Card dependencies

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Name Set Needs
Adventurer Base
Artisan Base
Bandit Base
Bureaucrat Base
Cellar Base
Chancellor Base
Chapel Base
Council Room Base
Feast Base
Festival Base
Gardens Base
Harbinger Base
Laboratory Base
Library Base
Market Base
Merchant Base
Militia Base
Mine Base
Moat Base
Moneylender Base
Poacher Base
Remodel Base
Sentry Base
Smithy Base
Spy Base
Thief Base
Throne Room Base
Vassal Base
Village Base
Witch Base
Woodcutter Base
Workshop Base
Baron Intrigue
Bridge Intrigue
Conspirator Intrigue
Coppersmith Intrigue
Courtier Intrigue
Courtyard Intrigue
Diplomat Intrigue
Duke Intrigue
Great Hall Intrigue
Harem Intrigue
Ironworks Intrigue
Lurker Intrigue
Masquerade Intrigue
Mill Intrigue
Mining Village Intrigue
Minion Intrigue
Nobles Intrigue
Patrol Intrigue
Pawn Intrigue
Replace Intrigue
Saboteur Intrigue
Scout Intrigue
Secret Chamber Intrigue
Secret Passage Intrigue
Shanty Town Intrigue
Steward Intrigue
Swindler Intrigue
Torturer Intrigue
Trading Post Intrigue
Tribute Intrigue
Upgrade Intrigue
Wishing Well Intrigue
Ambassador Seaside
Bazaar Seaside
Caravan Seaside
Cutpurse Seaside
Embargo Seaside tokens: embargo tokens
Explorer Seaside
Fishing Village Seaside
Ghost Ship Seaside
Haven Seaside
Island Seaside mats: Island mats
Lighthouse Seaside
Lookout Seaside
Merchant Ship Seaside
Native Village Seaside mats: Native Village mats
Navigator Seaside
Outpost Seaside
Pearl Diver Seaside
Pirate Ship Seaside mats: Pirate Ship mats
tokens: coin tokens
Salvager Seaside
Sea Hag Seaside
Smugglers Seaside
Tactician Seaside
Treasure Map Seaside
Treasury Seaside
Warehouse Seaside
Wharf Seaside
Alchemist Alchemy Potion
Apothecary Alchemy Potion
Apprentice Alchemy
Familiar Alchemy Potion
Golem Alchemy Potion
Herbalist Alchemy
Philosopher's Stone Alchemy Potion
Possession Alchemy Potion
Scrying Pool Alchemy Potion
Transmute Alchemy Potion
University Alchemy Potion
Vineyard Alchemy Potion
Bank Prosperity
Bishop Prosperity tokens: VP tokens
City Prosperity
Contraband Prosperity
Counting House Prosperity
Expand Prosperity
Forge Prosperity
Goons Prosperity tokens: VP tokens
Grand Market Prosperity
Hoard Prosperity
King's Court Prosperity
Loan Prosperity
Mint Prosperity
Monument Prosperity tokens: VP tokens
Mountebank Prosperity
Peddler Prosperity
Quarry Prosperity
Rabble Prosperity
Royal Seal Prosperity
Talisman Prosperity
Trade Route Prosperity mats: Trade Route mat
tokens: coin tokens
Vault Prosperity
Venture Prosperity
Watchtower Prosperity
Worker's Village Prosperity
Fairgrounds Cornucopia
Farming Village Cornucopia
Fortune Teller Cornucopia
Hamlet Cornucopia
Harvest Cornucopia
Horn of Plenty Cornucopia
Horse Traders Cornucopia
Hunting Party Cornucopia
Jester Cornucopia
Menagerie Cornucopia
Remake Cornucopia
Tournament Cornucopia Prizes
Young Witch Cornucopia additional $2 or $3 cost card (for 11th Kingdom pile) as the Bane
Border Village Hinterlands
Cache Hinterlands
Cartographer Hinterlands
Crossroads Hinterlands
Develop Hinterlands
Duchess Hinterlands
Embassy Hinterlands
Farmland Hinterlands
Fool's Gold Hinterlands
Haggler Hinterlands
Highway Hinterlands
Ill-Gotten Gains Hinterlands
Inn Hinterlands
Jack of all Trades Hinterlands
Mandarin Hinterlands
Margrave Hinterlands
Noble Brigand Hinterlands
Nomad Camp Hinterlands
Oasis Hinterlands
Oracle Hinterlands
Scheme Hinterlands
Silk Road Hinterlands
Spice Merchant Hinterlands
Stables Hinterlands
Trader Hinterlands
Tunnel Hinterlands
Altar Dark Ages
Armory Dark Ages
Band of Misfits Dark Ages
Bandit Camp Dark Ages Spoils
Beggar Dark Ages
Catacombs Dark Ages
Counterfeit Dark Ages
Count Dark Ages
Cultist Dark Ages Ruins
Death Cart Dark Ages Ruins
Feodum Dark Ages
Forager Dark Ages
Fortress Dark Ages
Graverobber Dark Ages
Hermit Dark Ages Madman
Hunting Grounds Dark Ages
Ironmonger Dark Ages
Junk Dealer Dark Ages
Knights Dark Ages
Marauder Dark Ages Ruins, Spoils
Market Square Dark Ages
Mystic Dark Ages
Pillage Dark Ages Spoils
Poor House Dark Ages
Procession Dark Ages
Rats Dark Ages
Rebuild Dark Ages
Rogue Dark Ages
Sage Dark Ages
Scavenger Dark Ages
Squire Dark Ages
Storeroom Dark Ages
Urchin Dark Ages Mercenary
Vagrant Dark Ages
Wandering Minstrel Dark Ages
Advisor Guilds
Baker Guilds tokens: coin tokens
Butcher Guilds tokens: coin tokens
Candlestick Maker Guilds tokens: coin tokens
Doctor Guilds
Herald Guilds
Journeyman Guilds
Masterpiece Guilds
Merchant Guild Guilds tokens: coin tokens
Plaza Guilds tokens: coin tokens
Soothsayer Guilds
Stonemason Guilds
Taxman Guilds
Amulet Adventures
Artificer Adventures
Bridge Troll Adventures tokens: Adventures tokens
Caravan Guard Adventures
Coin of the Realm Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Distant Lands Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Dungeon Adventures
