List of illustrators

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Here is a list of illustrators of Dominion cards:

Illustrator Cards
Alayna Lemmer HarvestHarvest.jpg, Horn of PlentyHorn of Plenty.jpg, DuchessDuchess.jpg, OasisOasis.jpg, Spice MerchantSpice Merchant.jpg, Dame NatalieDame Natalie.jpg, MysticMystic.jpg, AdvisorAdvisor.jpg, SoothsayerSoothsayer.jpg
Alejandro Gutiérrez Franco LookoutLookout.jpg
Alexander Jung SwindlerSwindler.jpg, AmbassadorAmbassador.jpg
Alex Drummond FamiliarFamiliar.jpg, VaultVault.jpg, ProcessionProcession.jpg, StoreroomStoreroom.jpg, SurvivorsSurvivors.jpg
Brian Brinlee QuarryQuarry.jpg, TunnelTunnel.jpg, NecropolisNecropolis.jpg
Christof Tisch WorkshopWorkshop.jpg, DukeDuke.jpg, MinionMinion.jpg, Sea HagSea Hag.jpg
Claus Stephan VillageVillage.jpg, MineMine.jpg, CoppersmithCoppersmith.jpg, Mining VillageMining Village.jpg, HavenHaven.jpg, OutpostOutpost.jpg, TransmuteTransmute.jpg, Worker's VillageWorker's Village.jpg, HagglerHaggler.jpg, Abandoned MineAbandoned Mine.jpg, PillagePillage.jpg, CurseCurseOld2.jpg, PotionPotionOld2.jpg
Colin Throm HoardHoard.jpg
Dennis Lohausen SaboteurSaboteur.jpg, ExplorerExplorer.jpg, King's CourtKing's Court.jpg, StablesStables.jpg, CountCount.jpg, IronmongerIronmonger.jpg
Doris Matthäus Ruined VillageRuined Village.jpg, Walled VillageWalled Village.jpg
Eric J Carter TalismanTalisman.jpg, FarmlandFarmland.jpg, HighwayHighway.jpg, ForagerForager.jpg, HovelHovel.jpg, Merchant GuildMerchant Guild.jpg, PrincePrince.jpg
Franz Vohwinkel PawnPawn.jpg, MasqueradeMasquerade.jpg, TorturerTorturer.jpg, IslandIsland.jpg, Native VillageNative Village.jpg, Pirate ShipPirate Ship.jpg, GolemGolem.jpg, MarauderMarauder.jpg, ScavengerScavenger.jpg, Black MarketBlack Market.jpg
Garret(t) DeChellis* Farming VillageFarming Village.jpg, Nomad CampNomad Camp.jpg, BeggarBeggar.jpg, Sir VanderSir Vander.jpg
Guillaume Ducos Wandering MinstrelWandering Minstrel.jpg
Harald Lieske LibraryLibrary.jpg, Throne RoomThrone Room.jpg, BridgeBridge.jpg, CourtyardCourtyard.jpg, EmbargoEmbargo.jpg, Fishing VillageFishing Village.jpg, HerbalistHerbalist.jpg, Trade RouteTrade Route.jpg, Ruined LibraryRuined Library.jpg, SageSage.jpg, SquireSquire.jpg, GovernorGovernor.jpg
Ian Kirkpatrick RatsRats.jpg
Jacob Corn Philosopher's StonePhilosopher's Stone.jpg
Jason Slavin Royal SealRoyal Seal.jpg, Ill-Gotten GainsIll-Gotten Gains.jpg, CultistCultist.jpg
Jason Snair BankBank.jpg
Jeff Himmelman Horse TradersHorse Traders.jpg, JesterJester.jpg
Jesse Mead RogueRogue.jpg
Jessica Cox FairgroundsFairgrounds.jpg, Young WitchYoung Witch.jpg, OracleOracle.jpg, Dame SylviaDame Sylvia.jpg, Poor HousePoor House.jpg, HeraldHerald.jpg, TaxmanTaxman.jpg
Joshua Balvin PeddlerPeddler.jpg
Joshua Stewart Noble BrigandNoble Brigand.jpg, MargraveMargrave.jpg, Sir BaileySir Bailey.jpg, VagrantVagrant.jpg
Julien Delval LaboratoryLaboratory.jpg, ThiefThief.jpg, Great HallGreat Hall.jpg, WarehouseWarehouse.jpg, VineyardVineyard.jpg, MonumentMonument.jpg, SchemeScheme.jpg, GraverobberGraverobber.jpg, Sir MartinSir Martin.jpg
Kelli Stakenas Candlestick MakerCandlestick Maker.jpg, MasterpieceMasterpiece.jpg
Kieron O'Gorman PossessionPossession.jpg, MountebankMountebank.jpg, Jack of all TradesJack of All Trades.jpg
Kim Feigenbaum MintMint.jpg
Klemens Franz Scrying PoolScrying Pool.jpg
Kurt Miller HamletHamlet.jpg, Hunting PartyHunting Party.jpg, Border VillageBorder Village.jpg, Junk DealerJunk Dealer.jpg, RebuildRebuild.jpg, JourneymanJourneyman.jpg
Lee Smith VentureVenture.jpg
Lorraine Schleter FollowersFollowers.jpg, TraderTrader.jpg, Dame AnnaDame Anna.jpg, Market SquareMarket Square.jpg, DoctorDoctor.jpg, StonemasonStonemason.jpg
Lynell Ingram PrincessPrincess.jpg, MandarinMandarin.jpg, Dame JosephineDame Josephine.jpg, Dame MollyDame Molly.jpg, BakerBaker.jpg, ButcherButcher.jpg
Marcel-André Casasola Merkle FestivalFestival.jpg, NoblesNobles.jpg, Secret ChamberSecret Chamber.jpg, CaravanCaravan.jpg, LighthouseLighthouse.jpg, UniversityUniversity.jpg, Grand MarketGrand Market.jpg, InnInn.jpg, ArmoryArmory.jpg, CatacombsCatacombs.jpg, Ruined MarketRuined Market.jpg
Marco Morte CityCity.jpg, DevelopDevelop.jpg, EmbassyEmbassy.jpg, Death CartDeath Cart.jpg, FortressFortress.jpg, Sir DestrySir Destry.jpg, Sir MichaelSir Michael.jpg
Mark Poole RemakeRemake.jpg, Trusty SteedTrusty Steed.jpg, CartographerCartographer.jpg
Martin Hoffmann IronworksIronworks.jpg, Trading PostTrading Post.jpg, BazaarBazaar.jpg, CutpurseCutpurse.jpg, TacticianTactician.jpg, ApprenticeApprentice.jpg, ForgeForge.jpg, Silk RoadSilk Road.jpg, MercenaryMercenary.jpg, Overgrown EstateOvergrown Estate.jpg, UrchinUrchin.jpg, StashStash.jpg, EstateEstateOld2.jpg, DuchyDuchyOld2.jpg, ProvinceProvinceOld2.jpg, ColonyColonyOld2.jpg
Matthew Tames MenagerieMenagerie.jpg
Matthias Catrein BureaucratBureaucrat.jpg, CellarCellar.jpg, ChancellorChancellor.jpg, ChapelChapel.jpg, Council RoomCouncil Room.jpg, FeastFeast.jpg, GardensGardens.jpg, MarketMarket.jpg, MilitiaMilitia.jpg, MoatMoat.jpg, MoneylenderMoneylender.jpg, RemodelRemodel.jpg, SmithySmithy.jpg, WitchWitch.jpg, WoodcutterWoodcutter.jpg, ConspiratorConspirator.jpg, ScoutScout.jpg, StewardSteward.jpg, TributeTribute.jpg, UpgradeUpgrade.jpg, Ghost ShipGhost Ship.jpg, Treasure MapTreasure Map.jpg, PotionPotion.jpg, Counting HouseCounting House.jpg, CrossroadsCrossroads.jpg, AltarAltar.jpg, FeodumFeodum.jpg, KnightsKnights.jpg, EnvoyEnvoy.jpg
Maura Kalusky HaremHarem.jpg, Shanty TownShanty Town.jpg, NavigatorNavigator.jpg, Pearl DiverPearl Diver.jpg
Michael Menzel SpySpy.jpg
Raven Mimura Fortune TellerFortune Teller.jpg
Rick Hershey WatchtowerWatchtower.jpg
Rom BishopBishop.jpg
Ryan Laukat AdventurerAdventurer.jpg, BaronBaron.jpg, Wishing WellWishing Well.jpg, Merchant ShipMerchant Ship.jpg, TreasuryTreasury.jpg, ApothecaryApothecary.jpg, ExpandExpand.jpg, Bag of GoldBag of Gold.jpg, DiademDiadem.jpg, Fool's GoldFool's Gold.jpg, CounterfeitCounterfeit.jpg, SpoilsSpoils.jpg, PlazaPlaza.jpg, CopperCopperOld2.jpg, GoldGoldOld2.jpg, PlatinumPlatinumOld2.jpg, SilverSilverOld2.jpg
Simon Jannerland AlchemistAlchemist.jpg, LoanLoan.jpg, Hunting GroundsHunting Grounds.jpg
Simon Samuelsson WharfWharf.jpg
Taylor Bennett TournamentTournament.jpg
Tu Pei-Shu GoonsGoons.jpg

