain circumstances; if the condition is not met, most will be simple cantrips, or even reduce handsize.

Specific-card drawers

A subset of conditional non-terminal draw. These non-terminal cards only draw cards of a specific type or other category, and increase handsize if they find such cards.

Non-terminal duration draw

These non-terminal cards increase handsize on future turns, not immediately.

Unreliable non-terminal draw

These cards are not usually considered Lab variants, but can play that role in some decks:

  • Ironmonger can act as Lab variants depending on what card is on top of your deck.
  • Shanty Town acts as a Lab variant if you have no Action cards in hand, but otherwise decreases handsize.
  • Diplomat acts as a Lab variant if your handsize is small, but otherwise is terminal.
  • Native Village hides away cards, rather than drawing them, but can non-terminally add them to your hand.
  • Trusty Steed and Courser are difficult to gain and you can generally only get one copy of them, so they're hard to use as the basis of an engine.
  • Crossroads provides non-terminal draw the first time you play it on a turn, if there are multiple Victory cards in your hand.
  • Cultist is technically terminal, but will allow you to play additional Cultists after it.
  • Imp allows you to play an Action that you don't yet have a copy of in play, which can make it non-terminal if the other Action you play also is.
  • Avanto allows you to play a cantrip Sauna if you have one in your hand after drawing, giving you back the Action you used to play Avanto.
  • Sheepdog can provide draw without using up an Action if you gain a card while you have it in hand.
  • Goatherd provides non-terminal draw if your opponent trashed multiple cards on their last turn.
  • Emissary is only non-terminal if it makes you shuffle while drawing.

Related cards

These cards draw multiple cards but overall only maintain handsize rather than increasing it.

  • Secret Passage is a non-terminal source of +2 Cards, but then you return a card to your deck, so it maintains handsize rather than increasing it.
  • Fugitive and Ferryman are non-terminal sources of +2 Cards, but its required discard means it maintains handsize, rather than increasing it.
  • Forum is a non-terminal source of +3 Cards, but its required discard means it maintains handsize, rather than increasing it.
  • Recruiter gives you Villagers if you trash a card with a non-zero coin cost, allowing you to recover the Action you used to play it if you want to. However, since trashing is mandatory, this doesn't actually increase handsize.


===Unconditional===Sort by Name

===Conditional===Sort by Name

===Only specific cards===Sort by Name

Attacks Attack immunityCurserDeck inspection attackDeck order attackHandsize attackJunking attackTrashing attackTurn-worsening attack
Buy/Money +BuyCost-reducerDisappearing moneyOverpayPeddler variantTerminal silverVirtual coinVirtual +Buy
Cycling Deck discarderDeck inspectorDiggingDiscard for benefitSifter
Terminality CantripNon-terminalNon-terminal drawSoft terminalTerminalTerminal drawThrone Room variantVillageConditional non-terminal
Other Alt-VPBasic cardsDuration drawCommand variantGainerLuck-basedNon-Attack interactionOne-shotRemodelerSplit pileTop deckerTrasherVanillaExtra turn