Duplicate Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Events - Adventures Adventures tokens: Adventures tokens
Gear Adventures
Giant Adventures tokens: Adventures tokens
Guide Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Haunted Woods Adventures
Hireling Adventures
Lost City Adventures
Magpie Adventures
Messenger Adventures
Miser Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Page Adventures Treasure Hunter, Warrior, Hero, Champion
Peasant Adventures Soldier, Fugitive, Disciple, Teacher
mats: Tavern mats
tokens: Adventures tokens
Port Adventures
Ranger Adventures tokens: Adventures tokens
Ratcatcher Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Raze Adventures
Relic Adventures tokens: Adventures tokens
Royal Carriage Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Storyteller Adventures
Swamp Hag Adventures
Transmogrify Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Treasure Trove Adventures
Wine Merchant Adventures mats: Tavern mats
Archive Empires
Capital Empires tokens: Debt tokens
Castles Empires tokens: VP tokens
Catapult Empires Rocks
Chariot Race Empires tokens: VP tokens
Charm Empires
City Quarter Empires tokens: Debt tokens
Crown Empires
Encampment Empires Plunder
tokens: VP tokens
Enchantress Empires
Engineer Empires tokens: Debt tokens
Events - Empires Empires tokens: VP tokens, Debt tokens
Farmers' Market Empires tokens: VP tokens
Forum Empires
Gladiator Empires Fortune
tokens: Debt tokens
Groundskeeper Empires tokens: VP tokens
Landmarks Empires tokens: VP tokens, Debt tokens
Legionary Empires
Overlord Empires tokens: Debt tokens
Patrician Empires Emporium
tokens: VP tokens
Royal Blacksmith Empires tokens: Debt tokens
Sacrifice Empires tokens: VP tokens
Settlers Empires Bustling Village
Temple Empires tokens: VP tokens
Villa Empires
Wild Hunt Empires tokens: VP tokens
Bard Nocturne Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Blessed Village Nocturne Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Cemetery Nocturne Haunted Mirror (replaces one of starting Coppers), Ghost
Changeling Nocturne
Cobbler Nocturne
Conclave Nocturne
Crypt Nocturne
Cursed Village Nocturne Hexes, Deluded/Envious, Miserable/Twice Miserable
Den of Sin Nocturne
Devil's Workshop Nocturne Imp
Druid Nocturne Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Exorcist Nocturne Ghost, Imp, Will-o'-Wisp
Faithful Hound Nocturne
Fool Nocturne Lucky Coin (replaces one of starting Coppers), Lost in the Woods, Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Ghost Town Nocturne
Guardian Nocturne
Idol Nocturne Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Leprechaun Nocturne Wish, Hexes, Deluded/Envious, Miserable/Twice Miserable
Monastery Nocturne
Necromancer Nocturne Zombie cards
Night Watchman Nocturne
Pixie Nocturne Goat (replaces one of starting Coppers), Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Pooka Nocturne Cursed Gold (replaces one of starting Coppers)
Raider Nocturne
Sacred Grove Nocturne Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Secret Cave Nocturne Magic Lamp (replaces one of starting Coppers), Wish
Shepherd Nocturne Pasture (replaces one of starting Coppers)
Skulk Nocturne Hexes, Deluded/Envious, Miserable/Twice Miserable
Tormentor Nocturne Hexes, Deluded/Envious, Miserable/Twice Miserable, Imp
Tracker Nocturne Pouch (replaces one of starting Coppers), Boons, Will-o'-Wisp
Tragic Hero Nocturne
Vampire Nocturne Bat, Hexes, Deluded/Envious, Miserable/Twice Miserable
Werewolf Nocturne Hexes, Deluded/Envious, Miserable/Twice Miserable
Acting Troupe Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Border Guard Renaissance Horn, Lantern
Cargo Ship Renaissance
Ducat Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Experiment Renaissance
Flag Bearer Renaissance Flag
Hideout Renaissance
Improve Renaissance
Inventor Renaissance
Lackeys Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Mountain Village Renaissance
Old Witch Renaissance
Patron Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Priest Renaissance
Recruiter Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Research Renaissance
Scepter Renaissance
Scholar Renaissance
Sculptor Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Seer Renaissance
Silk Merchant Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Spices Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Swashbuckler Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Treasure Chest
Treasurer Renaissance Key
Villain Renaissance mats: Coffers/Villagers mats
tokens: coin tokens
Black Market Promo additional ~25 different Kingdom cards (1 copy of each)
Envoy Promo
Governor Promo
Prince Promo
Sauna Promo Avanto
Stash Promo
Summon Promo
Walled Village Promo