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Cost $2
Type(s) Action
Kingdom card? Yes
Set Intrigue
Illustrator(s) Martin Hoffmann
Card text
+1 Action
Choose one: Trash an Action card from the Supply, or gain an Action card from the trash.

Lurker is an Action card from the second edition of Intrigue. It's an unorthodox gainer that allows you the choices of either trashing an Action card from the Supply, or gaining one out of the Trash. This means if you can play Lurker twice in one turn, you can have any Action of your choice.

It also can enable interesting combos with cards that have effects when you trash them, such as Cultist.


Official FAQ

  • The card trashed or gained has to be an Action card, but can have other types too. For example, Lurker can trash Nobles from the Supply and can gain Nobles from the trash.
  • When gaining a card with Lurker, put the gained card into your discard pile.

Other Rules clarifications

  • Trashing a card from the Supply will activate its when-trash abilities. For example, if you trash a Fortress from the Supply, it will move itself into your hand; if you trash Hunting Grounds from the Supply, you gain a Duchy or 3 Estates.
  • Trashing from the Supply does not allow you to react with Market Square, because it isn't one of your cards.
  • You can choose the gain-from-trash option even if there are no Actions in the trash at the time; in that case, nothing happens. (Similarly, you can also choose the trash-from-Supply option even in the unlikely event that there are no Actions in the Supply.)
  • You can only trash the top card of a Supply pile, which may matter with split piles or Knights.


Lurker provides a cheap, non-terminal way to trash Action cards from the Supply and/or gain them from the trash. Although it’s a stop card that usually requires multiple copies and good deck control for effective use, it can be a useful gainer, especially for cards that can rarely be targeted by other gainers; it also interacts helpfully, and sometimes powerfully, with the on-trash effects of other cards.

There are two primary ways to use Lurker as a gainer. One option is to gain Action cards that are already in the Trash: these may include one-shots such as Acting Troupe, cards that you trashed for some benefit, and previous targets of trashing Attacks such as Knights. More commonly, you can gain any Action card with two Lurker plays by first trashing it from the Supply. This is especially worthwhile for expensive Actions (e.g. Grand Market), including those with P in their cost (e.g. Golem) and those costing a large amount of debt (e.g. City Quarter); Lurker is unusual among gainers in its ability to target these. Because you typically need to play Lurker twice in the same turn (using multiple copies or a Throne Room variant) to gain one card, Lurker is usually best in engines with strong draw. Otherwise, leaving a desirable card in the Trash until your next turn may be risky, because an opponent can gain it with their own Lurker and thereby reap the benefits of your effort. Occasionally, however, you may be able to calculate that it’s safe to do this if you’re keeping careful track of your own and others’ shuffles. For the same reason, if your opponent gains a Lurker, it is usually important to get at least one of your own in order to avoid granting them easy and exclusive access to strong cards via a single copy which they can play flexibly.

In addition to its use as a gainer, Lurker can sometimes be useful for its trashing effect alone. Notably, in the endgame, Lurker can be a source of very strong pile pressure. For the purposes of a pile-out, its trashing effect is equivalent to an extra gain, and Lurker is often an especially fast way to deplete piles in this manner because it is non-terminal, so cheap itself, and extremely flexible in which piles it can target.

Lurker’s trashing mechanic can also activate helpful on-trash effects when it targets certain cards in the Supply. The most powerful form of this synergy is the monolithic Lurker/Hunting Grounds combo, a very fast rush which involves buying Lurkers and repeatedly playing these to trash Hunting Grounds and gain Duchies followed by Estates; the game ends rapidly with a pile-out on Hunting Grounds, Duchy, and either Lurker or Estate. Other good targets for Lurker trashing include Catacombs, which provides the effect of a non-terminal Workshop variant; Squire, which allows you to gain any Attack (including an expensive one like Familiar or Scrying Pool); and Fortress, which moves directly from the Supply into your hand when you trash it. You can also generate non-terminal draw by trashing Cultist, take the Flag by trashing Flag Bearer, play your Lurker as a cantrip by trashing Rats, or score VP with Tomb.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Lurker Lurker from Shuffle iT +1 Action
Choose one: Trash an Action card from the Supply, or gain an Action card from the trash.
Intrigue 2nd Edition October 2016