There are only a few Dominion artists that I wouldn't ask to do an entire game of mine, if I were making those calls - there is a lot of good or great art. I'm not so comfortable singling out the worst artists, but as it happens I think I can stomach saying that either Shanty Town or Pearl Diver is the very worst. A lot of people don't like Kalusky's Dominion art; it's nice to have a variety of styles but that stuff is just too cartoony in this context.


I will single out Marcel-Andre Casasola-Merkle and Claus Stephan as favorite artists. As an example of really nailing a tricky concept, I will single out Ill-Gotten Gains.


In general I leave as much as possible up to the artist. The whole point to the notes is just that some early cards had the wrong thing illustrated. The image on Goons was submitted for Pawn; Steward showed a guy with a serving dish. Not everyone was going to know the terms and sometimes they're ambiguous. Not everyone was going to feel like doing any research. So I started typing up notes.

Treasures often say "no people" because some of the Prosperity ones showed people and I didn't like that as much. A few times I've pointed out things not to do like "no New World crops" or "no gore." Sometimes I've noted the frame color or that something is an attack; I stopped doing that eventually but probably should have kept it up. In rare cases there has been something special to communicate, like the Ruins being ruined versions of things, or the Hermit/Madman connection.

There is an opening paragraph that probably they all get, that notes that the game is medieval, and says the expansion theme. It says that buildings can be shown from inside or outside, that people can be non-European. I used to say could be male or female, then I added, we don't get many females and would like more. Even female artists mostly drew men. For Adventures I just specified male or female on all of the cards that were a person. There will be some women in this art.


  • Prior to Dark Ages, Mr. DeChellis was credited as "Garret"; since then, he has been credited as "Garrett."
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