Card pools

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Card pools are a feature provided by Dominion Online to allow new players to be gradually introduced to the wide range of Dominion cards and card-shaped things by beginning with the simplest cards, and gradually adding more complex card abilities and game mechanics to their repertoire. Players can set the card pool level they are most comfortable with, and cards belonging to a higher level will not be included in games they play using Dominion Online's Automatch feature.

The first level simply consists of the cards from the base set of Dominion; but higher card pool levels add cards based on the mechanics they use and their level of complexity, not based on what expansions they belong to. Not all cards introduced at a given pool level involve the mechanics being introduced at that level; some cards are delayed to later pools than they might be eligible for, either because they have relatively complex behavior for other reasons, or apparently merely to ensure that each pool contains a well-balanced range of cards. A few cards seem to be listed at lower levels than expected—for instance, although for the most part cost reduction doesn't appear until level 6, inventor can be found at level 5.

Card Pool descriptions and listings

Level 1

Level 1 consists simply of the cards from the Dominion base set.

Level 2

Level 2 adds cards with relatively simple abilities from a wide range of expansions:

Level 3

Level 3 introduces cards that ask the players to make choices, as well as Duration cards and Kingdom Treasures, and a handful of other cards involving more advanced gameplay than are present at levels 1 and 2. Platinum and Colony also become available at level 3.

Level 4

Level 4 introduces cards with effects that activate when they are gained or trashed, as well as Victory tokens, among other new card abilities.

Level 5

At level 5, Coffers, Villagers, and Debt are introduced, as well as the Exile mechanic and Reaction cards beyond the base set's Moat.

Level 6

Level 6 introduces the use of Favors and cost reduction, as well as abilities that activate when a card is discarded, cards that are sensitive to the contents of the Trash, and other effects.

Level 7

Level 7 features several mechanics that made their debut in AdventuresEvents, Reserve cards, and Adventures tokens—as well as Shadow cards from Rising Sun.

Level 8

At level 8, Night cards, Loot, and Horses are introduced, along with landscapes such as Landmarks, Projects, Traits, and Prophecies. Level 8 is also the first level at which Shelters can be used.

Level 9

Level 9 introduces split piles, Boons, Hexes, Heirlooms, Artifacts, and a variety of non-Supply piles.

Level 10

Reserved for the final level are a number of complex cards and advanced mechanics such as Ways, Command variants, overpaying, and Potions.