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Chinese 潛伏者 (pron. qiánfú zhě)
Dutch Voyeur +1 Actie
Kies één van de volgende:
vernietig een actiekaart uit de
voorraad; of pak een actiekaart
uit de stapel "Vernietigde
French Rôdeur (lit. prowler)
German Herumtreiberin
(Note: explicitly feminine)
German language Lurker 2021 by ASS German language Lurker from Shuffle iT +1 Aktion
Wähle eins:
Entsorge eine Aktionskarte aus dem Vorrat oder nimm eine Aktionskarte aus dem Müll.
2. Edition
Japanese 伏兵
(pron. fukuhei, lit. ambush)
+1 アクション
次のうち1つを選ぶ: 「サプライのアクションカード1枚を廃棄する」:「廃棄置き場のアクションカード1枚を獲得する」。
Polish Intrygant
(lit. schemer)
Although Polish version is not released, this name is referred to in Polish Dominion 2E rulebook.
Russian Притаившийся
(pron. pritaivshiysya)
Russian language Lurker from Shuffle iT +1 Действие
Выберите одно из двух: выкиньте карту Действня из Резерва; или получите карту Действия со Свалки.
Spanish Acechador Spanish language Lurker +1 Acción
Elige una opción: elimina una carta de Acción del Suministro; o bien gana una carta de Acción de las Eliminadas.


Official card art.

Secret History

I needed a new $2, since my new Reaction was going to cost $4. I also needed an interactive card to replace Tribute. Somehow I hit on this half-Workshop. Trashing from the Supply never worked before (except on Salt the Earth and Gladiator, from around the same time period), but this time it did. The card originally didn't have +1 Action but needed that; one nice thing is, now you can just play two Lurkers to get whatever you want. The player interaction is great. Some people will put good stuff in the trash despite the risk that you'll get to it first; some will refuse, but still get a Lurker to try to leech off of you. Good cards find their way into the trash other ways for you too - Intrigue itself has Swindler, Upgrade, Replace, and Mining Village.

Other comments by Donald X.

For me there are I think 4 pieces to Lurker.

1. Combos. It's in Intrigue so you see those ones more often IRL. Upgrade is a big one; Upgrade Upgrade to Nobles, Lurker the Upgrade. Obv. the combos can be good enough to want Lurker.

2. Pile-emptying.

3. Multiplayer aspects. I mostly play multiplayer and expect that's true for many people IRL. Sometimes someone is going to buy a Lurker and put something good in the trash hoping to get it later, and you want to get in on that. Some games the other players will helplessly put good cards in the trash sometimes, e.g. Upgrade again, only you are taking what they Upgraded too.

4. You can play two Lurkers to gain a thing. This is normally a sucker move but obv. the situation can push it some.

Cards $2 CourtyardLurkerPawn $3 MasqueradeShanty TownStewardSwindlerWishing Well $4 BaronBridgeConspiratorDiplomatIronworksMillMining VillageSecret Passage $5 CourtierDukeMinionPatrolReplaceTorturerTrading PostUpgrade $6 FarmNobles
Removed cards $2 Secret Chamber $3 Great Hall $4 CoppersmithScout $5 SaboteurTribute
Combos and Counters Lurker/Hunting GroundsMasquerade pinNative Village/BridgeRoyal Carriage/Bridge
Dominion Cards
Basic cards $0 CopperCurse $2 Estate $3 Silver $5 Duchy $6 Gold $8 Province
Dominion $2 CellarChapelMoat $3 Harbinger • MerchantVassalVillageWorkshop $4 BureaucratGardensMilitiaMoneylenderPoacherRemodelSmithyThrone Room $5 BanditCouncil RoomFestivalLaboratoryLibraryMarketMineSentry • Witch $6 Artisan
Removed cards: $3 ChancellorWoodcutter $4 FeastSpyThief $6 Adventurer
Intrigue $2 CourtyardLurkerPawn $3 MasqueradeShanty TownStewardSwindlerWishing Well $4 BaronBridgeConspiratorDiplomatIronworksMillMining VillageSecret Passage $5 CourtierDukeMinionPatrolReplaceTorturerTrading PostUpgrade $6 FarmNobles
Removed cards: $2 Secret Chamber $3 Great Hall $4 CoppersmithScout $5 SaboteurTribute
Seaside $2 HavenLighthouseNative Village $3 AstrolabeFishing VillageLookoutMonkeySea ChartSmugglersWarehouse $4 BlockadeCaravanCutpurseIslandSailorSalvagerTide PoolsTreasure Map $5 BazaarCorsairMerchant ShipOutpostPirateSea WitchTacticianTreasuryWharf
Removed cards: $2 EmbargoPearl Diver $3 Ambassador $4 NavigatorPirate ShipSea Hag $5 ExplorerGhost Ship
Alchemy P TransmuteVineyard $2 Herbalist $2P ApothecaryScrying PoolUniversity $3P AlchemistFamiliarPhilosopher's Stone $4 Potion $4P Golem $5 Apprentice $6P Possession
Prosperity $3 AnvilWatchtower $4 BishopClerkInvestmentTiaraMonumentQuarryWorker's Village $5 CharlatanCityCollectionCrystal BallMagnateMintRabbleVaultWar Chest $6 Hoard $6* Grand Market $7 BankExpandForgeKing's Court $8star Peddler $9 Platinum $11 Colony
Removed cards: $3 LoanTrade Route $4 Talisman $5 ContrabandCounting HouseMountebankRoyal SealVenture $6 Goons
Cornucopia & Guilds $2 Candlestick MakerHamlet $2+ FarrierStonemason $3 MenagerieShop $3+ Infirmary $4 AdvisorFarmhandsPlazaRemakeYoung Witch $4+ Herald $5 BakerButcherCarnivalFerrymanFootpadHorn of PlentyHunting PartyJesterJourneymanJoust (Rewards: CoronetCourserDemesneHousecarlHuge TurnipRenown)• Merchant GuildSoothsayer $6 Fairgrounds
Removed cards: $3 Fortune Teller $3+ DoctorMasterpiece $4 Farming VillageHorse TradersTaxmanTournament (Prizes: Bag of GoldDiademFollowersPrincessTrusty Steed) $5 Harvest
Hinterlands $2 CrossroadsFool's Gold $3 DevelopGuard DogOasisSchemeTunnel $4 Jack of All TradesNomadsSpice MerchantTraderTrailWeaver $5 BerserkerCartographerCauldronHagglerHighwayInnMargraveSoukStablesWheelwrightWitch's Hut $6 Border VillageFarmland
Removed cards: $2 Duchess $3 Oracle $4 Noble BrigandNomad CampSilk Road $5 CacheEmbassyIll-Gotten GainsMandarin
Dark Ages $0 Ruins (Abandoned MineRuined LibraryRuined MarketRuined VillageSurvivors) $0* Spoils $1 Poor HouseShelters (HovelNecropolisOvergrown Estate) $2 BeggarSquireVagrant $3 ForagerHermit (Madman) • Market SquareSageStoreroomUrchin (Mercenary) $4 ArmoryDeath CartFeodumFortressIronmongerMarauderProcessionRatsScavengerWandering Minstrel $5 Band of MisfitsBandit CampCatacombsCountCounterfeitCultistGraverobberJunk DealerKnights (Dames Dame AnnaDame JosephineDame MollyDame NatalieDame Sylvia • Sirs Sir BaileySir DestrySir MartinSir MichaelSir Vander) • MysticPillageRebuildRogue $6 AltarHunting Grounds
Adventures $2 Coin of the RealmPage (Treasure HunterWarriorHeroChampion) • Peasant (SoldierFugitiveDiscipleTeacher) • RatcatcherRaze $3 AmuletCaravan GuardDungeonGearGuide $4 DuplicateMagpieMessengerMiserPortRangerTransmogrify $5 ArtificerBridge TrollDistant LandsGiantHaunted WoodsLost CityRelicRoyal CarriageStorytellerSwamp HagTreasure TroveWine Merchant $6 Hireling
Events: $0 AlmsBorrowQuest $1 Save $2 Scouting PartyTravelling Fair $3 BonfireExpeditionFerryPlan $4 MissionPilgrimage $5 BallRaidSeawayTrade $6 Lost ArtsTraining $7 Inheritance $8 Pathfinding
Empires 4D Engineer 8D City QuarterOverlordRoyal Blacksmith $2 Encampment/PlunderPatrician/EmporiumSettlers/Bustling Village $3 Castles (Humble CastleCrumbling CastleSmall CastleHaunted CastleOpulent CastleSprawling CastleGrand CastleKing's Castle) • Catapult/RocksChariot RaceEnchantressFarmers' MarketGladiator/Fortune $4 SacrificeTempleVilla $5 ArchiveCapitalCharmCrownForumGroundskeeperLegionaryWild Hunt
Events: 5D Triumph 8D AnnexDonate $0 Advance $2 DelveTax $3 Banquet $4 RitualSalt the Earth $43D Wedding $5 Windfall $6 Conquest $14 Dominate
Landmarks: AqueductArenaBandit FortBasilicaBathsBattlefieldColonnadeDefiled ShrineFountainKeepLabyrinthMountain PassMuseumObeliskOrchardPalaceTombTowerTriumphal ArchWallWolf Den
Nocturne $0* Will-o'-WispWish $2 DruidFaithful HoundGuardianMonasteryPixie (Goat) • Tracker (Pouch) $2* Imp $3 ChangelingFool (Lost in the WoodsLucky Coin) • Ghost TownLeprechaunNight WatchmanSecret Cave (Magic Lamp) $4 BardBlessed VillageCemetery (Haunted Mirror) • ConclaveDevil's WorkshopExorcistNecromancer (Zombies: Zombie ApprenticeZombie MasonZombie Spy) • Shepherd (Pasture) • Skulk $4* Ghost $5 CobblerCryptCursed VillageDen of SinIdolPooka (Cursed Gold) • Sacred GroveTormentorTragic HeroVampire (Bat) • Werewolf $6 Raider
Boons: The Earth's GiftThe Field's GiftThe Flame's GiftThe Forest's GiftThe Moon's GiftThe Mountain's GiftThe River's GiftThe Sea's GiftThe Sky's GiftThe Sun's GiftThe Swamp's GiftThe Wind's Gift
Hexes: Bad OmensDelusion (Deluded) • Envy (Envious) • FamineFearGreedHauntingLocustsMisery (Miserable/Twice Miserable) • PlaguePovertyWar
Renaissance $2 Border Guard (HornLantern) • DucatLackeys $3 Acting TroupeCargo ShipExperimentImprove $4 Flag Bearer (Flag) • HideoutInventorMountain VillagePatronPriestResearchSilk Merchant $5 Old WitchRecruiterScepterScholarSculptorSeerSpicesSwashbuckler (Treasure Chest) • Treasurer (Key) • Villain
Projects: $3 CathedralCity GatePageantSewersStar Chart $4 ExplorationFairSilosSinister Plot $5 AcademyCapitalismFleetGuildhallPiazzaRoad Network $6 BarracksCrop RotationInnovation $7 Canal $8 Citadel
Menagerie $2 Black CatSleighSupplies $3 Camel TrainGoatherdScrapSheepdogSnowy VillageStockpile $3* Horse $4 Bounty HunterCardinalCavalryGroomHostelryVillage Green $5 BargeCovenDisplaceFalconerGatekeeperHunting LodgeKilnLiveryMastermindPaddockSanctuary $5* Fisherman $6* DestrierWayfarer $7* Animal Fair
Events: $0 DelayDesperation $2 GamblePursueRideToil $3 EnhanceMarchTransport $4 BanishBargainInvestSeize the Day $5 CommerceDemandStampede $7 Reap $8 Enclave $10 AlliancePopulate
Ways: Way of the ButterflyWay of the CamelWay of the ChameleonWay of the FrogWay of the GoatWay of the HorseWay of the MoleWay of the MonkeyWay of the MouseWay of the MuleWay of the OtterWay of the OwlWay of the OxWay of the PigWay of the RatWay of the SealWay of the SheepWay of the SquirrelWay of the TurtleWay of the Worm
Allies $2 BaubleSycophantTownsfolk (Town Crier / Blacksmith / Miller / Elder) $3 Augurs (Herb Gatherer / Acolyte / Sorceress / Sibyl) • Clashes (Battle Plan / Archer / Warlord / Territory) • Forts (Tent / Garrison / Hill Fort / Stronghold) • ImporterMerchant CampOdysseys (Old Map / Voyage / Sunken Treasure / Distant Shore) • SentinelUnderlingWizards (Student / Conjurer / Sorcerer / Lich) $4 BrokerCarpenterCourierInnkeeperRoyal GalleyTown $5 BarbarianCapital CityContractEmissaryGalleriaGuildmasterHighwaymanHunterModifySkirmisherSpecialistSwap $6 Marquis
Allies: Architects' GuildBand of NomadsCave DwellersCircle of WitchesCity-stateCoastal HavenCrafters' GuildDesert GuidesFamily of InventorsFellowship of ScribesForest DwellersGang of PickpocketsIsland FolkLeague of BankersLeague of ShopkeepersMarket TownsMountain FolkOrder of AstrologersOrder of MasonsPeaceful CultPlateau ShepherdsTrappers' LodgeWoodworkers' Guild
Plunder $2 CageGrottoJewelled EggSearchShaman $3 Secluded ShrineSirenStowawayTaskmaster $4 AbundanceCabin BoyCrucibleFlagshipFortune HunterGondolaHarbor VillageLanding PartyMapmakerMaroonRopeSwamp ShacksTools $5 Buried TreasureCrewCutthroatEnlargeFigurineFirst MateFrigateLongshipMining RoadPendantPickaxePilgrimQuartermasterSilver MineTricksterWealthy Village $6 Sack of Loot $7 King's Cache $7* Loots (AmphoraDoubloonsEndless ChaliceFigureheadHammerInsigniaJewelsOrbPrize GoatPuzzle BoxSextantShieldSpell ScrollStaffSword)
Events: $1 Bury $2 AvoidDeliverPerilRush $3 ForayLaunchMirrorPrepareScrounge $4 MaelstromJourney $6 Looting $10 InvasionProsper
Traits: CheapCursedFatedFawningFriendlyHastyInheritedInspiringNearbyPatientPiousRecklessRichShyTireless
Rising Sun 5D Mountain Shrine 6D Daimyo 8D Artist $2 FishmongerSnake Witch $3 AristocratCraftsmanRiverboatRoot Cellar $4 AlleyChangeNinjaPoetRiver ShrineRustic Village $5 Gold MineImperial EnvoyKitsuneLitterRice BrokerRoninTanukiTea House $6 Samurai $7 Rice
Events: 8D Continue $2 AmassAsceticismCreditForesight $3 KintsugiPractice $4 Sea Trade $5 Receive Tribute $7 Gather
Prophecies: Approaching ArmyBiding TimeBureaucracyDivine WindEnlightenmentFlourishing TradeGood HarvestGreat LeaderGrowthHarsh WinterKind EmperorPanicProgressRapid ExpansionSickness
Promo $3 Black MarketChurch $4 DismantleEnvoySauna/AvantoWalled Village $5 GovernorMarchlandStash $6 Captain $8 Prince
Events: $5 Summon
Base Cards $0 CopperCurse $2 Estate $3 Silver $4 Potion $5 Duchy $6 Gold $8 Province $9 Platinum $11 Colony
See also: Second EditionErrataOuttakes (Confusion) • Fan cardsCard storageList of cards (in other languages)